Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Sep 1998, p. 24

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PI..- a U~~I 24 - The Canadien Champion, Frday, Septenr TH1E ADDI1ON 0F 5,000 NEW HOTEL ROOMS PER YEAR IN CUBA (for the next decade) means that for Canadians, there is going to be many wonderful choices for vacation in iis beautiful country for years to corne. Remember that the Amenicans aren't 0K to go there yet, so we have the best choice! VARADERO, HAVANA CITY and CAYO COCO are the main areas of development. There are many varieties in vacation to choose from with many offerings frtsm the larger and smaller suppliers - the 'a1-inclusives' are the most popular, and CUBA will be the 'HOT 17RM' for vacation travel planning this winter. 110W ABOUT A CRUISE ON TH1E QUEEN ELIZABETH 2! The QE2 wilI make 17 îransatlantic crossings in 1999, with the April 14 crossing from Southanmpton, England to New York maring the 3th Anniversary of their transatiantie enises. YOU CAN TAKE A 104-DAY WORLD CRUISE, leaving January 5 - top dollars involved here, but heck, it's a once in a lifetime event! These are just examples of the MANY, MANY CRUISE OPPORTUNITIES ihere are for you to consider and choose the righi one, wilh many good bargains avalable at al levels of spendng! ARIZONA BECKONS MANY CANADIANS as -the Siate's numbers increase especially from Ontaaio, even though US travel by Canadians bas been on a downward slide since 199 1. We are stili the largest supplier of tourists to their vast country - 19,1 million visiiors arrived there in the peak years of 1988 through '9 1, but has dropped some four million in the years since. Jusi under 10)0,000 ONTARIANS VISITED ARIZONA lasi year, mosily in the OctoberlMarch period. Recognizing the difference in our dollars - LoonielUSbuck - many suppliers ihere are joining in 'CANADIA1N CACTUS DAYS' offering special rates and discounts in the state this coming season. Great clirnate! TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: Wben moving about here, you must be conscious of the possessions you carry - when.ou o abroad. yu must be even nioreso! '74 e ql .ee i=ravel1 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Ahlm inH»llon Hois, Oekvile -Wa Clark-so www.brncehood.com i I mber 25, 1998 Condren's strategy pays off nicely Two divisions of tIse Nassagaweya Stakes for Iwo-year-old pacing colts and the Milton Sîakes Prcp l'or aged mares ighligbted tIse Mohawk Raceway program on Saturday, Sept. 19. In the first division of the Nassagaweya, Island Fantasy and top OJC reinsman Steve Condren of Milton took home the lion's share of tIse $1 10,000 purse. Island Fantasy was eased off tIse gate and settled away at tIse rear of the I1-horse field. Witb thse action fast-paced early on it îumned out to be the perfect driving strategy by Condren. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. , 878-2022 10:00 arn. - Breaking Bread 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "Tisis a faithful saying that Christ Jesus came int the word te save sinners." 1 Tim.1.15 c UI ) 123 MAIN ST. c R ~l ~ MILTON, ONT. Mnnsers 0Rev. Bob Hyde - ev John senntram Direcior ni Musent Judy Hunier camne ta SNlaP SUNDAY, September 27,1998 10:3t AM WORSIIP & CHURON SCHOOL CLASSES Sermon 111e: "FACING THE MILLENNIUM" TRANSFERS Nursery Cure Available V.ivun 0,5,0hm ,ir oe rcU.0rtadno LeiWaces to the ancturny iS aaoiide fre'n the pavini ot. todIndoUe eu876890i KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Milton 878-6066 Ministers - The Rev. Rod Lewis - Colleen Smith 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. - Grades 7-8 & high School 10:30 arn. - Sunday School & Nursery .EI-1 whiaoeeair access or Mary Ssereientrasc. In a dramatie sweep of thse field Island Fantasy. a son of Life Sign out ofl thse wod d chamîpinrîmares Tirie Mile Island, was a lengtb winner in a personal best 1:52.4. "He's not a great leaver,'" said Condren in a track side interview. "I left as bard as I could and be stili got away at the back. The two borses behind us were bumping and grind- ing and it really didn't look good for us at the quarter. Bob (Mcntosb) bas done a tremendous job witb bim, get- ting him into awesome form.'" Island Fantasy bas four wins in 10 starts and is just shy of $200,000 in bis freshman year. JYI.. - a' a' HOLY ROSARY PAKISH I M Grace Anglican ~SBAHN SERVICE Servce in love for mankind is unify with God. He who serves hon olreody entered thie Kingdom and is seafed os thie rig hf hond of his Lord» ... from the 00h01 Wriinga LOCAL: ................... 878-011 REGIONAL-............. 1800433-3284 NATIONAL: ............-905-89-8168 GLOBAL: .............. ww.bahai.org ..........or wwew.onecountry.org Fort Apache Hanover had the biggest payday of hs career, winning ithe $108,600 Nassag.