10- ian flhaniw.An. Tumoa TRS211032D Save up to *200.- on a John Deere Snow Blower. i els Right naw, we've got snow rem3oval equipment thaVs right for your driveway and yaur budget. '8 models tram te campact, single-stage, 5horsepower thrower ta the heavy-dutl 1-horsepower blower * cutting widths range f ram 21 to 32 inches quality built for quick starfs and years of dependability f e u e Ifs gong ta be a long wvinter. Choase fram a fulilins of snow blowera during tW sAiqéRuShwnte the John Oeere Pre-Season Sale, an nowl F: 4*¶eumdrw more thon 30 Halton Grounds Care s»Mw'd mnto «W 52D1589 Steeles Avenue East, Un « ari «1o wobrough* Milton, Ontario L9T-2X8 1850-1865 dininq voom mlrror, and (905) 878-2121 Fax: (905)8784023 &W .. n erduh«Lui Email: halton@istar.caGry h.crewtanniqepn- SALE ENDS NOVEB 5 0, 1994. Nemic Rs.DLiu A... . 10-Tt 1999