Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Nov 1998, p. 38

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2B--Thedlan Chiain, FrleIayNovomber , 1998 Magnificnrt lucior rPool & Fliness Centre - Utiities & Parking lncluded - Fantastic Location! TO VEW CALL (905) 6398583 Please present this ad aitlime of viow- ing. Some restrictions apply. BURLINOTON W TOWERS il A PA R TM EN TS 1 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available 1 OTAIRETATMAL ONE bedroom availabto i m med 1a tet1y . $65Oimonth incl. utii- fies and parking. Opan House f0 slow, Sft. Nov. 7/98. lpm tilt 3 pm. 248 Martin St. TIIREE bedroom spart- ment. $10OOOimonth plus utilities. No pts. Please oel Joo at 905- 691-3189 attor 6 p.m. TWO bodroom base- mont apartmoent, privafe onfranco, ample park- ing. Country sefting, 1 mile north of Milton. $55OJ1mon h lus heatlhydro. Avait . Dec. 1/98. Firstlasf. Roter- onces roquired. Cati Miko 876-3838 (days) 853-2996 (evonings) or Frank at 876-1343. TWO bedroom, down- town Milton. Above store. $775. plus heat & hydro. Availabie Dec. lst. Ca1d8750873. FURNISHED bedroom. Share houso. James Snow Pkwy./Steeles available immedîafely. 876-3223 FURNISHEDIfJNFUR- NISHED. Use of re- mainder of house. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to ait amenities. $550/mont i n inclusive. Phono extra. Dave, 878-1833, leave mes- sage. ROOM avaitable. Use of house on quiet court. Cali between 6 and 9 p.m. Ask for Richard . 876-0899. PRIVATE - "Bronto Meadows". 322 Wood- lawn Cr. Caîl to view: 693-8485. 2 sforey, 3 bedroom, double drive, dock, fenced. $184900. PRIVATE SALE. 3 bod- room Backsplit. Walk- ouf to backyard, quiet part of town. $195000. For appointment oel 878-3021.- PRIVATE SALE: 3 bod- room backsplit. Low traffic, quiet crescent. Close f0 schools and vÀthin walking distance f0 plaza. Largo inground pool. Extra large lot, surroundod by park- land. Dosirable locaton. Plus lofa of oxtras. No agents plase. Asking $209000. 878-3832. j' a j' I M "p i j'x aNt N90 N E C yF7 7 E. C. DRURY ANNUAL FALL CRAFT SALE NOVEMBER 114-15, 1998 T SME . ýjs ! 2 2 10 am - 4 pmUe 1 FM RA 215 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON OVER 100 VENDORS Admission $2.00 cacc r FIýY NOV 6 SAT. NOV.7 6pm -9pm lam - 4pm Few- rp .*s LêbIs,âlrasdtrissaS Cà& Onil, adr. a eic WAtr/ I399 Coxe Bvd., Milton stF p @Mmi sgo-t Thi and Christmas Craft Sale Sft., Nov. 7, 9 amn - 3pm Sun., Nov. 8, 9amn- 3 pm 92 MARTIN STREET Reindeer, Christmas Mouse, ha Snowman Famlly, Wall Decorafion dlots more great Christmas gIlA. TB SAT. NOV. 7 TiH BVI&8AN - 5 PM 6621 8TH LINE HORNBY (Btween Derry & Brittania Rd.) j' cBANAI Mflton Prepares to Celebrato Unity ln Diversity The second week of November is once again being promoted os Unty ln Dverslty Week across Canada. The Town of Milon has formally deciared thie week af November 8-14 as the UnIty in iversty Week. The Bhai communlty of Milton Is orgonlzing Unlty ln Dlversity cetebratian ln Milton as a service ta ail residents of Milton, The spirit of Unty in Diversity Week is naf a passive concept of acceptance. but on active principin colllng for aur going out of aur way ta cherish and celebrote aur differences whiie recagnising mhat we are ait part of the famiiy af humanklnd. Multicolour unity ribbans wiil be distributed at the Loblows Supermarkets an Saiturday, Novomber 7th between 10:00 amn and 4 pmn. Residentrof Milton are encouroged ta pick up and wear these ribbons throughaut mhe Unity ln Diversify Week. A carrimunity forum wIlt be heid on Saturday, Novombor 14 fram 3 fa 7 pin af Hugh Foster Hall In Mlton, followed by an International potluck dînner. Variaus communify groups are lnvted ta particIpate ln the community forum ta dlsplay Information an type of services that eoch