Dont miss aur annuat "Farm Clearance" plant sale Oclober 3 & 4 al tht Sheridan Nurseries. Georgetown Location Onlyl (410) 798-7970 FFfl-FWHE TRUCK STOPS Are yau an energetic persan wsnting ta work in a fast paced tnviranment? Wu are csrrently sccepting applications for the following: FT/PT Witers, Wiress/Csshiers FT/PT Short Order Cooko FT 11-7 Dishwsher/Maintensnce Apply in persan: Fith Wheel Trsck Stop 40 Chisholm Dr, Miltan NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. requires MUFFIN MAKER DONUT BAKER We wîll train. Fultîmne counter help. Al shifts. Apply in persan ta: 80 MARKlET DRIVE, MILTON (NexIt oWendy's) Chudleigh "S CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Your Own Apple Season. Retail, Tour Guides, Tractor Drivers & Information Booth & BRO. Fi out applications et Chudleigh's 9528 Hwy. 25, between 9 & 5. LOCAL COMMUNITY AGENCY Seeking part-tlme handyman t. do minor houaehold repaira and maintenance at setreral res- Idential homes in the area. Please cail Greg. 905-878-7656 WAREHOUSE POSITION Importer of European Skin Cae Producta la loaking for a sell-molivated, energetic & dependable person la become part of a tast growing business. If you have expenience in order processing, stock preparetion and gen- eral warehouse duies as well as being an extremety relieble and hardworing indvd- ual, send your resume ta: SL-SPECIAL LABORATORIES LTD. RO. Box 279, 290 Bronte Street S., Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax ta (905) 878-3729 or drop off in persan at aur front desk. CALLING ALL COOKSlI Faut paced, multi concept restau- rant/bar in Milton, look- ing for ertergetic, hard- warking & canadientiaus mie coaku. An eye for deteil/pride in your work are essentiel. Minimum 3 years expenience only p 1e a se.Al1s o Hat/Servers Contact Jasan (905)878-6697. Cheriey Fitzwhiskeys, 55 Onterio St., N. Milton. Fax (905)878- 4649. CLEANERS required immedialely. for Milton ares. Genarat cleaning & some hnavy duty tauku are rnquired. Floor maintenance knowtegn is a plus. Fax rasume ta, 905-335- 6006 or compinte appli- cateon at Human Rn- sources, 310 Main St. E., Miton, Ont. DRIVER. Great enîry levaI opportunity for sameane with excellent Englisi, cdean drivers licence (2 years mini- mum), fi, able ta lift 20-+ kilos. wark in aur ware- house, cake delivenies n aur van la aur office cusiomers in greatar Toronto. Our location flow Dixie Road & 401 n Mississauga. Cal Ter- ris Coffee Service, 905- 876-4510. FULL TIME Ovemight positions aveilable. (Sef Serve). Appy in persan ta Sunoca in Campbellville. (Guelph Lina & Hwy 401). 905- 854-2006. STOPP'S dry cleaners requires part ime Counter Help, Mondey - Wednesday & Thursdays. 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. apply in persan la 885 Main St., Unit 4. Miltan, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p. Imm ISHOP Helper, muai bei mechenicat incllned, dlean drivers record, references require Generat shop dutiex, same heavy lifting, will train, Stant $9.00/hour Excollent polential. Lowry Indusîvial Lift Truck Ltd. Cail 702-5438 or fax resumne, ta 702- 0640. -J IVNTER MAINTENANCE required for thn Hwy. *407. DZ licence required. Contact Dents Greenwoou 416-460-635. - -a PART TIME [ulSALESPERSON Sales persan required ta work part tîme in our plumbing and electrical departments. Applîcants shauld have a basic knawledge in bath areas and be able ta, work a flexi- ble schedule. This is a permanent part-time pasitian ide- ally suited ta a semi-retired individuel. Applicatians farma may be picked Up at: HOME HARDWARE 385 Steeles Ave., Mlton PRE CHRISTMAS SALES Temporarsly out of worlc? Cas you hanrile ose monlh of selling aur speclacuar Pre-Chrisîmas Proclucl? Short terni Ocloher sales - cas eamn yos top esminga including sales eall salary, commissions and bonases. Most ha available for "5, week fuli-ime commilmentl ending Nov. 6, 1998. Must havesa car for local counly ravel. Available for sales training os Monday, Oct. 5h. Cail: Lynda 1-8003676134 for pesonal interview and protected sales terrtory. AUTUMN 1998 BRINGS NEW FASHIONS TO YOU! Let Option L epoil ysa mth ose feel gond and tank greut, easy case fathions. Enjay the canveniesce of persoal shopping and ser- vice starting wi uîb aulal coloured catalague. Cttoote