Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Sep 1998, p. 30

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mlu Classified Im IP(MM NI GREGORY, Chrs & Boom (nea Ullico) o Milton are pieased to announce the brtlh of their daughtei- Mary Anne, ceighing 8 ibs. 1 oz. at Milon District Hospital on September 8, 1998. Firt grsndchild for Steve and Phyllis Gregory and Rick and Holly Ullico, ait o Milon. Gi-eat granddaughter to Edna Massey, Mary and Don Gregory, Don and Ruth Stinson and Uoyd and Lenora Ulico. Niece to Donald and Mary Uillico and Bth Gregory. IRWIN - GEORGIOU - AI and Linda Iri-cm ish ta thank flair daughter Karen and her husband George foi-fie gft of a granditon, John Alaen, on Saturday, Septeenber 12, 1998, ceighlng 8 lbs. 15 oza. Johnny's sister Alex, and cousins Leigh-Anne and Samanfia ara delighted. REED, Harold R. - (He farmed in the Shelbume, Caledon, Miln and Rockcood areas). On Monday, September 7, 1998 et the Miln District Hosptal. Harold Reed, in his 9lst year, betoved husband of Fiaorence «Flossle" Christian. Loving tather of Mildied Everest and her husband Ken oC Dorset and Hazel Raid of Miln. Fandly iemembei-ed by his giandchildi-en David and Jane Reid, Barry and Jacisie Reid, Annette and Ray Wntei- and John aind Debble Reid and their ather James Reid and nine giet giandchil- dren. Aso iemembei-ed by the Everest fami- ly, Dasena and Jim Whtehead and Data and Elizabeth Everest and one great grandchild. Dear brother of of Lule Reed of Toronto. Friands were ieceived at the J. S. Jotas & Son Funerai Hoime, il1582 Tafalgar- Road, north of Maple Ave., Geor-getown (905) 877- 3631 on Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm. Funeral service was held in the Chapol on Thursday, Septenter lOfi, 1998 at 1:30 pm. Interment Hllcrest Cemetery, Norval. In memory cogtri- butions to the Hilcrest Unted Church or the Heart and Stroke Foundation oC Ontario would be appreciated. cLASSIFfiE r HOUESI MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCtI will be celebrahing ita l6Oth Anniversary on Sunday, September 20. The worstlîp service is at 11:00 amn and tutu year's guest preacher is the Rev. Harry Bradley oC St. Columbas, Hamiton. A light lunch cdl Couac Al are celcome. ,WALL PARENTING GROUPS 1-e MONDAT A.M. a "PARENTING YOUNG CHILOREN* Fr parents et childi-en 0-5 Exptore how s chitd's persosalty, social skitls, belief sysen and lifestyte develops. Lears, the goals of nus- behavior ansd tow to deal wisls i. Learss wsys t o n- dIs cryissg, emper lantrssms. boiles training and iraI- ossy. TUE5DAY P.M. e 'HOW TO TALK 80 KIOS WILL LISTEN AND LISTEN so glas WILL TALK" A prsctical approacb 50 heip parents improve listesisg skilts, Ielp chiudren deal wiels sieir feelings, foster cooperalion and encourage responsibility. WEDNESOAY PRM. e*"EFFECTIVE PARENTING" FoeffldWwAqpdMuWi A paxtal distb ipis oedi u Is ss>ttsundesm eaii- lHtlltDW r. * e'SUJ IWTtIOtT RiNL.Y" Ildo mma dump d a mwconstu wemn on- fl8is suand moidabl, andinaacoos-oesy so ualesmdiauoand eUa m.m ws dm nsyays you MNINGO F IT CRUP -Fr awsfsa( psauds Thse gmp wil mmna naaon flaasky evening. PAENus mm'pa CUP Feour Flb o XhW 4We d*hm AINI.T S8.f-EST GCROUP ml <Imaee ey> 0 s Pbm d R«at 878-288 Icsu maetMlmeu hio *n bW dm Wffl asor m i*mW inputffl in Iatf MILTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 1998 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 7:30 PM LOCATION: THE NEW LOBLAWS MARKET 75 NIPISSNO ROAD, MILTON A UQUIDATION SALE, Brand nec. Bed Ousen crought i-on canopy bed with mattress, box, trame, cost $1200. secrafice $490. King x- flick mattress, box, trame, cost $1800 seli $650. Cherrywoad, Ouaan Anne din- lngroom il pc. Cost $11,000 secrafice $4400. Can deliver. 905-567-4042. BED, blacks croeught iron canopy, Oueen orthape- dîc mattress/Crame. Neyer apened. caut $1,200. Sacriuice $490. (905) 567-9459. KING BED. X-thick Orthopedlc Pilloctop, 9Wframe, 9f61 in plas tic, coat $1.500 sli $625. (906) 5674042. 1999. 16Cft. X24tt. o.d. retangular aboya r round Kayak pools. ncluding decies, enc- ing, lier, 2 laddera, sand filter, pump & motor etc. $5,395. 