Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 1998, p. 2

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itember 29, 1998 1Crime numbers down, cops tell council By BRAD REAUME The Champion Crime ini Falton is dovoi. tion CC M iltonî couricil lasi week 0Cotingil a drop in crimeel'or the previous 12-month period to August, 1998. In Milton assaults rose slightly but robbery, break and enter, auto thefi, property thet, fraud, property damage and molor vehicle offences al dropped signiticantly. Frauds lkIl by almost 45 per cent, otber major types of crime carne down by beîween 14 and 32 per cent. Other Halton centers experienced similar drops in crime. lnspectiir Gregory piinted to a significani risc in sexual assaults but said mos (f the oltences relaie to a series of incidents uf touching. A young ottender has been charged, he said. The onIs other crime area that sbCCwed an propeîly Inspctr.Coi egoî ysaid Closs ,,a ieso h îrC improved investigations înto stolen property and higher crime clearance rates. Car theft down 'Auto theft is down and we expect to sec that go lower still," said Inspector Gregory. "We are start- ing a regional task force centered strictly on auto theft."~ Perhaps most telling is that cails to the police station t'rom Milton are down 5.4 per cent, accord- ing t0 police records. Total criminal offenîses are down 5.5 per cent. REGION 0F HALTON e CLASS ENVLRONMENTALASSESSMIETT HALTON URBAN STRUCTURE PLAN WATER AND) WASTEWATER SERVICING MASTER PLAN REVLEW p7b REVISED NOTICE 0F COMPLETION/ADDENDUM Tbe Halton Urban Structure Plan set out a process to provide scrvicing infrastructure tor tbe Region oU Hatons response to pressures for new urban growtb. The Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan was prepared under tbe Environmental Assessment Act and analyzed alternative approacb- es and recommended a preferred metbod oU providing water supply and wastewater treatment for the new urban areas proposed in tbe Halton Urban Structure Plan. Projeets listed in tbe Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan were planned in accordance with the Class Environmnental Assessmnent for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects. At the direction of Regional Council, a review of the Master Plan was undertaken to identify a recommended servicing implementation plan for the irst phase oU development in Milton and Halton Hilîs (6,200 new homes and 300 hectares of employment lands). In accordance with the commitrnents set out in the Master Plan, the Region bas completed a Master Plan Review. This Review resulted in revisions to projeets listed in the Master Plan. This Notice is to provide furiher information tri ihe public on the proposed revisions and to receive input and comment [rom interested persons. The pro- posed revisions to the Water and Wastewater Servicing Plan are as follows: " relocation of the proposed wastewater main [rom Sixteen Mile Creek alignment to Regional Road #25 " deferral of construction of a New Zone 5 reservoir to use the existing Milton reservoir " introduction of a blended water supply system in Milton (including lake and groundwater) " deferral of the construction of a new Water Purification Plant in Oakville " revision to the wastewater servicing concept to include both forcemain and gravity sections along Regional Road #25 " revisions to site speciie projeets to service the first stage of development in the East-Soutbeast Pbasing Option in Milton Centred area and Halton Hilîs Higbway 401 frontage These revisions are to provide a cost effective servicing strategy for urban expansion areas entirely within Halton Region in a timely mariner witb least environmental impact and community disruption. Further comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design of these projects, and will be received until OCktober 27, 1998. For furtber information or to comment on the proposed revisions, please contact: Ms Janet Amos, Environmental Approvals Coordinator, Region of Halton, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3L 1 Telephone: (905) 825-6000 or [rom Acton 853-0501, from Georgetown 878-8113, rom Aldershot 639-4540, froîn Streetsville 823-6720 Copies of the Master Plan Review are available for purchase at a cost of $40.00 and an executive summary is available, free of charge [rom the Region by contacting the Records Section at 905-825-6032. Copies of the Master Plan Review are also available for public review at the following offices (Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 business days): Regional Planning & Public Works Department Halton Regional Centre 11 51 Bronte Road (Regional Road #25, nortb ofUQEW) Oakville ON L6M 3L1 Town Clerk Town of Milton Victoria Park Square 43 Brown Street Milton ON L9T 4B6 Town Clerk Town of Halton Hilîs Halton HuIs Civie Centre 1 Halton Hilîs Drive Halton Hilîs (Georgetown) ON L7G 5G2 Town Clerk Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville ON L6J 5A6 City Clerk City ofBurlington Civie Administration Building 426 Brant Street Burlington ON U7R 3Z6 Interested persons sbould provide written comment to the Region of Halton on the proposed revisions to the Master Plan witbin 30 calendar daysfrom the date of this Notice. If concemns regarding a projeet cannot be resolved in discussion with the Region of Halton a person may request that the Minister ofEnvironment "bump-up" the project to an individual environmental assessment. "Bump-up" requests must be received by the Minister at the address below by October 27, 1998. A copy of the "bump-up" request shall be sent to the Regional Clerk. If there is no "bump-up" request received by October 27, 1998, the Region of Halton will proceed to construct the projecis as ojutlined in the Master Plan Review (Addendum to the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan). Mbnstr of Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue West, l5th Hloor, TORONTO, Ont. M4V 1P5 Subject 1<) cominents received as a resuit of this Notice, the Region of Halton plans to proceed witb the revised projects listcd in the Master Plan Rcvicw. This Notice issued September 23, 1998 wmww.region.halton.on.ca For the 12 montb period leading up to August, 1998 there were 24 sex offenses and 25 charges laid lor possession o!' stolen propL'rty in Milton. ,\CIassaulis and 20 ii. 1crs C rr,e.s1oir il siolen property. In addition, simple assault was up 13 incidents t'rom 138 in 1997 to 151 in 1998, and domestic assaulis increased from tour 10 18 in 1998. Fewer robberies Hlowever, robberies droppcd in hallf [rom eighi to four, break and enlers are down 10 106 trom 149, auto thefts are down t'rom 72 Io 50, thefis have been reduced to 368 l'rom 432, fraud ks down rom 49 incidents to 27 and motor vebicle rclated crime is diwn trom 661 incidents to 615 incidents. Ann Galioto Galioto honoured by peers By KAREN SMITH The Champion A Halton Board of Education schol teacbcr considered a leader in cotapuier education bas received an award tfor ber work. Now retired, Ann Galioto oft Milton was recently presented an bonourary inembher- ship by the Federation oif' WCmen Teachers' Associations of Ontario. I was elated. It's really quite an bion- our," she told Tbe Champion last week. I1 was impressed ibat our own association Udlt s0 higbly about me." Ms Galioto taught for 20 years at Milton elementary sehools including E.W. Foster, Sam Sherratt, Martin Street, WI. Dick and Brookville. 'Ann taugbt ail grades with a special fondness for the junior years," said Marilyn Roycroft of the federation. "She was a leader in computer education and was awarded one of the tirst computer labs." Ms Galioto also played an active role in the Halton women's teachers' association executive, starting in 1980. During her îwu-year term as president, members began to take a place on mosi board commitices. and professional devel- opmenl aclivities incrcased, Ms Royerof t said. Retirement is opening new doors for Ms Galioto. She said wbile she misses the interaction wiib students, she now bas more imne to bc involved in the famnily business, ber church and cornmuniy cCm- mittees. Manried iii busbaîîd 'lony, sbe said ber greaiesl ]CCy inic tiremient is speîîding tinte wib bler iwo grandsons. Sbe's also look- ing lorwaril to a trip tb Europe ibis [aIl. Keith Gregory

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