quaîity designer pieces ranging froc sires 4-26 ta take you frac boardaialk ta boardroom in ttyle. Youll love aur attractive prices and direct tbipping is avait- able anywhere in Canada. Ynu cas convesiently sbnp in many mays. Choose froc easy mail ordenng, set sp a persona] nue-on-one vieing OR take advastage of aur bostets credit pra- gram by huving your onin ardrabe building pretes- latian shured wittt ynur fumiîy and firiendo. You'll love te fus AND thse savings! Pcoudîy Canadias, OPTION L, aiith a Triple "A' Bester Business Bureau rating is committeai te, phold their 15 year succesu stoty ta provide the higbest level of quality, service and istegrity tlayas the cusncer. 1 welcome thse opportunity ta thare mitIs you aur escit- ing collection or business opponusnity information. For mare infonmation pIeuse call Donna Loarenco at 1-905-844-2754. PCB. Plastes Ceepeatloea manufacturer of Linear Low Density plastic bags for the grocery, relail and specialty carry ast markets as well as garbage bags for the reait andi indsstrial markets in North Acerica bas an oppartunily for MACHINE OPERATORS Hlurs ef Woek: 12 tir continental shft, Mon-Sun Ratb: $ 11.14/tir Plus Shift & Weekend Precîuss Qualiflce. -HigI scshool graduate or euivalent -Excellent written and verbal commrunication skilîs -Basic computer skills -Denionstrated mechanical aptilude/abilities -Manstacturing experienca an asset *Applications accepted between 9ac-3pm only. 2300 Speers Rd, ~ Oakville " ~ ~ '(Near Bronte Rd) Provis cadidgates dm met apIly. 0O PIOMmu! AL IM. IOLOM ON mmDY, OnT 12I FO lIAIESON. TUESDAYLASFO -vAl-lu' The Canadien Champion, Frlday, October 2, 1998-29 H.S.W'S 2 & 3, HCA'S, PSWs rnquirnd imcediately'or the Haltan ar. 2370 Speers Rd.. Oakville, ON. L6L 5M HELP WANTID Lcencnd and 3-4 year service tecFînican nendnd immediately for busy salaried shap. REAL ESTATE Fax resume taservice manager ASO IA E JUNIOR LEGAL Secretary-Reoeptianist. Must be praficient in Win. 95, Ward 97. Please send resurme ta: Hutchinsan, Thampuan, 264 Main St., Miltan, Ontaria. L9T i P2 or Fax 878-3937. At:Mary Van Wart. No phane calîs please. SMALL Milton lar office laaking far legal sacre- lsry/law clark. Haurs variable. Pay based an esperi- ence. Please Reply la Bax #2298, c/a Canadian Champion Newspaper, 191 Main St., East, Miltan, Ont. L9T 4N9 LA FARGE POI )N VACANCY Cuttooser Serviceloside Sales. This well established manufacturer of concrete prod- arts bas an opesisg for a versatile individual to he part of a highly scesoful trasa ai iheir Milton Office. The mais requirement for ihis positions o Cusiomer Service. Thse isdividual miilbc primarily isvolved in dealitsg with dealers/distributors, contractors, plus a variety of other castomers. Other reqirements will sncInde inside tales asd general office daties. T'Me saccesofal candidate muti he computer literate with okilîs is Microsoft Word and Excel. The candi- date ohosld be meli organized and have excellent airitten asd verbal communication skills. Prior expe- rience in thse Castomer Service field would be as atori. Competitive mage and besetit package incladed. Al isquiriet will be kept cosfidrsîial. Lafarge Construction Materials Pavera & WalIs Division, Milton, Ontario Please reply wth resume or ]inter no later thati October 16, 1998 Lafarge Constructien Materialu 475 Harrop Drive Milton, Ont, L9T 3H3 Atmn: Office Administrator Lifarge s corimtod tot niaîptet of rqaa iy in mptloyni irait d ipiiiîranid aiLcfraimwý( ens l iais F i PCi, ReceptionistlSecretary This position will invalve receptian du- ties including answering the phone and backup secretarial work including typing reports, letters, upecifications, etc. The succesaful applicant should bc proficient in English, possess excellent typing, editing and grammar akillu and have an advanced knowledge of Word- Perfect 8.0 and Lotus 1,2,3 v. Immediate Accounting Clerk This is a temporary full time position and involves ail aspects of accounts payable and accounta receivable. Back- up secretarial and reception duties are also involved. The successful applicant should posseas an advanced knowledge of ACCPAC Plus and Lotus 1,2,3v5 as well as a good working knowledge of WordPerfect 8.0 Please fax or send resumes to: Flahbunn Roofing