1 - 800-668-7564. DOUBLE STROLLER - «Ulra Lima Strtch" made by Joly JumTpar, multi-colourad, excel- lent condition. $140. Cal 878-9291 SMMER DEAL FR!! DEUVERY Ais CnndMiine 6-12000 M ar ....... $.2tlWl 3»SharpTV PIP 5.. 0Mbw Sharp Vweccn. 4x2Mt, 4 Oei.ricrmm .. . 482IfW Canpui. P33 MliJ415»k dsmSdalmSnin S.ZM R*ç Ummaur$137Wa a Cit1400-140 à ilesoes L I I i Iiirý Se Tda ýChampnpuforuour nev Milcsîoiisst ion. lu announce your special event, calU The Championsý Classi/ied Departnment 0f 875-3300. BUMER ROP Red Raspberries, Cut Your Gen lowers: Dahlias, Zinnias, Suntiowers, Gladiolus, Straw Flowers. Elderberries, Super Sweet Corn. Asabout SCIOOL TOURS ud Sa IRTIIDAY PARTIES Ponles on Wosksnds Free Hay Rides, Rosie Playground, Sandbax & Raspberry Animal Corral rNorth of 401 an Hwy #25. pDrive east an Road #10. requires MUFFIN MAKER DONUT BAKER We wiii train. Fultimne countor hstp. Ait shilts. 80 MARKeTDRIVE, MILTON (Next to Wendy'm) JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Immediate Openings INDUSTRIL JOUSI Long/short term. Burl/Oak/Milton area. $8-$10/hr ffyu bon:e: *Steel taed satety shoes eFlexable shiftse Reliable transportation Plam aci Deum ut 0344445 *AccunrtsRclvaesFirn Temp-Perm Oakville $13-$15/hr. AccPac + needed -Wrd PracmislagOpraters Long/short teni assignments. Experience i n MSWord & or Excel. $lOJhr+. Pluens alI et fax rome a aelme, Tel: 634-4445, Fax: 034401 StfigServices -Equal Oppodunllty Employer - CLE.ANEl1O requireu immediatety. for Milan ares. Generat cleaning & some heavy duty tasks are required. Floor maintenance knoclege s a plus. Fax resume ta 905-335-6006 or con- plate application at Hu- man Resources, 310 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. EARN CHRISTMAS cash. #1 - Aduit Supervisor 5 Pm -.9 Pm. Vehicle necessary ta supervise crew of stu- dents. #2 Aduft 10am - 3 pm. Vehicle neces- sary, muse be self mati- vated. #3 Students il - 16 yrs. To seti chocolate conftections. Supervise, paid daily. 1-888-245- 7743. HELP wanted ný High Schoot Cafeteria in i- ton. Ilftils interests you Cati (416) 255-6131, ext. 597 and teave a mes- sage for Roxane at Ver- se Services. SPECIAL Services at Home Worers - Haiton. Unique opportunity or P/T positions. Flexible hours. Provide skit devetopment to individ- uaîs cith D evelo p mental Disabitites ages 2-up. A parent directed pro- gram, rate oCf ~starts 310.50/hi. ntact (905)849-8000. Fax reaume (905)849-6980. TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS. position availabte. Drivera and Outdoor vehicle inspec- tors. You must have fie foltowing qualifications. Ability ta effectively communicate bofi writ- ten and oral, good cork ethics, be slf-moivat- ed, cepabitity af corldng cithin a teamn environ- ment. Please cal John Parm or Cathy Kudlik (905) 875-2915. Fax #905-875-3219. TOW Trucks Driver ie- quired for atemoon shift, Monday - Friday. Must have dlean drivcng record. appty in persan to Kevins Toclng, 221 Nipiseing Road, Milon. WAIT STAFF & Kilciien Hetp required. Apply in persan tb Mil"sdeRes- taurant, 243 Main Street E., Milaon. aLÀ1 lai§OdI i le wes oC raClarR. 1r ,vwyws CR rca TOp.nAmOES, SMon.-FRIONS Bobher& MCo dItoprltlng 877-7484 smmnought >foUù L! ~ ~ ~ was toklng your pcue. ...and shat's a clear indication tisas you belong on the reait sales team as Blachas. As Canada&a leading retailer of pisotograpisic equipment and pisototlshing, we know your atrossg interperaonal skItu, aiong cith yonsr pouitive attitude. and profeaauonal manner, malte you an excellent candidate for a Pa,.Tlne Sales Aaaecate Tisere are seves-al posiins availabte, with flexibte houra, in Milton and ssrrounding ascas. To be conidered, preference wdl bc given ta candidates wtshreail background. We offer coxopetuive wagea, sales comsnsaions, compreisensive training, and an excellent wsorklng environment. To appt>', please drop your mreane off, quoting reference ta thisamd as or Mlon MaIl location, 55 Ontaro Ste-et Seuths, Mlleon, ON L9T 2M3. Mr- AL __u 1

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