Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1998, p. 22

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22ý-The Canadian*Champion, Friday, September. 4, 1998' POOLS. SPECIAL SALE. 0% PAY IN 1999. 16 ft. X 24 f. oad. retangular obove ground Kayak pools. including docks, fending, lier, 2 ladders, sand tiller, pump & molor etc. $5.395 1-8O-668-7564ý SEAT Sale! Freshen up your dintte/dinginraom chairs. Rail ends..from $18.95/ea seat. Fabrie & la- bour indluded. Fieds Ouality Custom Upholstering. 8754427, 9-9. SIT ON IT - Dont Sit In tiI Replacement foarm for cushions. ResidentiaV/commerciol. Fields Upholstery, 9-9. 7 dys/weekl 875-4427. WOODBURNING pan wanted, transformer type. Phono Jim, 878-3013. OUAUFIED Musie Teacher now aceepting students for Piano & Theory. Colt Tanya aI 876-1173. GARAGE SALE 1827 CEDAR-I BREAVE. SAT. SEPT. 5 8 .M -1 jM Household ftoms, etc. GARAGE SALE SA.SEPT. 5 18A.M. -11 A.M.I 227 LYNDSAYI COURT GARAGE SALE SAT. SEPT. 5 8 A.M. -12 NOON 360 BROADWAY ST. Kitctienware, aid books, box trouler. Something for Everyone SALE SA.SEPT. 5 18A.M. -?I IRAIN DATE I SU.1EPT9J 154 ROBIN- WOOD ORES GARAGE SALE SAT. SEPT. 5 8 A.M. 235 BRONTE STREET UNIT 48 SmaII apphiances, childrens toys & games, Nintendo& muets ore. [GARAGE1 SALE SAT. SEPT. 5 8 AM. 82 CHARLES ST. (Corner ot Charles & SaraI'cý, Fumiture, Antiqus' toys and muet' more. YARD SALEË- SDAY, S EPT. 8 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 722 APPLE- WOOD ORES. SometNngfor everonel Espcialy kit. &Gfi. FREE, 2 kffens. Baek. Soven weolcs aid. Cati. Magge. 905-878-1732.ý Wait Staff. Witl provide training. Line Cooks are alsa required. Please opply within ta Belamys, Derry Centre & Hwy. #25. CLEANERS required immediatoly. for Milton area. General cleaning & some heavy duty taka are requîred. Floor maintenance knawfege la a plus. Fax resume ta 905-335- 6006 or mail ta Sunohine Building Maintenance, 2500 Industrial .St., Burfington, LP lA5. COUNTRYSTYLE Do- nuts requirea full time counter hetp for miti- nights, 10 p.m. - 7 s.m. Please cal 8784441. EXPERIENCED wood fumera requireti. Also one rip saw operotor, experience i n angle set upa anti ripping. Driver/Shop hetp, dlean record knowiedge of GTA an asset. Dring re- sume ta: 9 Academy Roati, Georgetown, 877-6757. FULL TIME PRESSER needoti. Expenience an asset but wili train. Appiy in persan ta Stoppa Dry Cleaners, 885 Main St., Unit 4, between 8 am - 2 p.m. Monday - Friday. HELP wanted in High Sehool Caeteria in Mi- ton. If thia interesta yau oeil (416) 255-6131, ext. 597 anti bave a mes- sage for Roxane at Ver- se Services. JANITORIAL Company s looking for highly ma- tivatet Ilndvduals with experienee ta sub-eon- tract work in the Georgetown anti Miton area. If inieresteti ploasso " 8r,. Tonsstoes,( Steak & Italias,) Gr. Beass, DilI, Sp. Onoas, Eggplant, Beets, Savoy Cabbagea, Broccoli, Squash, Zucchini, Peppers & Basit Pick your own - Ready picked(piease cali "THE FARM" De Paoli 873-2050 - 877-7976 cai for availabity Mon-Fri. 8-8, St. 85, Sun. 8-2, Hol. 8-2. 