Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 1998, p. 30

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2 2-The Canacian Champion, Tuesday, Septembler 8,1998U Classified nCL4SSIFIID HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM -5:00PM lstones Se oaysCaminfo u/ n'ies te"scio.T announce your speciol event, ail The Clampion's Classified Department at 875-3300. WILKINSON, reg& Caryn (nes Bell) ant i bg brother Riiey wecme the sale arriva] of their new son anti brother Corey Adam, weiginge ibs. 1 oza. on Sep tomber 1, 1998 et tue ph Goneral Hospital. Prouti grantiparants are Barb & Stewart Robertson, Nancy & Keith Wldnson anti Elleen & Don Bell. AISO woicomoti by Aunt Lesley & Untie Kevin anti get grantimothera NOBLEIT, Norman Wlillams - At thse Hilton District Hospital on Fiay, Soptember 4, 1998, Norman in his 781h year, blovot huabanti of Chrisa Nobiott o Hilton. Loving lather of Brian anti his adoe Lyntia, Dosmonti anti his adoe Laraine anti Ronald anti his wito Sus!. Cherishoti grantfather of Shane, Tracy, Tyler, Tyloon, Andrew, Valette anti Carolyn. Survivoti by his dear brother Dorek anti his wife Anno anti famiiy, of Belfat, N. Irelanti. Frientis may oeil ai tee J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME (21 James St., Hilton) one hour prior to service. Funoral Service wtll be helti on Tuosday, Soptomber th ai 1:00 pm. internent 10 10110w in thoe Evrgroen Comotory, Hilton. In lieu of flowrs donations to the Mlton District Hospital Fountiation wouid be AUCTION SALE TH-URS., SEPT. 10 AT 6 PM AT HUMES AUCTION FARM 9313 4TH UNE (3 mles N.E. of Milton) lncludlng: Royal Douiton China, Rosenthal Crystal, Birica Sterling Flatwar., Furniture, CollectIblea. SHERWOOD & GORDON HUME AUCTIONEERS (905) 878-4878 HOUSEHOLD AUCTION SALE For MRS. MARY OREENLESS (Prop.rty "od) + Borne Inclusions frein an Oakvlle Homo SATURDAY, SEPT. 12, 11:00 AM Located: Crner of McNiven Rd. & Derry Rd. (KibrIde). 3 miles E. af Carlsle. Consisting of Househoid & Antique fur- nishinga, A gooti ciean offerlng. JIM McCARTNEY AUCTION SALE SERVICE LTD. 905689-8778 Juin Straîn 190 ]Ontarlo St., 487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 Milton Sk.ewr,,MnaSe. asi Iwv Famil owued for oser 30 yeers KING BED. X-thlck 3 Bronze Mentors Orthopetilo Pilowtop, Letterlng sot/& trame, stilli n plas- 1 4-c,# el *iow..Il 1 WOULD lie ta extend my sincore thanks to tamily, frientis and neighbours for cars and flawers anti concem shown for my weii bolng. 1 aso5 wouiti lie 10 thank the De's andi nurses et Milton District Hospital (ICU) anti Oakviiie ralgar Hospitai (ICU) for the great care i receiveti, which ultimat* el loti my ncover. 1 carn't Ltnk #hem people enough for tee com- passion shown me anti my tamliy. SINOERELY, CARL EARLY TU1E FMLY Oftla Wu Cmiua(Ca.aty) Curk wish 0o expours*cmtans for thse many goksturO f sympatV.- teouspWOMyr *corda, flowiers, donations anti istaton. Hoas tfetankis Io the nursing staff af i iion DistictHosplai. FaimerWbkeanti Fathier Eau " ante J. Soci Early Fune" Homo. Your kinti- rues, crs anti support wlIakesy be renm- bedt. MURRAY 1JRK AND FAMLY SEASONED splltharti- woat,$200 bush cortidlilvereti. $105/hial. Not spHt $160 &$90. 878-8251. BED, backt wrught Iran caopy, Omodhope- duc mattss/irame. Nover openoti, cast $1,200. Sacrfice $490. (905) 567-9459. IDEMMRANCY In the forin of donations to thse Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreci ated . $625. (90) 567-4042. POOLS. -SPECUAL SALE. 01% PAY IN 1999. 16Sft. X24 ft.o.d. retanguisi' above grounti Kayak pools. inciutiing docks, fonc- lng, liner, 2 latidora, sent iflter, punp & motor etc. $5395. 1- 800a66&7564. WOODURNING pan wanted, transformner type. Phono Jin, 878- 3013. il OUAFED Husic Teech o 1w aÇComxIlg studen for Piano & hm C Tanya t PICKLING CUCUMBERS, PEPPERS, NEW POTATGES avaliable PICK YOUR OWN AT CHAS. GREIO FARM Bob à Mabel Devolin 15 Sideroad, 1 mile west of Traiar Rd., 3,d riveway west 0a i RA tck. Open 8am to 8p Mon. - FrI.; 8Sam -56pm Sot. & Sun. Wether & Conditions permlttIng 877-7484 BUMPER CROP Red & Amber Raspberrnes, Cut Your Own flowers: Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers, Gladiolus. Elderberries, Super Sweet Mom A*kabut SCIIOOL1TOM81 il MITUMAT PAUES Ponîn on S Free Hay Rides, Playground, Sandbox ~Rasfy &UnmaSCora AN OPPORTUNIlY TO GROW AND LEARN WiTH A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION Local ceramnic gftware manufacturer is accepting applications for fuli-imo ponnanont craft production positions ($8.00/Hour 10 stau, with a contrfbtion-baseti progression systen anti