4 - The Canadien Champion, Fridlay, October 2,1998 Fun in the vllge Adding access for disabled The Campbellville Harvest Festival will bc liosted by the Campbellville Aiea Business Association in the vil- lage. Free activities and events for the entire family will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday and Sutiday. ('hildren will be able to take part in scarecrow building, puiipkïn carving, bench painting, face painting and more. Dally barbecues will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with proceeds going to Milton Disttict Hospital. anroucn WI MLE Up to 300 Bonus AIR MILES?*t On selected Goodyear" tires By KAREN SMITH Fhe Champion St. Paul's United Church wili be more open to everyone by the end of the winter with a $340,00 addition featuring an elevator. Construction began Monday on a lift and link that will make the church and adjoining multi-level Christian Education Centre wheelchair accessible. "We can finally take them (disabled people) to other parts of the church," said congregation merober John King, who's heading the project. "We're very excited about it." Currently the three levels of the Christian Education Centre, where func- tions and programs are held, and the church's two floors can only be accessed by stairs, Mr. King said. Neyer seen hall "Our handicapped persons have neyer even seen Grahamn Hall," he said. "We can finally take them to other parts of the church." Grahamn Hall, where social functions are held aliter services, is located in the base- ment of the education centre. The centre was built in 1962, when peo- ple were less sensitive to the needs of the disabled, said Rev. Bob Hyde. He said wheelchair-bound and frail con- gregation members who corne to services currently can't even access the washroom. The new elevator and entranceway will be buiît at the back corner of the building, steering people away from Main Street to a safer drop-off and pick-up point, the rev- erend said. The project is part of the church's 10- year plan to repair the sanctuary, which was built in 1890, and improve access to the education centre. Rev. Hyde said the projeet also serves the purpose of making the church more user-friendly to accommodate new mem- bers when Milton grows. Need money Photo by GRAHAM PAINE St. Paul's United Church wilI officially welcome Rev. John Benham into their fold during this Sunday's service. Looking forward to his w By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion John Benhar's recent mci reverse culture shock. Now, the church must maise the funds t ne fl-year-oId minister pay for the lift and link, Mr. King said. last decade of his life in r He said he's confident the church will boasts a population of only2 succeed in acquiring the $340,000. He' Il now offer spiritual gi "St. Paul's always seemns to be able to St. Paul's United Church. li corne up with the rnoney. It's an arnazing trip halfway back to is youi congregation." St. Paul's had been with( An officiai sod-tumning ceremnony was Rev. Elaine Longland retire( held after Sunday's service. It's estimnated 'There's sornething going the projeet will be cornpleted in March. *See YC PIZZA e WUNGS e LASAGNA. WE DELI VER TO MIL TON & RURAL AREAS OFOPmanyspeclals" 1> 2 Medium Pizzas 3 Topplngs rork here ove to Milton can best be described as rgrew up in Brampton but spent the rural Palmnerston, Ontario - which 2,000. guidance to nearly that rnany people at In retumn, bis new assignment offers a inger days in the city. out a second fuiltime minister since Ai last year. ig on here every night of the week s0 'UTH on page 10 ~Off for School Orders 2 Large Pizzas 3 Topplngs FREE DEUVERY STARTS AT = A.M. 15 MARTIN ST., UNIT 11, MILTON 0 BONUS R MILES ii ýset of 4 00 BONU AIR MILES on set of 4 ýAolO BONUS .ý MILES set of 4 300 BONU AIR MILES o set ofri ýý r lý Illuil 1 il ai 1 1 -9 -t