Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Nov 1998, p. 36

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CLASSIFIRED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-00,M - 5-00PM M1IL>AYm IIPYSTh BIRTHDAo BICKERS, Cari - in loving memory of orda HELE WA SONson, brothor and uncle, Cari, who passsd away s hostfng an One ysar has passed sînce thaf sad day, OPEN H OUSE Ths one we ioved waa calted away. an Sat., Nov. 7, 199 Withouf farewsil he feu ailesp, om24p nHu FMrHn Lsaving m:rnoniea foraus f0 kesp; But in aur hearta heul always stay, Loed and remembered svsry day. Sadly missed by Dad, Nom & Family CONGRATULATIONS Fi 1 ) Love and Best Wishes ~rom yourfamcly BROWN, Chriafopher - In loving memoy of our wonderful son, who paased away November 3rd, 1997. tfa a boy fhey said as we heard you cry And cradled you in our arma, Gazing upon your fîny face, we wsme aweafruck by your charma. Diapera, tsars and laughfer, Schoolwork, fun and flu, Soccsr games f0 feenage day Lovely acensa of you. 0sf in loye and hasas, fhe ysars go rusing by, We woks up one mroming, and you had said goocibye. Vour childhood'a aaapsailnsmory, But ws thank God abovs, for the man and friend bom frors fhaf chifd, Vou'If forsvsr have our lovs. We misa you aweef angel, More than you wili ever know. Wifh alil ur love, Mom à Dad xo BROWN, Chrstopher - ln loving rnernory of my darfing grandison who passed away November 3,1997. Remsmbsring you la easy, f do if evsry day. Missng you lsas heartache, That neyer goes away. You had a amils for evsryone, You had a heart of gold, You leff the swesfesf memonies, This worfd could ever hold. To me you were sonisons special Whaf more ia fhsrs f0 aay, Excspf f0 wish wifh ail my hsart, That you wsre here to-day. Too dearly laved ta ever be forgofen. Nanny Brown GREEN - In loving memory of two wondertul par- ents and grandiparenfs, David, October 13,1983 and Dorafhy, November 7,1995. Everytime we see your picture, You seemn to smile and say, "Dont cry 'm only sleeping, We'Il meet again somedayX. And wfien we're sad and lonely And everything goes wrong, We hear you whisper aofty, «Cheer Up and canry on". If we could have one wish And know if would corne trie, We'd telephone to Heaven And ask to spsak with you. Sadly mi aaed and Iovingly rem.embered by Pam, Neil, Tara, Melanie & Michelle. NADAUN, Henry - n loving memory of a hua- band, father and nonno who lefi us on November 6,1990. n a quiet country graveyani Around the cover of our homes Lies the one we love and miss Who died eight years ago. We visit your grave often And place flowers there with cars And no one knows the heartache We we turn and leave you there. To ses your faoe, f0 see your amile To ait with you and talk awhile, Would be our greateaf wish today. The hardest fhing in our lives to bear fa f0 want you and you 're not there. Sadly miased by your wife, children and grandchildrsn. TH1E FAMILY of the fate Bruce McClure wsh f0 thank family, friends and neighbours for their support and kindness, lowers, carda, visita, food and gifla to chanities. Ws would also like f0 thank Dr. Chung, Dr. Hui and the second floor nurses at Milton Disfrict Hospitaf, Rsv. Ken Jack- son of Hillcresf Unied Churcli for his support and the ladies of l-illcresf U.C.W. for providing fhe wonderful lunch. A special fhank you f0 the Jones FaneraI Home, Georgefown for their care and underafanding. Classified MOGINNIS, Isabelle - April 20,1909 - October 23,1998. The family of the fate Isabelle MoGinnias xfsnd a incere fhank you f0 att the relatives, frianda and nsighbours for their support and kindnesss duning thia difficuit time. A special fhank you f0 the dsdicafed nurses in Chronic Cars who f reat- ed Mom wvith such love and kindness duning the past nine years and whose constant support dur- ing those last days was beyond the cal0f dufy. Thank you also f0 Dr. Koslowaki for hia years of service bofh f0 Mors & Dad. To Scott, Michelle & Jsremy of the J. Scott Earfy Funeral Home, many thanka for your guidance and cars. Afso our appreciafion as sent ouf f0 Father Earf Tabot, Father Mike Francis and Jean MacKenzie and the pastoral feam of Holy Rosary Panish for their ongoing indneases f0 Mom and our family. "At Reat" UÉLCOMIEe WGON "*New ln town? " Geffng mar lnhi3 mont ha or more? " Havlng a baby? " Eatabliahlng a naw buinua? PLIASE CALL US: Coummnlty Wslcome Liita ...854-1563 Marilyn..875-0519 Brfiai Shirley..878-7046 Baby Tracy L. ...876-4330 Basfosas/Prof osaiosai Paf ...876-40401 ANNIVERSARY F5UDAY, NOV. 6 E' .