,er 16,1998 She re-in vents herseif at milestone in her life By IRENE GENTLE Special to the Champion Sorne peopie have a nid-iife crisis with their 4th birthday just around the benti. Others start up a whoie new lite. That was the route taken by Cyndy Richards Jarieson, who celebrated her 4th birthday by transforrning herself into the recording artist Cyn D. Today she is ail set to launch her debut CD, Just Around The Corner. Her first lite hegan when Ms Richards wed at the tender age of 19. The ail-but SMohawk R )h ,}I,.,ânment chilti bride kcked off the marriage by hav- ing a chilti barely a year later. Four others followed in rapiti succession. "They A carne quite fast anti furious," esee FAMILY arn page 17 aceway. Guelph Lin e, North of the 401, Campbellvle 0LF STA-^NDARDBREDS COPI PIKTHEM Bar + s 0/ ,* i~ , s lingo The Canadian Breeders Championship Saturday, October 24th. Post timec 7:30 pin. There's a little something for every Standardbred fan at Mohawk this season. With 8 races and $670,000 in purses, you can watch your favourite 2 and 3 year old fillies and colts pace and trot their xvay to victory. Iniprovensents? Lo)ads. A ncw traprock surface, longer final stretch, -%ider turns and roomn for 10 horses should mnake for great finishes. 'Tis the season to pick and choosc the ws'nners, so coi-ne to Mohawvk and sec what you can gather. FAIR YE WELL. Bring the wholcfamilv to the Mohawvk Fali Fair, October 23rd and 24th. Eperience over 40 events with crafis and enterainment for you and your littie pumpkins. Try the home bakedgoods, visit the petting zoo or satisfv your swveee tooth at the Kandy Korner. There 's so much to do, sve had to make it a tn'o-day affair. M OHAWK INFO? CALL 1-888-675-RACE. ,,,,..)-C.COM h AWK. W _________PARKING____&__ADMISSION____ARE____________FREE._ Art tour is on next weekend It's prirnarily painting, but other crafts wili be featured as welI during the Fine Arts Society of Milton's first annuai studio tour the weekend of October 24-25. "Most people do flot realize how rnany accomplisbed artists live in thse area,» noteti tour coordinator Anne Elliot. "Just in time for Christmuas shopping and browsing, a total of 12 locations will be selling hand-crafted items. "Although most of the society members are primarily painters, this tour mecludes pottery, sculpture, carving, pho- tography, staineti glass and other crafts," Ms Elliot noteti. "Many artists are multi-talented and will be selling more than one original craft." There is no admission charge for thse tour, andi visitors may take in the various sites in any order. Most of the stu- dios are west of urban Milton andi south of Highway 401. Although soute afists have spacous studious, others don't andi are displaying their work in a location shareti with col- leagues, such as Canspbellville's Mohawk lmn. Thse tour runs from 10 a.m. through 5 pam. Saturday and froru noon through 5 p.m. Sunday. Tour guide texts are available at thse following urban Milton locations: Thse Leisure Centre, Tourist Information Centre, Seniors Centre, the Milton Public Library, Szechuan Wok restaurant, Unique Frame and Art, Trattoria Domenico, the Harrop restaurant. In the rural area, they are at the Mohawk Inn, Ice House restaurant, Country Laine Cafe and Tea Room, Lowville (lenerai Store anti Garden Gallery. For more information, cail tour coordinator Anne Elliot at 876-3377. OCTOBER IS EVE HEALTH MONTH EYE CLINIC Thursday, Oct. 22 7:00 pm A FIRST FOR THE COMMUNITY 0F MILTON An Introductory Seminar on How vision affects cildren Glaucoma Cataracts Macular Degeneration Diabetes Laser corrective surgery - is there a cure? Upstairs at Loblaws Community Meeting Room 75 Nipissing Rd., Milton Presented by Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist -a member of the Canadian Associaton of Optometrists Cai 878-5882 to reserve your space Swing &f Sweet Big Band Styles of the 40's & 50's Glen Miller * Guy Lombardo * Clyde McCoy Artie Shaw * Sarnry Kay * and others 8560 Tremamne Rd., Mlton Don Singular's Mdenory Lau. Orchetra * 16 ieeBand F or Tickets Phone 905-87"4151 0 Rereshents ToIl Free 1-888-307-3276 * Door Prizes Admission $15 per person * Buffet Net Proceeds to * Spot Dances The Farm Museumn Toronto, Lndon.401 L ;i~i~r'h~zh'J ~.. .... .... 1 jq 1 i