Thé Canadian Champi on, Tu esday. September 8, 1998 - RE3 BEAUtMPULLY AP-NI New home on 1.68 acres in a rural estate subdivision north of Campbellville. Approx. 2,250 sq. ft., gorgeous kitchenlfamily romm ith fireplace& walk-out to dock, 3-car garage. A 'Il0». $329000. $122,900.0 Why pay rent? This cozy 3 bdrm TH is in a lovely complex with pool & party facilities. WaIk to schools and parka. Upgraded car- pets and bathroom. Angela Silcock Sandy Del Papml Sales $229,900. This 3 + 1 bedroom bungalow mini- mizes stairs and maximizes useable space with a f inished lower level and sep. entrance (ideal for in-law accom). Family will love in- ground pool and beautiful -yard. The double deep garage provides ideal workshop for dad. Caîl Sandy to view!, ________ J st O i (hrug . LS) N LISTING