30-The Canadian Champion, Fndcay, September 25,1998 Contact your (tM 1fP l MATURE couple TWO bedroom apart-AiugRp. (GORRUD'Sre 2 bedroom Mtrmapyered RASPBERRY-APPLE FESTIVALv Townhouse/HouseIApar Available immediately SP.2 7CATSO 7A 0 ~~~~~tv for Nyv isi Have Reterences. Cai1878- SP.2&27CA HO meli behaved xdog. 905- 2110 belween 6-9 pm FUDASERFRHTOWMESPAE s tP878-7211 et 162 - only. lRed RaspberreS, Cul Your Own Ilowers: Dahlias, SAES & LEASING days, 905-854-9843 - Zinnias, Sunflowers, Gladiolas, Slraw Fiseers. NW& USED evenings. eim lebrisSurSwtCon 410~~~~~A STEE V.__ asbout SCOLTOURIS e CLEA roomLE inquetE and IIRTUDAY PARTIES A FAILYBUSIESSWITHFAMLY VLUE CLEN rorn n qietPoules ou Woo*snds FAMLY USIESSWITI FMIL VAUEShome near Steeles and Free Hay Rides, WE-BUY - SELL - LEASE IMLTNOnt. St. suitable for lyrudSabo& LARGEST SEILECTION 0F USED VEHICLES N ITNemplo ed single per- Rssie Amlayg rraan ldo 875-2277 BRIGHT, Clean, treshly son. Oe'100./week. 875- R3sPbnrry Anima Corralr ___________________________ painted. 2 & 3 bedroom 3806. North of 401 as Hwyt #25... frilyu Make it Rsabl rtent. Dal[rive east os Raad #10. acerîi9needs. ON maintained Burlinglone1 RICHARDSO highrise. 333-9846, - 878-2341 CHEVROLET OLOSMOBILE Non8p To lease or purchase MILIE MILTON, New indusînial your car o truck TO E-8 building. Up 10 42,000 Hyou 255 ot ruckRd MILS DR., sq. fi. Large doors, 2Z Hwy 5 S.at erryRd.clear. Will tinish 10 suit. MILTONE R. Lloyd Moore, Re/Max 878-2393 MITN Blue Springs Reatty J, NOW LEASING Corp. 905-878-7777. Tor. Une 905-825-4485. a '..M'1 & 2 Bedrooms available on bus GEORGETOWN TOYOTA route, treshly deco- Y u *New & Used Car Sales rated, 2 appliences, New & Used Car Leasing .on-site laundry, * Pats Sericeincludes ail utilities MILTON - 6000 sq. fi. Paripen Setrviye (except phone & custom home o it n R a Opn-tudy cable.) Free parking, acres. For recorded no pets. Reterences messeage 1 catil ...- - is MUNTAINVIEW RO. N. required. (416)499-INFO, enter GEORGETOWN 905-876-1249 ID#4030. Chegyl Smith, Locted under Me. woer lower By sppointment orily Royal LePege R.E M N ar etplace one edrorn aserAni u3vIn every A well established STORAGE -BOATS, located. Fridge/stove.T e d y Milton children's cloîfi- RVs, cars, .eut Working person only. REMEMBRANCES scnyReterenoes. 878-6069 in lise tbof ing business. High trat- tenced, trom $25. tasiis tic ares. Great opportu- montfily. Cribco 905- dnto nity5D 10epadwth87-86 Ts ilts sls. Milton growth. $48.000.TeMlo itre Heather Ashbee Hospilsi Fisundi l Meehan. Royal LePage PLEA$E RECYCLE 11HIl5 PAPEK are appreci itedt 878-8101. Some offers have strings. Somne have a catch. This one has a hinge. ~ Y OwtAnd you, own the phone or upgrade.,to -the 'efor ol Offer Expires,-Sept. 3OTH,ý 1998 SEE STORE FOR DETAILS Offer valid for new and existing customers on select plans; minimum terim/xten- exactly as shown. Talktime charges, applicable taxes, long distance, connection sions and other conditionsa apply. Subject to change, not combinable wlth other charge, annual system accessfee, roaming &optional features extra. OAC. Off«r offers; availeble et partlcipetiuig dealers, while supplies lest. Phone mey flot be valid on model 650E. WIRE-LESS CONNECTIONS INO. Bell MobiiIfy Contre 377 Main St. E., Ontario L9T 1 P7 Tel: (905) 878-1113