20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 2, 1998 Classical nights to expand in scope SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS WAS OUR HOST and we felt very privileged to be at a luncheon last FFnday at the Sheraton in downtown Toronto, when HIS EXCELLENCY NELSON MANDELA, PRESIDENT 0F SOUTH AFRICA MADE A REMARKABLE SPEECH! We were fotunate t0 be seaed a the front, only about 25 feet from this amnazing man, and it was a memorable expenience for ail in attendanoe. The world is truly a much smaller place than one would have believed as we shared in the background of his life in changing the fortunes of their vast country. SAFARI ADVENTURES, SPECTACULAR SCENERY, FINE FOOD AND WINE, CULTURAL VILLAGES - so much to see and do in ths ever increasingly popular country. There are a variety of ways 10 visit South Africa - with an escorted group, as individuals, do bread and breakfasts, stay a a game lodge, take a train ride with a vintage steam engine, join a safari for a close-up view of the mass of an elephant, or the height of a giraffe, a lion, or even a wart-hog! 'One of the most beautiful places on earth' is how many describe i, and TOURIST TRAFFIC FROM CANADA has experienced double digit gmowth in the past few years. This year il will likely really 'take off' following the visit of their esteemied leader RESERVATIONS AFRICA, a Canadian Company located in British Columbia bas tbree opportunities: DISCOVER SOUTH AFRICA, THE BEST 0F SOUTH AFRICA, and THE PARKS 0F SOUTH AFRICA, for you 10 consider. The owner, Marianne Schonbeck, Çrst went 10 South Afica in 1981 and felI in love with the country. For the past six years Marianne has been providing quality, affordable hand- picked packages to this exciting and exotic destination. See your local Pnfessional Travel and Cnise Officiai to make your booking now. DD YU KNOW: Average maximum TEMPERATURES in CAPETOWN and JOHANNESBURG are between 22 and 27 Celsius during Our winter! TRAVEL TIP OF THE WEEK: Give a thought 10 taking a LIMOUSINE t0 the airport when going on your next vacation - a very relaxing Way To Go! 878-2886, 16 Martin St. (downtowfl) A&, in fHakon HMh, oakvIk and Claricoon w,%w.brucehood.cOIf North York Symphony Orchestra conductor Kerry Stratton. 9URBAN LEGEND [AA e SMALL SOLDIERS e RUSH HOUR ~ By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Tho hisarounl uthc ouf lace au .lve with the Sound of music. Milton will bcesso as well, that is once the community's 131h annual classical concert series gels underway later this month. Four evening performances - featuring members of the renowned North York Symphony Orchestra - will again bc held ai Milton Alliance Church. And as an added bonus this season, orga- nizers will offer theme dinners as well as meet-and-greet sessions 10 compliment the music. -We're trying 10 offer a complete night of entertainment," said Caroline Konarzewski of Milton Concert Presentations. The nocturne series kicks off October 23 with "Viva Vivaldi", a two-hour tribute 10 the Italian composer. Led hy violinist Arkady Yanivker and cellist David Miller, the performance will bring 10 life the Spring Concerto from Vivaldi's Four Seasons as well as his Concerto in C for Cello. A pre-show Italian feast will bc available for $15. Next up on November 20 is "A Night in Old Vienna" which comprises a collection of lively numbers from Johann Strauss. r -- I'2forli1 1 LUNCH 1 Buy One Lunch intree r essvsecond one of 1 FREE! 1 (::Live Music by GIG this 1 Saturday Oct. 3/98ý I 327 Branle St. Milon L..693-9229 «J LIMITED TIME OFFER Chicken or Steak$ with Linguini Alfredo A 999 Spiced Potato Wedges and Garlie Toast ......01 *Available 7 Days a Week * "ACTION PACKED WEEKENDS" FridaY 's & A Market Fresh Saturdays Buffet " Ras BefGlaedHam, Chieken, Homemade Lasagna ... and much more! "Plus our "Create Your Own" fresh pasta dishes "Also includes our homemade salads made fresh daily, our chefs daily choice of soup, and a variety of tantalizing desserts. "SUPER SUNDAYS" Market House Brunch 10 amn - 2 pm 575 Ontario St. S (located in the Derry CE Market House Family Nite Buffet From 4 pm $1299 entre) (905) 876-1186 Entertainment A cofee and dessert reception with con- ductor Kerry Stratton - the founder of the North York Symphony Orchestra - will follow the performnance. On February 26 a British-style operetta entitled Victorian Parlour will feature soprano Barbara Collier and baritone Bruce Kelly. Last but not least will be A Little Night Music on April 9, when the North York Symphony Orchestra's woodwind quintet will bit the stage. Mr. Stratton host a Voices on Film pre- sentation at Milton Alliance Church on January 22. AIl performances hegin at 8 pr.. Season tickets are $65 for adults and $45 for students and seniors. Individual concert fées are $20 for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased by calling Blanche at 878-4604 or Caroline aI 878- 4427. Got a story idea? Call 878-2341 Ask for the news deparftment Gzi anorous ~ and ~j iU OiTRAtTS Picture Perfect Corne in & have the tirne of your lifef Ladies & Men's Ofaan Hair Stylingntet "'Experience Makeover Magic"f 327 BRONTE ST. S., MILTONA 878- 15301 HSTOPJCI imore than a great overnite st2yI a" pot Pm f<R6,ý.$8. 95 Ito $795I de&4$9. 95 /ow $9.95 Present this coupon for discount. ICoupon expires Oct. 28/98 IHwy. 401 & Guelph Line, Mltonl-CampbellvilleI L-----------------------.------à