îwey a 'econ division in a career best 1:52.4. mhe Western Hanover pacer, rac- ing out of the Bill Wellwood camp, entered lthe conteat off a second-place finish to Island Fantasy in the September 10 Champlain Stakes at Woodbine. Paul MacDonell was in the sulky for the colt's third win in bis past four races and îiked what he saw on tIse replay. "He gol back in the field midway througb the race and I had to move Iim three wide earlier than t wanted to but Ie's got a big kick and you can do wbat you want wib bim," said a jushi I:iî Mi([)ollcll Shania was an easy winner in tIse Milton Stakes Prep. Despite a parked trip to the open- ing quarter in :27.2, the four-year-old daughter of Laag went on to Iead the rest of theway and win in 1:51.4. Owned by Chance Berg Ranch of Fairfield, Illinois, Shania set the Woodbine track record for aged mares on Augusi 27, winning a Ieg of the Roses Are Red in 1:50.4. Mike Saftic, the winning driver behind Ellamony in tIse 1995 edition of the Milton Stakes, drove. King leads the pack f or the entire distance Milton' s Terry King took an early lead in Saturday's Challenger feature at Flamboro Speedway and neyer looked back, heading the field for aIl 20 laps en route to victory. mhe event ran without a caution and the owner of Eagle Rad was able to bold off the advances of Dundas' Trevor Monagban and points leader Dereck Lemyre of Hamilton. King credits thse win to a powerful motor buili by Precision Engines, as well as tIse ongoing support of fellow sponsors D&S Signs and Bumper's Roadhouse. In otber action, tIse Canadian Vintage Moditieds bad ibeir season-ending cbam- http//n oivden.,eii-wsolhamnritonlp-holyrosary-ni himi S 878-535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) IIOLY ROSARY CHURCH 039 Matin Street Mass ai 5:30 prn Saturday 900 ams, 10:30 ama & mnu Sunday IUÂLDY 0F VICTORY MISSION Mlles Heights Maaa aI 9:00 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CI[URCH S 9ih Lino & Brilannia Masasat:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, PRP Celebretng our 601h Anniversary NEW LIFE F> FE " -F FE C) E-» ir A. L- (,62(j 'HOD Lllýý 1JILTON L9T 2ý51 Phorie (905) 878 3358 1,Mcolle Rire,. Dail qg CIWSI'outh - Miuoi French WarseJJrtO ý-MML 5Ut Ku$ar SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1998 9:45 a.m.: TRAINING IN TRUTH Sunday Schooi for Ail Agas 10:45 a.m.: THE APPOINTMVENT WITH GOD Pastor Rogge continues the Sermon Series on the Cross with... ««WU WLCARRY11E CROSS OF CIIST?" -Nursery Care (Ages 0-2) - Jr. Children's Church (Ages 3-5) Kid's Church (Ages 6-10) 6:30 p.m.: WORLD RELEIF SUNDAV 98 FREEDOM FROM.. hunger poverty Injustice hopelessness . and spiritual despair Guest Speaker: Rev Doug Sitler Our esciting md-week B Ci C L U nnstry for ch idren ages 3-il BG Clubs begin on Wednesdlay, September 30 - 7:00-8:30p.m If you have not aready egistered your chidren for this excitng mid- week club, you can do so on Septernber 3th! ..*, tlm 1 HOW TO FIND US!" a i ENAG 0RCRL FLV C alNWLF pionsbip on Saturday. Veterans Ray Hughes of Kitchener and Rob Maas of Norwich made up the front row, witb Maas quickly showing bis strengib and taking tbe lead from the IigIs groove. For the 30 laps tbat followed, Hughes looked for a way around but the leader only bobbled once and allowed no room for safe passage. Further back, Milton racer Glenn Colling carved tbrougb the pack frombhis l7tb place stariing position to crack tfie top tive. Racing continues tomorrow wiib lIse final fan appreciation night of the year. OSCAAR Super Laie Models will bigb- ligbt tIse card, whicb begins ai 6 p.m. Church 317 Nlain Si. E., Mlilion thre Chrrclon tlhe HUIO878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermot SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 ar.- HuIs Communion 9: 10 ar.m.- InformnaI Eueharisi 10:30 ar.m.- Sung Eucharisi Nurserj Progrini, Church School & Coffee Illmr WEDNESDAY 10:00 ami - Holv Commurnion %Nliee4lrarr .rtn.esîhrnrnnglx irkirng lotdi VIOTIlRFMWMLE CHURON Are you bîred wih church andi Christiasils n H.is thurch Jiiendasne siade liiîle dîfference in your life'l s Sîînday nîorsîsg service jasi a rouinse or tradition' If voor anssser s ves iv ihese questions. 4sd \>ou seantinoire oui oi church, ihen I encourage vou id check oui our sersnies ihai uN il excite, challenge. andi equip »nu each weck. 1000 -11: 15 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEIRE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separaie services fier chîluiren 9 N'cars, anti under) miniairies of Victory Bible -Pranue Min cisireinnng on songs etenei .urnd the mrornf Ccd and relaioili whîn tih Chosi, Eiceachius. irai equirs ire helinesen chan e .înlepeninnsnin su un the Lord andi innfi Gusu(ls pli.rn u e -A ChiiiinuS Miuisuiny ar iii ninon hilr-ne inte Bibnle sc îhes 5an ie run re abonrriJesus Chrrii în isl ins nnnrui n thin Itnsu-s -ilekStubrca hâtaruscd us a ncreus onf nnrriraeh h nle tinmunnin as weii as gowt friheinileternilaliren lnnitse siedN. Sainrda% niornrug siudy. Syl Aînps siedy. Sunria% ess-nnng sqiris -Comurn tOhflAtcaL hnegh wcecUîBibrle îeachirng wsepintn(inn Calme 14 ekytritalk slirn "ùrting A Ilitceerieas Lfr %, The 5WordelOf <'nul PatrCharles Boyce (90.) 875-2162 1 &=à _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ .1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MILTON BIBLE CHURCH presents "CELEBRATE OUR KIDS WITH 'INDIANA' BOB CATES" 10:30 arn - at the Milton Seniors Activity Centre SUNDAY,, SEPT. 27m,1998 Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarsh 500 Cbilds Drive - 876-3586 How to find us C-"8d5 4;ZcâDc -t.

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