pravIdes for the diverse graup of people who live ln Miton, Att events are free of charge and open ta everyone, HULY iWbACY jAltIbi httplvww.golden.net-wtwthamiltorlpholyrosary-m.html 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) VHOLY ROSARY CHURCH j, 139 Matin Street 4 Mass at 5:30 prn Saturday 9:00 amn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heights Mass at 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CIIURCH 9th Uine & Britamnia Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Earl Tabot, P.P. ElCelebrating our 601h Anniversary MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a. m. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arnm. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study EL "But seek ye first the kingdomn of God, and bis righteousness; and ail these things shall be added unto you." Sunday, November 8, 1998 9:45 a.m. - TRAINING IN TRUTH Sunday School for Ait Ages 10:45 am. - TH-E APPOINTMENT WITH GOD Pastor Rosge ciii hi oiuring a&messefrom the Sermon Serino 7ED I MIU OiFVCTODY- BUT AGONTOF MEE FIEF Hoif Communion Wiii B0e Srved 6:30 p.m. - EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLY SPICIAL UISTSfAEL. R-IENA MIRR Wriie of TV'e Galloping Gourmet, Graham Kerr Dont fmisa Iis powerful service! HWOFNP9 US! VicoTORWBBLK OHURCH Have you ever wondered why you are here on earth? Have you ever wanted ta make a difference in the lives of others? Do you wonder what the keys are ta being successful in ail areas of your I ife? If so, then 1 would encourage you to join us at Victory Bible Church where you can be equipped through ifs ministries to have a life thaf is fulfilling. VBC is a church where Christianify is flot a religion, but an opportunify f0 have a relafionship with God and His word that will change lives for etemify. 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for children 9 years and under) "Living A VicorousULfe By The Word 0f God' Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 F;-.il- " e LOCAL: ............................ 878-0011 Mattbew 6.33 _____________________________________________________ Grace An leiINSTEanU C Chure , 123 MANS, MILTON BIBLEC U H h urhMILOOT meets at 317 Main St. E., Milton NMInIsters: Rev. Bob Hyde 5!0 1Rev. John B.nhem Mito eiosAtiiyCete -50Cid rv the Church on the Hilli 878-2411 c H lRDroo tulo MtnSeisAcvtyC te, sîSDrv Bey. Dr. Mark McDermott IetroMui cons te worehffi Judy Hunter 10:00 arn - M.B.C. in The WORD How to filid us SUNDAY SERVICES SUtIDAY, Novembgr 8, 1998110ar-MB..iWRHII 8:06arn -:Hol CetlsfUfloTl10:30 am.WORStIIP 9la.-I1rSng Etcarst, and Churoh School. Classes Tuesday - 7:30 pm M.B.C. in Prayer Ia lOrÔ arn.Sutg Eehaist SERMON7TITLE:DVOING A NEW TING at90R.cloi. NurseryJogaCut 900o - . - Gre. Npissing R.& Thompson &offei . :h ShooNursery C a vail ablePstr & -éiffeç ýSorynô levd.àcocesduring construotion atrp __ ~ WEDilES~AY" . -~-- -vistur -Rev. james A. DeMarsh. SWheeIchar acoess through pàillg let d.. shUp/twglobe arvnef-s"WImiHtors 876-3586 f OUF? - St. Paul's Annual VILLAGE FAIR SATURDAY, OVEMBER 7, 1998 Q10 arn f02 pin ST. PAUL'S GRAHAM HALL 123 Main St., Milton Lunch 11 arn to1 pin Crocheting - Knitting - Crats -Baiing Christmas Decoratione . Caiendars Mincomeat - Meat Pies iOda Wold Enlot a heerty county lunch Everyore nei cna, coits end enjoy MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bodrooras availabie on bus roue, frmahly deco- rafed, 2 applances, on-site laundryt, idudos al tlifes (OxcOpf phono & cablo.) Free paring, no pets Refrencès reurd 90"-76-1249 wyappoinbnentonly rc, CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE 4TH ANNUAL SAT. NOV. 7'98 9AM - 4 PM 4W Oak St., Milton Chrisunas Collectiblu & Gifts 6-

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