15 sideroad, 1 km. west of Trafalgar Rd., first tarin on north sidé, Ste- wartown. North Haiton Distras & Information Centre Fail Training For New Volunteers Fait training progyomn for new volunteers for the North Hatton Dstreas & Information Centre witI begin on Wednesday, October 7,1998 at 7:00 p.m. For more information andi application forma peaae caîl 877-1211. lmeczd Off " fo d w w siofqwulioez lx Sundosp, September 19,1998. If you can spore four houra per week andi are a good listener please heîp ua ta hetp and maintain thia 24 hour service. PART TIME help required for Retoil Business, 16 hours per week (some Sot- urdays). Muat have strong people ailla. I-r- cultural eprine an asset. Apply to Bo.290 J the Canadian Cham- pion, 191 Main St., E., Mlton, ON. L9T 4N9. PART TIME DAY STAFF Apply in persan with resumne ta: A&W Express 235 Steelea Ave., Milton Springridge Farm has openisgs for SCHOOL TOUR GUIDES ta work weekdays Sept. 21Ito Oct. 31 SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF ta work every weekend in October during aur Harveat Festival. Applications avoulable ai thetafsr Daity 9-5 RAFALGAR Truek Stop. WaterA/atress re- ad. Fuîtltime and pert time, expenieneed. Tratat- ,ëoad & 401. Cati Jim or Nick, 905-875-1388. J4WOKFRHOME! ,,wLýi pesettng $ $ $ $ $ position with Itrse nmkn Georgetown Publishing I Itrse nmkn Company. MusI be abe extra money? ta wark flexible hours. Some oveninga. Would you like to work Knawfodge of Oiiark a patofulim patorfll:m Y OU. are the boss! For free deuails, i self-addreuedtamped-cnvetopc ta: ýt1Tj IMPERIAL PROMOTIONS 599-B Yonge Suret, Suite 339 r Toronto, Ontaio M4Y IZ4 AN OPPORTUNIlY TO GROW AND LEARN WITH A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION Local ceramnic giftware manufacturer la accepting applications for tul-time permanent craft production positions ($8.00/H-our to start, wth o contribution-based progression system and proit-sharing). Sils required are strong seif-initiotive, teamwork, communication, problemn-solving and manuel dexterity. Individuels will work ta brng ouf their own, their teams' and the busi- nea' potential, through performing many dit- ferent types of work. Some heavy lifting required. Hours: M-F, 7amn - 4pm Bring resumne on Thurs. Sept. 10 or Mon. Sept. 14, Between 7amn and 4pm ta AUl Fircd Up! Ltd. 180 Nipisaing Rd, #1 Miton, ON Previaus applicanta need flot apply Rattlesnake Point Golf Club is now hiring staff for the fail in both areas of turf maintenance and construction. Experience would be an asset but flot necessary. Please fax resumne to 905-875-3916 or contact Andrew Keffer at 905-693-8395 for more information. C3hudleigh 's CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Your Own Apple Seison. Retaîl, Tour Guides, Tractor Drivera & Information Booth & BBQ. F111 out applications aI Chudleigh's 9528 Hwy. 25, between 9 & 5. Security Off icer Join aur dynamie Security team in this seasonal, tul-time apportunity, where yau wiii be responsibie for providing oecurity protection ta cutomers, horsemen and staff, as weii as ensuring the protection of aur property andi equipmont. To meet the challenges of this raie. you must have a secondary school dipioma or equivaient, suppiementeti with addi- tionai courses in security, or security training. Praven communication skilîs and a strong commitment to customer service excellence are key attributes for succesa. Preference wiil be given to can- didates with security experience. This position is based t Mohawk Raceway. and wiii require working the midnight-to-8 a.m. shift, including weekends and hoidays. Pisase forward your resumne ta: Nancy Rigto. Humen Rsurs Services, The Ontario Jockey Club. 555 RexcalI Blvd., PO. Box 156, Rexdsle, Ontario, MOIW 5L2. We thank al applicanta for their intereot. but wis toa avise that anly those seleeteti for an interview will be contacted. %/ SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED For MILTON Area Laidtaw Transit is iooking for schoof bus drivers. Are you retired Iooking ta supplerment your income, homnemaker raising children, looking for part time emptoyment. if sa, join the Laidlaw Team. Train now for September, if in- terested cati: 877-2251 for info. Uid(law Tasit ixane.