Rotary travel deadline looms By IRENE GENTLE Special ta the Champion Tliîrtcs R11111ifl(y Outt f \oflo pi lfes sionals to see the world on the tab of the Rotary Club. The Milton Rotary club is joining with 59 others in an area spanning southwcstem Ontario through upper New York state. This in the search for up ta five pro- tèssionals in the education field ta visit South Africa for a rnanth under the graup study exchange pragrarn of the Rotary Foundation. But you'd better hurry. Thec sand has alrnost run out of the hourglass for the deal - the application dead- line for the exchange tearns is October 6 for the South African sjourn Unique opportunity The trips will take place in the spring and summer of 1999. 'It's a unique appartunity. The individual cornes out with a broader understanding of international affairs," said Carolyn Keywarth, acting secretary of the Milton club. The exchange is part of Rtary's mnandate ta help advance international understanding anc individual at a tirne. 'This kind of thing enriches us ail, which is why it's just a part of what Rotary does," said Ms Keyworth. "One of the faundations of Rotary is ta foster peace and understanding." To be ligible, ail yau really just have ta be a profes- sianal in yaur early ta rid-20's with enaugh frecdorn ta skip town for a rnanth or sa. "This isn't gaing ta be an option for everyone. It's four weeks out of your life," said Ms Keywarth. "But anyane wha is in a position ta take advantage of this will be interviewed." Dan't let the professianal tag scare yau aff, cither - you don't have ta be firrnly entrenched in yaur chasen field ta rnake the grade. Anyane just starting out is eligible, tao. If you fit the requirernents, the Rotary Faundation will be happy ta foot the bill ta give yau the oppartu- nity of a lifetirne. Ail you have ta bring is a willing- Flight sponsored The chosen people will be flown ta their destination on the Rotary dirne. Once there, they will stay with area Rotary farnilies. Aftcr that, ail you need is a willingncss to take in about as rnuch culture and networking as you get in anc rnonth. Activities will range frorn standard sight- seeing ta specific activities geared towards the indi- vidual's goals and career choice. 'They'll anrange actîvities with the farnilies there," saîd Ms Keyworth. "Along with things spccific ta the persan there will be general activities ta absarb the culture and cconarny and goverrnent of the area." Sample culture Yau can also learn a little about cornrunication. While English rnay be the international language af business, it's not always the first language of hast farnilies in the years the exchange prograrn has gone an. StilI, there haven't been any cornplaints, said Ms Keyworth. "Yau just get by," she said. "Yau learn ta." For mare information on the exchangc or ta arrange an interview, caîl Ms Keyworth at 878-4636 or John Pears at 878-6859. Heart health hike The Heart and Strake Faundatian will hast their annual Hike for Heart at Brante Creek Provincial Park in Burlingtan on Sunday, Oct. 4. The event - held in conjunctian with Ontario Hiking Day - is open ta hikers of ail ages and abili- tics. The hike will take place along sorne of the rnast picturesque trails in the area. There is a minimum $25 pledge required for thase wishing ta enter. Registrations can be made by calling GoodLife Fitness Club at 876-3488. The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 2, 1998 - 11 SAVINGS JUSI KEEP COMING! Henri Pond Kits on at 1/2 Price. 9'x5' Croate a Pond Kit. Was $416,98, now just $208.98. 4'x2'6" Pond was $298.98, now just $149.49. These kits include everything but the Rockery. Our Bird Feeding section keeps getting bigger and befter ail the time. Top quali- ty guaranteed, dust free bird seed at rock boftom prices. (Use your value cord and save even more). The fish are stili feeding folks and for lower water temperatures we have 1000 mi Koi Royal just $11 .98 or 250 ml Goldy Royal just $9.98. To help your fish through the cold winter ahead, 15 ml Sera Vitamins just $6.97. 72 ANS.e 876-283 Acrs * o BnMat*) OUI JJI Biaca a ( l iim 4 > f - r- -- - - - --:Dm-qm