The Canadian Champion, Friday, Ocober 2, 1998 - 21 Duo is a big hit in talent laden CNE contest a1fewut thir on tits ove tne.1 arsî-îa Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton's Michelle Truman (in front) and Diana Tesser showed strongly in vocal competition at the Canadian National Exhibition recently. Cyn D.taking part in camp fundraiser Kilbride singer Cyn D will take part in 'Variety '98', a fundraising concert for Camp Quality. Camp Quality is a summer vacation spot for children with can- cer. Two concerts are slated for Saturday, Oct. 10, one ait 2 p.m. and the other at 8 p.m. They are to be held in the du Maurier Cetnre, 109 King Street West. Other performers include the group Ail ot Us and Melissa McLeland. The show will also feature Rossini, Master of Magic and Illusion, escape artist Rick Roksa, comic juggler Paul Maskell, the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders and The Gael Force Dancers. Tickets are available at the du Maurier Centre box office or by calling 522-7529 or 1-800-465-7529. ANU Fndday & Saturrfay Nghdy lt 7:00 pm & 9: 15 pm Sunday - Thursday Nightfy lt 7:00 pm only RUSH HOUR E 8: FFdday & Satiitdy Nghyalt 700 pet & 915 pmA " Sunday -Ttursday Nghly a:t 700 pm only At Tb THERES SOMIETHINO ABOUT MARY E Featu rng Do~ Fnday & StuttiaY NOirft 700 pmn & 915 p M Sunday «Tliuredy Nighify i700 pm ordy ei 0 S4.5 TUEDAYS For Tcket Phone JI. :0 prn to 12:00 amn he Farm Museum Milton sacj uÇet on Singulars 6z 'eres ory Lane Orchestra Admission: Il15?0 (905)-878-8151 or 1-888-307-3276 A rts IZnterlainment "It's pretty much a fight song, wîth two girlfriends having a heated argument, so there's a lot of acting thrown into the mix," explained Diana. TMe fact that the two have been friends since elementary school and probably had wcll have servcd te hcightcn their belicv- "ie lects ci cdii tht cc y cat et 1er îiI trainng wth ishon R,.dino vvocal instruc- By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion DMichelle Truman no longer have to sing their own praises. Casting directors, talent scouts and a couple of thousand specta- tors did it for themn September 6 at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) where the local duo scored third-place honours at the presti- gious Rising Star Competition. Longtime friends and students at Bishop Reding, they began the five-round national showcase back in July when more than 200 singers between 15 and 21 years old were initially auditioned. Acting and dancing categories were also part of the competition. With an inspired performance of Take Me or Leave Me - one of the popular tunes from the musical Rent - the Milton teens made it into the late summer contest and gradually survived preliminary, quar- terfinal and semnitinal rounds. Michelle described the competition as overwhelming, particularly in the last round of 16. "The irst group was so great that Diana and I juat hugged each other and said 'Oh, no'," recalled the 19-year-old of Rising Stars Labour Day Weekend finale. Fortunately the two were up second-to- last and had enough time to re-focus. And with plenty of supporters in the audience - both family and friends - there was more than ample motivation for them to tumn in one of their best renditions of the four-minute song. "We'd neyer done a competition of this magnitude before and it felt amazing to do so well," said 17-year-old Diana. Added Michelle, "It was such great exposure for us. You neyer know when one of these casting dîrectors or talent scouts is going to remember you and rec- ommend you for something." In addition to some temrfic singing, the young ladies suggest the visual and spirit- ed elements of Take Me or Leave Me helped clinch them a top three finish. Do you hi-ave an arts and entertainment story? Cali 878- 2341 and ask for the news department. Sait Water Moon Eric Nagler November 7, 1998, 8pmn November 8, 1998, 2pm A roetanlic play' staffing Krista Jacksoar & EnicEric Nagla han uevoted hmsefto the art of making family Woefte by David French, prroed tb' Di-aglas music. Asvirtuoso an more than a dozen instturentsftor the Beatie in associa thi h eatre Oraruevrfle. met knovvn lu the tul bizarr, Eic upeato and sings a a- guage of tire heart and findu t#atchilitren ofalla ge respid. Seems Like OId limes Peter and the Wolf January 16, 1999, Bpm n,3, 99 p with The Voices of Showtmme aur3119 ,2p Undr Ie dmchn nDr i-"'~ Th V~ Balet Jorgeir perforriru tis childtens clansic to te music ut Unde th dicdoncf r Ry DaL-y Th Voces Sergei Prokofiev. Childron of ai anges Mii be entirralei by the of Shgcr#tm poide a ftn filled tip cf nostaigic adventures o Peer an tity fot w his struggles in the parsuit, memaies to talçe yaJ badr ta the days whe capture adtlanring of tihe ithtymwoff pb .eeeand(stthtcpitcftrObi Judy and David ibireen andsFebruary 28, 1999, 2pm& February 5, 1999, 8pm SmnaestTV ShoW'mitlperforrnlive at Meadovale Teatre )y Carol Shields featuing songs frmMivn-in aShoe, tiernemest eueff, produced by Thousand Island Players mtnch mon üle 1997 Juno Amard forsa best chikrens album. D-ultrptz- wirrier Caid Shields h autes a Sinnle Showlckt voce fora wfrde gneratca1 oftwarienbuilt = aie 120 atuna oneea week bridge gaheaing Shirdat er & Te Wf 910.00 deobslee oft e fcxl.oded wcmen witt tCý&&lbe J$1000 humou.r and bme, caeatrng rtdh cthýacteswith whexi we can il idOfltt Famnily Pak (4 seats for one show) Subsaripticis $30.00 ta $4500 Enc Nge $40.00 Singeticets $15.00to $22.50 Peer&&Ilie Wd $3000 ordering your tickets .Judy & Dastd $3000 I1. Call (905) 821-009 Monday to Saturday, 12 noon ta 4pm, and have your Visa or MasterCard ready. 3. Corne in persan during Box Office hours, place your order wfit Visa, MasterCard, lnterac or Cash and persanay seect your seats.1 6315 Montevideo Rd. ai Daftleford Rd., MississaUga 1 . . - - - -1 , ý ý 1 1 - 1 - - 7-7-" ---l tr Doug Card for their recent success - bat and the experience they gained through a number of high school plays. Currently taking a semester off, Michelle s building up her resumne in Toronto, where she's part of a Little Shop of -lorrors show with City Playhouse. The two hope to pursue theatre training n college - Michelle in New York and )îana at Shenidan College in Oakville. familv entertainment vale Fomrofliq 1 series 1 1