14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 25,1998 People who give money1 for Miii Pond get tax receipts Thse doors are opening to a brand new La-Z-Boy Furniture Gafleriees And we're cele- brating wvth a lot of fanfare. Stop by our, 'Grand Opening Sale" tomorrow and be the firat to exprience tbe La-Z-Boy Furniture Gafleies differ- ence. We offer thse widest Tillsonburg citizens managed to raise $750,000 to maintain their pond. Acrdirig to Mr. MeQueen the lownî Lan Council Briefs issue tax receipts for money contributed to a Mill Pond fund. hoped the rocky start would not be repeated dur- Mr. Hunter said the recent Mill Pond commit- ing future sessions. tee meeting got off to a rocky start as some polit- P.LRoetnpndu ae ical issues were aîred. However, in the end the P.LRoeto pndu ae meeting was constructive, he said, adding that he Mr. Hunter asked for an update on the dlean selection of quality La-Z-Boy& home fur- nishings. AU thse latest styles featured in six distinct galete*.Plus our hgèl trained sales as tance, assuring you a sat- isIfing shopping expenience. So hsrry in tomorrow. Because an event tIis grand only bappens once. Town council agreed to accept ail money .raised for short and long termn solutions to the Miil Pond. "The rationale hehind this is to find a spot to put money and establîsh a reserve for ongoing maintenance on the pond," said Mr. Hunter. He explained that a presentation by citizens of Tillsonhurg at a recent Mill Pond committee meeting provided a model for fundraising. IN HONROOU GRANDiSENN WÈRE O. NL CUTTINc, THE IBB WE'R CUTIN OU i, A .. . . . . . .. . . . . . I "'-~~ up of retaining ponds at P. L. Robertson. He said some people have complained about the smell. Counicil pay Mr. Challinor told council he will bring for- ward a motion regarding council pay given the move by the provincial govemment to end the practice of not taxîng one-third of the annual psy. Support for sex-abused The Halton Rape Crisis Centre otters - support groups to women who have sur- ~j vived sexual violence. Services are confidential and free in a sale setting. For more information, caîl Kamre Hatton at 825-3622. - GEORGETOWN N /F~35GULHSRE87 ~~OR 9 URBAN LEGEND A ti~ pS~ 9SMALL SOLDIERS PGJ (905) 878-9293 20Sa Sun (csmei ftn Hospl st l sho ices 1989 SM TICAO TM R SAVINGS JUSI KEEP. COMING! Henri Pond Kits on at 1/2 Price. 9'x5' Create a Pond Kit. Was $41698, now just $208.98. 4'x2'6" Pond was $298.98, now just $ 149.49. These kits include everything but the Rockery. 5aOur Bird Feeding section keeps getting bigger and botter ail the time. Top quai- fr guaranteed, dust free bird seed at rock bottom prices. (Use your value card and save even more). The fish ore stili feeding folks ond for iower water temperatures we have 1000 mi Koi Royal just $1 1.98 or 250 mi Goldy Royal just $9.98. To help your fish through the cold winter ahead, 15 mi Sera Vitamins just $6.97. 724 MIN ST.I *N:bi6-2Y.6 (Ass * unMaser