The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 27, 1998 - REl 1 Why Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side 0f The Fence? (FIOO)-Perhaps the neighbours know 1 a thing or two about lawn care. Summer has come and gone and chances are it bas taken its toil on your lawn. Drought. dis- euve, ilisecis anîd weeds cari cve souy lawn thin and patchy. A few simple steps this (ail will help your lawn recover (rom summer damage and betp protect it (rom winter stress. Good nutrition is important in maintain- ing a heatthy lawn. Fertitizing in tate sum- mer, between the middle of August and the second week in September, and again later in (ail is advised by experts. Tur(grass speciatiat Pam Charbonneau (rom Guelph, Ontario, advises that the nitrogen supplied by fertitizer will increase the chiorophyti content and will resuit in better (ail colour. It also increases photo- synthesis, the manufacture of sugars in plants. Later in the (ail, when temperatures drop and the green parts cease to grow, the moots are stili actively absorbing nitrogen. The roots store this nitrogen untit the foi- towing spring, making for better winter recovery. Fertilizing at this time also pro- motes deeper roots, Charbonneau points out, again making for better lawns the fol- lowing season and delaying the need to commence spring (ertilizer applications untit May. She wams, however, that tim- ing of the late summer/early (ail fertitiza- tion can be critical. Too earty and the grass witl grow tush and be susceptible to winter damage; too late and it witl have no bene- fit. Appty white the grass is stili green but no longer growing. As with ail fertitiza- tions, use a mechanicat spreader to ensure even application. In late summer and earty (ail, lawn weeds start activety growing again. Instead of waiting until next spring, con- trot themn now with an application of a weed and feed fertitizer. Once the weeds have died, the fertilizer will encourage the smatt patches left in the tawn to fitl. Other tawn maintenance practices also have an influence on your lawn's ability to survive the winter. Lawns with an abun- dance of thatch are more prone to winter injury. Thatch is a tightty intermingled layer of living and dead materiat which devetops betow the green vegetation and above the soul surface. When the thatch layer exceeds 1/2 inch (11/4 cm), it must be controlled. Thatch harbours disease- causing organisms such as snow mould, and when excessive, aiso reduces penetra- tion of water and fertilizer and makes pes- ticide applications iess effective. Early Secunity s mostly a superstition. 3 BEDROOM bnac It does not exast needs updatîng.I an nature, nor do cati Ross Runnails the children of men as a whole experience it. __ Jo. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright expostare. Life is either a daring adven- ~ ture or nothing. -Helen Keler (ail, when the lawn is vigorously growing, is a good time to con- trol this problem cither by the vigorous use of a gravel rake or by renting powered dethatching equipment. Lawns should have 30 days of good growing weather to recover (rom this procedure. An annual upplica6on ut hurticulturul bne ussists in ceinfg the acd soi! conditions that favour the buildup of thatch. It also will improve soul structure and release nutrients otherwise locked up and unavailable to the grass. Apply several weeks separate (rom regular (ertilizations. Home lawns should be mowed at a cutting height of no shorter than 2 inches (5 cm). Shorter lawns make it easier for weeds to become estabiished. Correct mowing height, along with good fer- tilization, wiIl result in a thick lawn which chokes out weed seedlings. In addition, the longer grass wiil be able to manufac- ture more food reserves (or winter and witl remain healthier and more attractive. It is advisabte though to reduce the height (or the final cutting down to 11/2 inches (33/4 cm). Over winter, long grass witl allow snow mould diseases to develop. If the grass is cut any shorter than 11/2 inches, the crowns o( the grass plants are more susceptible to, winter damage. If there are thin or bare patches, late summer through earty (al is an excellent time to thicken up the tawn by apptying quatity grass seed. Preparation is important (or proper germination and establishment. The bare soul shouid be raked hard to create a "tilth" or loose soul bed into which the seed can settle. Some gar- deners spread topsoil over the tawn, but this should be done with caution. Ensure that the topsoil has been sterilized so that it is free of weed seeds, otherwise such soul can reintroduce weeds to your tawn. Uniformly spread the seed, then use an empty rouler to press it firmly in contact with the soil. Use a mist or soaker hose frequently to keep the seeding moist without washing the seed away. Failen tree leaves, if ieft on the tawn, wiil smother the grass. Raking them up is an annuat chore that may be avoided if the lawn mower is fitted with muicbing blades. A thin layer of (allen COUNTRY BUILDING LOT A private wooded, 2 acre homesite. This picturesque property features rolling slopes, knolls, hardwood & softwood bush. Close proximatey to highways and towns. The well is already in place. Caîl Steve Porter for details.1 leaves can be finely pulverized when they and maintenance practices now will give are dry and left on the lawn without any magnificent resuits this (ail and again next adverse affects. spring. Take advantage of the good growing conditions in lho fuIllu hlelp your lawn The Felier Inisotiii recover from summer. Correct tertîfzaton Ot Ontaro Ie. [~Cambeliville Realty ne. 90 Main Street North, Campbollville 884(Guelph Lino 1 block south of 401) Phone: 854-2294 I 10 ACRE HOBBY FARM Iecaled lest weut et Carnpbeilvltte ever loolaînq Meentsberg Lake. The 3-bdrrn berne bas bec otatly renovated and deceraled wtb tep qeallly werkrnansblp & matial:. Has a 4 siail bolse barn & mun-lu sbed, paddocks, ternes wltb 4-appt. set. dlsb, ractor & rnucbhrnore. Asklng $379,UO.Cati Sylvia for more oetaits. CLASSIC CENTURY HOME on approx. 112 acre mature lot conventently Iocated min. nortb ot 401 at Guelpb Lice. Has 4- large bedreoms, beautifut for- mal ivingldicleg rrna swllb statunflats:wIndows, oaî tonrs, 96" celings wood-burcing Ipi. antique macnie. Main fleuor den, famlly & laundry rooms. te- ground poo, dbl. garage. ASI- ING ONLY $269,000. JUSI LISTED ... $214,900 Countr y settinq ln town, Iovely s lit-lovel orne sur- rounded witb taititrees and Sark-land ln a quiet area of Ide Milton, cames wlth a separate in-liw suite, main fi. tamilly rrn. with tireplace, cattiedral ceil- icus, bardwood floors, 8 appliances mncl. Cali Sylvia for vlewung. ____ REALTY PROFESIONALS INC. 85lt 12MI tE aras. Well bas bsen leatures 5 pc. bath BSNCT5I MAINST$MET FRONTAGE MAIN STREET At anescellent lacabaon i Fronting on Main Street Cmeca pc ta", bs .2 reasiateEast thase 3 units aller Yaau it lava the grand great exposure and for lease. 7 offices de* Nqold mm ievestment opportanity and boardroom with rdaeaulim bdtfyer. lt as development uses reception ares. Cali prnpaty tia lle nvrri expand in tiis ares. Cali Domnenic Manchisi mad qaater and altrile Domeeîc Manchisi or or James 1). Snow car garage. Cali James. James Snow for for datais. à $VýM detatîs.1 sacy t iicpol eat -ta kitcbea, aak ktcben cabiaetry, aad lenuisnflaor lsllyreem. rate Ti levely bame ha for esc carpetiig and Jas fer mare delails. GREAT PRICE MTOF1 h1E 31.f Wth 3 bedrooms, 3S1a I L dM.cs upgraded eat-in heeae in ar@ af Mite's kitchen and centrai ineai complexes. air Don't mss Ibis.asmtdd ti Cati Mickey for;rriaaeftbls details. $128,9W1 ! aiMikyfrmr 1 1 iniai ýYCE SCOTT REAL ESTATE INC. JSR