BRARY A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 139 No. 58 Tuesday, September 29, 1998 28 Pages 750~ (GST included) wW7 Catholie board chair is blasting both sides By ROD JERRED Special ta The Champion The two sides in the Halton Catholie secondary sehool teachers' labour dispute were scheduled to meet Monday, but a settlement appeared htghly unlikely. On the eve of the meeting, the chair of the Halton Catholie District School Board was calling for provincial government intervention and the head of the teachers' union was accusing the board of bargaining fi j Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Easy, big fella Campbellville's Pat Stokes, 10, had his hands full showing this giant Percheron in the heavy horse showmanship class Saturday at the Milton Fail Fair. See page 8 for more fair photos. mus Drop off toddlers for an hour Parents can drop off their children at Mlton District High Wrlg Harder Schaal as part of the school's grade il parenting class. ta stay #1" Students of the class are Iaaking for two, three and four- CorqIO Paint Matchiul year-alds ta attend Playschaal f rom 10:10 ta 11:20 ar. Tuesdays and Thursdays tram Octaber 13 ta December 17. W If interested, cail the schaal at 878-2839 ar drap in far an applicatian. in bad faith. For the second time in two weeks, the1 Halton board bas joined six other large1 Ontario Catholic school boards in demand-t ing the province step in to settle the three-i week-old teachers' labour dispute. The ftrst written request for government intervention, dated September 16, bas s0 far been ignored, said Halton Catbolie District Sebool Board Cbair Jim Sberlock.1 The second letter was sent September 211 and is signed by the cbairs of tbe Halton, Hamilton-Wentwortb, Toronto, Durbam, Dufferin-Peel, York and Simcoe-Muskoka boards. Togetber, tbe seven boards repre- sent 300,000 -students or 75 per cent of Ontario's secondary sebool population. Mr. Sherlock said tbe board is caugbt in tbe middle of a "power struggle" between tbe Toronto-based union and Queen's Park. ' Pathetic power struggle' In a press release issued last week, Mr. Sberlock posed tbe same question to botb Ontario Premier Mikc Harris and the Ontario Englisb Catbolic Teachers Association (OECTA): 'Dont you tbink tbat our students bave been punisbed enougb by your patbetic, political power struggle?" In tbe joint letter to Premier Mike Harris tbe chairs dlaim the Ontario Englisb Catbolic Teacbers Association (OECTA) is "unwilling 10 negotiate requirements of tbe Education Act and wicb do not nega- tively impact on students." But Joe Pece, president of' tbe Halton unit of OECTA said Mr. Sberlock's actions are a clear "abdication of authori- ty" on bis part. "Its easy for bim to pass tbat buck," said Mr. Pece, "but I'm 001 going to pass tbat buck. 1 tbink tbey don't bave any intention of negotiating witb us," be added. "Tbat con- stitutes bad faitb bargaining." Tbe main stumbling block in negotia- lions is tbe requirement under Bill 160 tbat secondary sebool teacbers' instructional workloads be increased to 1,250 minutes. Halton and otber Catbolie sebool boards bave inîerpreted tbis by telling teacbers tbey must teacb seven of eigbt classes instead of six of eigbt as in past years. No sports or clubs Wbile a full-fledged strike is n01 in effect in Halton, teacbers bave responded by curtailing extra-cumeiular activities and refusing 10 teacb tbe fourtb class in Ibeir daily scbedule. In an interview Mr. Sbcrlock said teacb- ers appear unwilling 10 compromise over tbe class-timc issue and Jcars tbe labour unrest may jeopardize tbe scbool year. esee ANNOVED on page 3 Impaired charges as man kilied Dmunk driving cbarges bave been laid in a single-car crasb tbat claimed the life of a 37-year-old Georgetown man early Saturday momning. Cbristopber Wilson, 35, the front pas- senger in tbe 1996 Ford Explorer, was pronounced dead aItbe scene of tbe 3 a.m. crasb. Mr. Wilson was tbrown from tbe vebîcle and died instantly after tbe nortbbound car went out of control on a bcnd on Sixtb Line, two kilomnetres soutb of Britannia Road, police said. Tbe driver and anotber passenger wcre taken to bospital witb minor injuries. Cbarged witb criminal negligence caus- ing deatb, impaired driving causing deatb and driving witb over tbe legal limit of alcobol in bis blood is Cbristoper Garrett, 37, of Georgetown. He was released on bis own recog- nizance after appearing before a justice of tbe peace Saturday. He's scbeduled to appear again in Milton court October 19.