~ - 24-me CandiChampNion, Friday, Novemnber 6, 1998 il otones jSeeida Champion lor <ur iieiv Allesones 'scition. TO Jannounce vour special event, cal! The Champion s Classizped I Department ai 875-3300. NOW available for dey- tim apontens. NO MONE DO»N A&W requires part tims Al Logan, RMT has moe&Petas 233 M.X persona for wesk daya. Massage Therapy ap- rompete multînedw Sinterne il1AM fa 5 PM and r intments avaifable $12.50kt weskenda. Please aub- uesday, Wednesday & C i Wmif reaurne f0: 235 Thursday from 9 arn f08 potessiciay fynleî. 200. Stesies Ave., (Corner of pmi, Friday frors 8 am to sart ci pgmoganegF. Xcfy Martin & Stestes) 12 pm. 905-693-3546. S&.2WCUNR SY O REGISTERED Mas- tomscesker, $11258*' NUTS requires part Umre sage Therapiaf now tak- 192r Sira, $6.25M. counfer hslp. Affer- ing appoinfmsnfs: $20 Cail 1-UO-267-9480 noons and weekends. introductory 1/2 heur-- Please cati 878-4441. massage; $27 for-1/2 SEAT SaIsI Freshen Up Do VU hv hour, $45 for 1 hour. your dinefte/dinginroorn Horso/Rhv Ear candling available. chairs. Roilf snds..f rom Hos/Rdn expeni For mors information, $18.95/sa seat. Fabnic ence? Bahr Sade n caîl Connie Macîntyre & labour included. Hornby a flooking for an RMT atf878-5844. Fields Oualify Customn enfhuaiaatic individuel Upholsteiring. 875-4427, ifh excellent people 9-9. akilla for a full firne posi- tion in our store. 878- SECTIONAL Chester- 8885 Weskdays. il pc OQusen Anne, f ield, brown/beigs, ELO MF.rqie Che rrywood , sfnipe, excellent condi-I1ETNMG.rqie Diningroom set. Brand ion, $150. Chesterfield1 general labourer. Heavy $ 0e , i s ac rifidc e & love Cseat, rey/blue, fting requiredAppy $40.905-567-4042. bies, grey/glass, $75. ilon BED blck rouht rn TV. enferfainmenf unit, LOCAL Lighfing manu- BED backwrugh ion black, $75. 878-3568. facturer requirea gener- canopy, Ousan orthope- 1 dic; maffreas/frarne.. SIT ON IT - Dont SitfIn ai labourer ful fime. Ap- Neyer opened, ceaf If I Replacement toam ply at 289 Alliance $1,200. Sacrifice $490. for cushiona. Road, Milton. (905) 567-4042 ResidenfiaV/commercial. LOOKING FOR FE E s-ists o Fields Upholafery, 9-9. 7 WORK? Are you 16 foi FREbbly tcharteakO days/weskl 875-4427. 24 years old? Ouf et apringa tired looking SONY amplifier, tape work and achool? We wood inishes? We do if deck, CD player & laser can help. Caîl Burlingfon ail. Custom wood refin- diaplayer, top of lins, 68-1140: Oakville 845- ishing and furnifure te- hardly uaed. 905-689- 9430 et.8160. pairs. Fielda Customs 1706. ONTARIO Tres Fruits Furnifure. 9-9 daily. 875- requirea fulf fime/part 4427. tire genersi labourera. GREA Sainge Wat -Pfease apply in psrson a grat etun o anor fax resurne f0: oial r eatent So-an(905)878-7848, 370 On- tas frorn $598. Sofa-taoSNrhMion beda frorn $447. Chairs GARAGE Ont. L9T 2V1. f rom $198. Seniors Dis- SALE counts. Fields Ouality SAT. NOV. 7 Custors Upholtening. 8 AM 875-4427, 9-9. _ 235 BRONTE ST KING BED. X-thick UNIT M22 OrtopeicPilowtp, ASSORTMENT > $625. (905) 567-4042. LITTLE Tykes washer/ a nu dryer and car. Like nsw.O Wall unit w/bar. Crib 0l w/rnatfresa. Other baby I and houshold items.i GARAGE Great prices. 878-9161. SALE C> MUST SELL! 50% dis- A NO.7c count. 4Whesl (1 or 2 9 AM horse) Carf, 2 wheel 92 JOHN ST. mefal horse cart. Pair of hors hameas (single or 1 pairod). Please cail 878- -- 8848. FREE Admirai stove, standard size, needa 875-1794 meveena !LAEREYL n875 bo17 or elerinsent. E ECCL isave message. 1 THIS !APER 1000 Pharmacisic attmsdedaShe, j Bruce Clemenl, sons of Betty ai th laie WH. (BG"n) CLment, ceas asvaledth Honour of Pharmacisi of the Year 199 S for Ontaio. ____ PEOIILLA, Gluseppe "Jo." - Psacefuify af tdm Mltton District Hospital on Wsdnssday, No- vefnber 4th, 1998, Jas Pedulla of Milon, b.- fovsd husbsnd of Maria Pedulla. Loving faher f0 Rosa (Joe Beteeders), Frank (Sylvia), Efs (LugiAntonuocd - de ssc, Mike (Linda), Tony (Nancy) aU of -amn.Ss ~misssd by grandchildren Marsa, Laure, Enzo, Sonia, Lind ( , Lsa (ran), oePaul and Christopher and nine greaf grandcfiifdrsn. Rssting at the J. Sofft Earfy Funeraf Homes, 21 James Sft, Miffon frorn 2-4 and 7-9 p.rn. Friday atdP ÎIfrethepecaed. erctda 1 - - D 1 n-ru; =à%# li

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