16-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 25,1998 *Mb IrE m *i 55 Ontario St. N., Milton s LA] I Tap and Eatery charley LOvesKis! Every Thursday 4Pm to9 Pm KIDS EAT FREE (see Milton location for details) ~ ~AUOW~~IPAPTY October 3 1lst at 3:-00 pm Costume Contest and Pumpkin Painting Corne and take a Plee< at Charley's (905) 878-6697 %EEK FlN!) THE5E WOF ANIMATION DALMATIAN LOCATION THE WOPO i S T A R' ZA D 1 W LO0C 1 MB N y 1J0Op T E S A S TA T N AT 1 0 v sA D A LM I ChiluIvun'a TOP 10 UEDES L. Lady and The Trtamp 2. R'atn,-y' the Movie -?. _Çooby-Doo Zombie Iand 4. gatman qnd gupetman !;. Caupet Mentç Wndy 6. Pocahontea ç2 7. Çwan Prineaa 9 9'. Mighty Kong - 9. Petet Pan 10. Ratney'ç Advntum EBUa Videoflicks, [MILTON) 500 LAURIER AVE. 693-8411 Call your local instructor ut (905) 878-1310 Kumon Math and Reading Centres offer con- venient, affordable Iearning programs ta help students ochieve better math and read- Lu ng sk ils, stronger concentration and improved self-confidence. OKUMON" MATH & READING CENTRES Learning How To Leam* ;-i