10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Sreptember 29, 1998 Season is threiatened from HOLD on page 3 rn n Oakvitte., thu, Octoher 1iimeet tor noillh Hatton sctiooIs and the Octoher 6 chainpionship meet are now dctayed - at the very teast. Several factors witl have to mesh, and soon, if the season is to be saved, said Ms Amos. A combination of coninued good weather, a timeiy end to the teachers' job action and the minimum two weeks' notice so training can resumne woutd be needed. Atso on hold because of the teachers' work-to-rule is elementary boys and girls volteybalt, which normally starts the second week of October. -By Tim Whitnell Special to The Champion Teen s goal to see ramn forest, help less lucky in Costa Rica - tram TREK on page 4 sound. "We went away on a setection weekend. At one point we had to pretend two peopte had fatten off a cliff," said Ms Feddery, who speaks in the excited, breathiess tones of those who haven't quite reached age 20 yet. "We had 10 put them on a spinal board and carry them around with ait our packs and stuff for two hours. We were carrying them up and down hitts and around comers. tt was realty hard." Only spoke Spanisb To add to the chaltenge, the youths were given guides who spoke onty Spanish. "We had to figure out how to communicate with them anyway," said Ms Feddery. That communication witt come a itte casier for Ms Feddery soon, thanka 10 a compulsory weekty Spanish course 10 be taken teading up to her Costa Rican adventure. As the next chaltenge, those setected to make the journey 10 the ramn forest are required 10 raise their own $4,000. The third chatlenge is being in the ramn forestitiseIf, white the fourth is putting in a futl t00 hours of community work upon their retum. Likes volunteering Quite naturalty, Ms Feddery most looks forward 10 1 THE CORORATIONOFTE' setting toot on Costa Rican soit. 1I wanted 10 travet and 1 ike doing volunteer work,- said Ms Feddery. 'Ive atways wanted to go to Costa Rica. "Ive atwàys wanted to see the ramn forest. 1 think that's just amazing.' As part of the program, YCI witt be throwing peo- ple from ail over Canada as well as Austratia and even Malaysia together to work in Costa Rica. "I'm really Iooking forward to meeting and working with peopte from ail over," said Ms Fedder. "At tirst we'tt bc in the ram tèorest doing preservation and con- servation, then we'tt be in the community doing what- ever they need us to do." Upon her return in lte February, Ms Feddery witt spend a short time readjusting before kecping up her good works in this community. "When we come back we have foltow-up sessions on how to re-immerse yoursetf in the community because you've heen in a third world country for three months," she said. Big commitment "Then 1 ptan on volunteering with the guides and hrownies, as weil as doing the phones at the Haiton Distress Centre and mayhe Atiendale, since 100 hours is a substantiat amount of time." Coiteen Feddery can he contacted for donations or fundraising ideas at 878- 3621. r4agràIn the ........... 495know m .........$645sports .......« .1295 fans get their info MO M .12995 from The Champion M .. .. $12995Cali to subscribe 878-2341 SALESAsk for :1 circulation Weekdays 9 to 5 SEALED Proposais on forms provided will be rnceved by the Tomn Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakvlle, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 12:WNon,locl Urne on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 199 Specifications, proposai formisand proposai envelopes may be obtalned from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakvllle, Ontario 16J5SA6; Telephone 905-338-4197, Proposais will be opened publlcly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakvllle Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on TU ESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1998 at 2:30 p.m. local Urne. The Town of Oakville reserves the rlght to reject any or all proposaIs and the highest or Iowest as the case may bewlAll not necessarilybe accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, CIM., RMigr. Drect«, Purchamlngand Office Services