Sciences Group Ltd. 15391 Steeles Avenue Hornby, Ontario, LOP 1EO Fax #: 905-878-2147 Ouly shot lloted eandidates wIll bue ntaced OFFICE HELP Part time Secretary/Receptionist re- quired. Responsibilities include an- swering telephones, booking appoint- ments, paging messages, preparing off- ers, and proceaaing listings in a busy real estate office. Must be computer lit- erate, real estate experience preferred. Evenings & Saturdays. Please fax re- sume ta: (905)877-1571 Cmli 875.3300 I. Our company requires several career-minded, self-motivated individuals to provide reat estate services f0 clients within aur expanding market aI the greater Halton Region, including Milton, Burlington and Oakville. Tht ideal candidates will have good communication skills, enjoy working with tht public and wifl be required ta camplete tht course of study for real estafe sales representatives or may already be licensed represen- tatives or associafe brokers. Prudenfial Town Centre Realty bas been in business since 1989 and currently bas lhree offices, ont in Milton & two in Oakville. Prudential Real Estate bas axer 1,400 offices & 37,000 representatives acrass North America. Il also aperales one of tht largest and mosf respecled emplayee relocation companîes warldwide. Successful applicanîs should expecfta toara an avouai incarne during their first year in excess of $50.000. Expeienced represenlatives tare considerably mare. To arrange an interview please contact ont of tht following: ALLAN BAIN [AMONT LEONE Broker! Owner Vice President 280 Nort h Service Road West 245 Main Street East Oakville, Ontario, L6M 2S2 Milton, Ontario, L9T 1iPl (905)-338-6550 (915)-111-1110 Prudentiat Town Centre Realty AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Our dynamic arganization, CAA South Central Ontario, is committed ta serv- ing the matoring and travelling needs of aur Members, and we have an im- mediate opening for a fuît time super- visor for aur Emergency Road Service team in aur Hamiltan Downtown Of- fice. Here is your opportunity ta join a winning team! The position provides leadership ta aur contracted towing operators ta ensure the detivery of quality service that meets CA.A quality standards. The rote includes assisting with the develap- ment of nese emergency road service programo, business planning, delivery of training, and contracting of tawing services. Additianally, yau seill work with aur MIS. team to further develop aur cati management systems. You must have 3 + years leadership ex- perience in the automotive services field. Yau muet have strong customer service skills and demonstrated experi- ence in dealing with customers' auto- motive concerns. Your leadership akilla are complemented by excellent com- munication and prohlem solving abili- ties. Familiar with Word and Excel (or similar PC programo) is preferred. Can- didates must have their osen transpor- tation. If you are looking for a fast puced, team environment and this position appeats ta you, pIeuse send your resume by Oc- tober 5, 1998 ta: CAA SOUTH CENTRAL ONTARIO Manager, Human Resources 393 Main Street Easat, Hamilton, ON L8N 3T7 (905)525-7930 Fax Only thase candiates seterird far an interview iii be rvntaeted. No Phone Calîs Please. DAYCARE and ater UCENCED home day- uchoal cae availeble in cae. Spaces available. my ElcwDod Crescent Providers nended. home. Sain, loving and Apply ta Cering Places. fun envirancent for Agnncy Office 876- our child. Pese oel 1514. nîlssa ai 876-0987. WL aefryu hl dren. Your home Mon- Fni. 10 yrs. expenience. :~:~-8 ac -B6pm. Cali 905- e-i~:vc~691-0938. WANTED, Female Homecare Warker for 1 day of weekend in dawntawn Milton ares. BOOKKEEPER with 20 years experience, spe- cializing in smstl busi- ness seeking part time or cantract wark. Cai 905-847-1609. SEMI retired, technical, hande-an, ma- chinns/shop/etc. Part time, light wark. Brian, 519-856-4857, Camp- belîville. LCOME AGON *New In town? " Getting marrled in 3 months or more? " Havlng a baby? " Eatabllahlng a new business? PLUMSE CALL US: Communily Wslcome Linda ...854-1563 Marilyn..875-0519 BrIdai Shirley..878-7046 Baby Tracy L. .876-4330 Banlness/Proleslnal Pst ...876-4040 WAITED - Lcenaed 011 Furnace Technicien, good wagns & company benefits. Phone 519- 853-2748. 1