RE - The Can adian Champion, Tuesday, O c ,t ober 6, 1998 Y U s l Chattels, fixtures: Put ien t ingbefore-yu rnid. s teli If you're thiraking of selling your home un the near future, have you given mueh (liouglul lu whaî you plan lu leave wih thie home and what you'd like 10 take with you? What about tIse washer and dryer or the fridge and sove? Or how about the heirloom chandelier in the dining room? While these may flot seemn like impor- tant coeros rghu ross.your laiure 10 address them in your listing and the agreement of purchase and sale could lead 10 a major misunderstanding with a poten- Idelaocaio,- iinus2ahadro r And Cthc last hing you'll want is the loso of the sale i of youu [tonic Lue lto aispitte or ttstne 1.tttu over a relatively minor item.a Your realtor will guide you through the listing process and will ask you what you want to include int the sale. But it's a good ides to make up a list before meeting your realtor, 10 be sure you don't forget any- thing. He or se will explain that fixtures are permanent improvements to a property which normally stay with the property as part of tIse sale. For instance, if you've upgraded your wiring or your heating systemn, these are considered to be permanent fixtures. However, keep in mnd tIsaI the law la not always crystal clear about what constitutes a fixture. There are circumatances where you may plan 10 remove somnething that might ordinarily be considered a fix- ure - like the heirloom chandelier Aunt Mailda gave you. Most purchasera would assume this type of fixture is included in tIse sale unleas you specify the conrary in the listing. Ib is also absolutely necesaary you set out theae stipulations in the agreement of purchaae and sale. ObIser items like water heabers and softenera are often rented and are not owned by the vendor. In this circumatances, the items should be excluded from bIse purchase price and the purchaser should be asked to assume the rentaI. Chattels l' s a fairly common practice for vendors 10 include in the selling price. Appliances and window cover- uu0S ut. (:0lt>11011 sIf Ihesc types oCfiCnus are t0 be included in your sale, your reahtor should give a precise description of them and state their loca- tion within the property. Other items to consider are lawn omaments, smoke alarmo and buiît-in vacuum cleaners. Generally, these types of things are left with the home, but some peo- pie stili like to take things with them. If you're one of these people, clearly state in writing what won't be included in the sale. Most realtors can recant -horror stories" about homeowners taking their watt-to-watt broadtoom with them - without specifying this in the listing or agreement of purchase and sale. Others can attest 10 the type of vendor who insista on taking lightbulbs and heat registers. Ifin Doubt ... If there is any doubt about a particular item, your realtor wîll include it in thse list of items to be includ- ed or excluded from thse purchase price. Isat way, if there is any dispute, the situation has already clearly been addressed. If you have any concerna, îalk to your realtor. As a trained professional, he or she will be able to guide you smoothly through the selling process and arswer any questions you mnay have. CI This article is provided by local realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the ben- efit of consumers in thse real estate market. ni ue.ý Iamo un-a. -lnu- Aavea loo It tISI uIteunlcmte k n3 edros2 canhrnnn, large eut-inkitchen tbcuê ised «For Sale' an $175000. Cili Wayne CasO, diy fm. rec. rnm t iepae&godlcin wu amam to iew at 879-444Askhrg $229900. aI Bil Couit a78-94944. Check oui Chris' web site at for ail the latest listings and sales information. Haton's only complte source for online Information. POTENTIAL Rural property oni acre ut land. Finisl hasement wih sepa entrance. Cai Tool more detils. $279900 Soreovwih apariment or second floor. Oetail rea 10 equipped with walk-in freezer, commercial snrhand ohelving io kichen arna, 200 amp opgrade, alara ytem, 1 pc. waohrnom in shop orna. Well han heen UPo roded. Three b edroom aparmeflt amiesa96eaepa~a9moe. CalDomenic wdat*nau*c am$,L or Joe or more Ala an cellent locaion in Fronting on Main Street t oc, foc .52 acre 08118 a se Cee3slsofrCommercial space mouid he yus dushoue.Eatte 3uisofr You il Inca the grand greaC exposure andt for bease. 7 offices a head font uto as developmnent uses reception area. Cal proetalso ottars nannyl expand in this arna. Caîl Domnenic Manchisi mid quaors and atriple Domenic Manchisi or or James D. Snow car garage. Cal James. James Snow for for delails. $37900details. CET INTHE SWIM Foor hedroom spîitle 1808, ci, at -in kitchen, oak one kilchen cabinetry, cnd hed m, ain fbon tamnAy nons. rate This lnvely home hec y fornew carpeting and ceaoate entrance. Caîl Joe fnr more detailo. R . , ~ Upgradcd cire wchh1090 GRATSTRER. 85p Cservce, plosbing With 3 bedrooms, rcotnwok1" upgraded cal-la ccc ahinglea, eoeendcd ktchen and central deck, reovated hath, air. Don'C miss hi. hyda n gquae 21s1l54 flCal Mickey for eiliey shed 10'n8. CatI detais $13 .ooDosenic Manchisi or Centuty 21 Realty Professionals Imc. is pleased to wel- micorne Eic Theriault as the newest member of our sales team. Eric has been a resident Miltonian for over 14 years and is a graduate of the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Eric is looking forward to serving ail of your real estate needs ýLand welcomes ail new and past friends and associates auIt, B.A. to contact him ait the office. %JO R Main Street dbjb]3etter 1 yàq I-lq2iiie s, Rcal tv - Il cal t( )f ( ;a rclens 1 Fach film plupý!nCieilliv 0\,vfýuCj -Inci opelated 1