profft-shaning). Sidilis roquiroti are strang self-iniiative, toamworlc conmnication, prabiern-soMvng anti manuel tioxterity. Individuels adi work to bring ouf tiielr own, #her tean' andthte busi- ness potentiel, through porormsing many tilt- forant typesof work. Some hesvy ifing requiroti. Hours: M-F, 7am - 4pmn Bning resumne on Thura. Sept. 10 or Mon. Sept 14, Between 7am anti 4pm to Ail Fired Up! LM& 180 Nipissing Rd, #1 Hilon, ON Previous applicents neoti not apply PART lIME DAY STAFF Apply in perron with resume to: A&W Express 235 Steoles Ave., Milon cChudleigh 's CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Your Own Apple esmon. Retil, Tour Guie,lracter Drivers& information Booth & BBQ. FUI oeut applicatIons et Chu~llg'$ 9M28Hwy. 25, between 9 à 5. Springridge Farm bas opemings for SCHOOL TOUR GUIDES to work weekdays Sept. 21 t0 Oct. 31 SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF to work every weekcnd in October during our Harvest Festival. Applications avaiabie ai tse farm 7256 BELL SCHOOL LINE Daly 9-5 * /kttM requines MUFFIN MAKER DONUT BAKER Wo wiiI train. Fuiltime counter hoUp. Ail shifts. Appiy in person ta: 575 Ontauio St. S. or 8501 Hwy. 2Nrthaof 4011 HERE WE GROW AGAIN! Expenienced Mat Cuter nootiot. Comnpetitie saiary anti bonefit package. Appiy in porson ta: HALTON HILLS IGA Guelph St., Georgetown Ask for Patrick CLEANERS requireti immedately. for Hiton area. Generai tieaning & some heavy duty tasks are requireti. Foor maintenance knoWtege is a plus. Fax resume to 905,335-6006 or mail to Sunshine Building Maintenance, 2500 Industriel St., Burington, 7P lA. tumers requiroti. Also one rip saw operator, oxpereiice i n angle set ups ant i tpping. Driv- er/Shop help, cloan record knowledge of GTA an asael. Brng re- aune to: 9 Acadeny Roati, Georgetown, 877-6757. FULL lIMi neîp ro- quireti. Duties indutie shipping & recoiving, machine set up & oper- ating, 40 hour weok, wvill train. Fax resume 10 905-624-5020. Missis- sauga area. FULL TIME PRESSER needeti. Experience an asset but will train. Apply in persori f0 Stopp's Dry Cleaners, 885 Main St., Unit 4, betweon 8 an - 2 p.m. Montiay - Friday. KflCHEN & C00K hep roquireti. 10 - 3 p.m. Montiay - Frtiay. Aiso requireti Hostess, Maltret & Dishwasher. 876-0499 Hiton. THIE MUDDV DUCK Restaurant requires a cloanlng peri on m- Fni. 9 an - 1:30 p.m. Aiso kitchen help, full anti part time. Please appiy inpenson anly to 360 Steeles Ave., East, Hilon. No phone celis please. MILTON area printing company requires an enlhusiastic, energelîc person for manage- ment position. Sales anti expenience n any phases ai graphics anti/or printing plus abil- ity 1 ti esi with people a must. Succesattai candi- tiate must be abe 10 work alone. Senti your resumne attention: Brenda, 157 Duntias St. E., Mississauga ON ISA 1W8 pr Fax (905) 878-1304. IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED QUALIFIED PART-TIME BUS OPEATORS $1336 per bour Up to 24 hours per week. Vsr iety of shifts to accommodate your avail- sbiiity; daytime, eveningo, weekends or any combination. Drivers are responsible for transporting passengers on vanious routes throughouti Kitchener-Waterloo. Applicants MUST: * Possess a Class "C" or "B" MTO licence in gooti standing witb a "Z" endorsment (Air Brake) " Have excellent proven public relations skils *Be proficient in tIhe English language (written anti verbal) *Be available for short notice caIl-in Preference wil be given to candidates possessing: " Previous transit, higbway coach or school bus driving exparience " A Grade 12 education " A thorough knowledge of Kitchener-Waterloo streels CANDIDATES ADVANCING THROUGH THE SELECTION PROCESS WILL BE EEQUIRED TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE " GENERAL APTITDE TESTING " WRrTMN DRIVER'S TEST BASED ON MINISTRY 0F TRANSPORTATION GUIDELINES " ROAD TEST BASED ON MINISTRY 0F TRANSPORTATION GUIDELINE INTERESTED CANDIDATES MAY OBTAIN AN APPLICATION AND INFORMATION PACKAGE AT: Human Resources Division 3rd Floor West Wing * Mo CITY 0F KITCHENER 200 King Street West, Kitchener Mnday - Friday 8:.30 amn- 5:00 Pmn. Fax: (519) 741-2400 Thse cloulng deailme la 5:00 pin, September 18, 199&. We thank ail aplicants foi their interest. However, only apli- cations of candidates selecteti for testing anti interview me rbc acknowledged. No phone calîs please. Pn,ui utuao.'0 .sa at ita ap iscaUei g oocWu ndff Oc ahity of the M-- uictO MSEc.207(45).,d wi buud todotnm.qinEamfemiy a.1 55ecn=t en h«M d e &dueeatdt t n DiveýIsîn, - - 0 4nno LI 1 awreciated bY Me famllY.

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