12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 81998' P'Lot us masko Up your Frosh Fruit Easkots, Che. oFuft T Prices in eftect from Tues. September 8, Until Mon. September 14,1998i 1 r MeCaj'i m en nifFres House P!nue MaidrLPaK soi CaM.. of 9xt3x250.mI nches >&9. O3ntl-a Select Gradeof P Fami1 Pork >M1emLEMN BwdBeef Camo*SunIdst CHICKINNOODLE, MUSIIROOM, PueOag SOUP ....284 l 59, "fut 9 rnngltes Vadiie, 170-2w0g. 199 Moaîn, Assred Vadeties Potato Chips...- I WI eeDicious Ceiorn' Flakes. 525, g Mrhens149dVaet Dinnerr.255-77 g Pa rmrn rri ~ U i mh~iM ; i n .2527 instant Coftee 5 9 Green Gi«n Pasta Garden ~Asrted Vailetes -FroznPFasa&939 Ocean Spray iâ w l 50r Reg. or Light, Assoed Vaneties VgtbeMx Cranbery 8 Green G eat~ Internationlc MiX Nestie Quick eI be .. 0g Chocolat MiX lSog 1 Kelloggs, Assored VaMbtesÉ1>29 Clamato 19 Juice .....95M Del Monte Assorted Rlavours 5 PudinI g P4 x113G Miaure, S»Wnor MhW FlotCalioo 9 Salami......$1.76/layr7mlb Sop ...... $1.019,603r ? &ao...... Vui &ott 4qflb 5mqâà.1.32/Kglo. Ricokdspieslai176 eIakgg 25g29 Peine Aifrdo. .noliowrS DlmFoeiàwJ, * , 5~ coutrMBow....... s &M 1 mffl itu 1 ýý- dm il