The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 29, 1998-11 MILTON CHRYSLER'S Certified Pre-ODwned Vehicles Department! STOI what you getfor you r$$ I -~ a. 4l~~ - ~ - - 1996 Nbon Aaoa csg e AuoEitlusp e , POL, cassette, spail est# 556245powe ~995f. 1997 DogA Stratus e S2 doo ,power w dowS, ocks, w ros tlt Cruose & cassette. n whte. St#701008 , l495* 1995 ChrysIer Cirrus V6, air ABS, PSU PDL PM.cas sete, tilt, crise, 10w kms. Ste 556245. 099e* 1995 Chrysie Comcrd Loadeci leattrer & power satroot. St #574097 ~~995k rf1495e 'I M 4 âh~B~ Check & Compare wvith the Competition! Prces plus applicable taxes & icatciog. wera Crama Martin Phil r en...,. tff n...... n.omMer.Immv 1996 TOwn a County Loaded, leather, extra door & more. 1997 Saturn Ato, air cassette, St 8304200 1998 Cavalier 4 dooraoPS PB. St e113645 995* 1998 Piy.outh Breeze Air, tilt, crise, power win'dows, locks & mr rts, Cass. Low kms. Ste 171017. '555 1997 Sunfiro 4 door, auto, air AM/FM cass. St 8858045 1997 Cavalier 2 door, green, air, auto. Lîke newl