#quai ejtortunltu aPloger. Coi85300I. ityurcosfe WEEKEND help requireti on Homse Farm. Piesse oeil 877-0545. When planning your CRAFl SALE, don't foret to advertle in the eIlfleds. Zbie Canabian Etbampiou PERMANENT PART TIME MATURE RETAIL SALES CLERK Part timne 24-32 hrs. wanted at HAlRRIS STATIONERY LTD. 182 Main St., Mitton L9T 1N8 Deliver resumne in person to Mr. Bonin, Tues. - Sot. Several fuli-time, temporary positions available immediately in the Mississauga / Brampton area for residential Customer Service/ Sales Represmntatives. Knowledge of the cable television industry an asset, but not necessary. Training and minimum weekly salary guarantee provided. Average earnings of $750-$1000/wk based on per- formance. Must have a reliable vehicle and enjoy working outdoors with limited super- vision. Apply by Fax, (or mail resume) to: General Manager lntegrated Market Solutions Inc. 99 Bronte Road, Suite 530 Prltofesin loetaefranireuvewr ur fg cot boll plcatona oewloedfo Irfesoual are elfmtie and orpoyer ook- in for a oprity ta ianoroing aoeranza tion, please fox your resumne f0: Andrew Gorman 875-2279. DESKTOP PUBLISINO Local newspaper requires Marketig assistant with lrnowe*g of QuarliXPress, Photoshop& Ilustrator on a Macintosh platforrn. PLEASE SEND RESUMÉ TO: SC* "MMcmo 191 MAIN ST. E., MILTON L9T 4N9 Attn: Mr. Tim Colos PAFRT TIME Receptint required Monday - Fni- day, approximately 20 hours per woek for a Mit- ton office. Experienced in gonoral office duties. Must have computer experionco and a gcod tet- ophono manner. Please fax reaumne ta 905-875- 2W4 Att Shirley. Clsified Telephoqne Cassified Fax 878-4943 BE F0R E/AFTER School cars avoulable in My homo. st. Peter's/Robert Badwin ares. Referenees avoil- able. 876-3534. CARING Mother la offening daycare imme- diately. Lots ai T.L.C. and outdaor play. Nutritiaus snacks and lunches. Referonces. 876-4165. UICENCIED home day- caro. Spaces avoulable. Provîders needed. Apply ta Caring Places. Agency Office 876- PART TIME NANNY. 2- 3 days per week. 3 chul- dren. Our Lady ai Vitary ares. Information oeil 878- 0676. RELIABLE expeni- enced provider. In- door/outdoor play Club- hause, swings, large playraam. BellNanier area. Recoipta. 878- 6506. PART TIME Housekeeper wantod immediatoly. Flexible hours. Loeated in Kilbride area. Pleose cali anytime. 905-875- 4739. FIJLLY Liceneed Driv- ing Instructor with air brake ondorsoment soeking part tîme wark. Cali 878-8702. ADAPT now offers out- patient treatment for problem gambling. for an appoîntment eaul 693-4250 or 639-6537. PR E GNA NT ? Decisians ta make? Cati us wero hore ta ien. 875-1245. WANTED Ride ta Mo- hawk Colle ge, Fonnl Comps daily. il con- tributo. Cati Kim, 878- 0286. 1991 LUMINAAPV Min- ivan, ail power options, excellent condition, 160K< certifieti. $6,995 or best offer. Days 875- 0411, ask for Grahams Douglas. 1992 HONDA ACCORD EX, 4 cylinder, automat- ec, loaded, low kms., s51- ver grey, excellent eon- dition, certif ied. $10,500. 87-8985. 1993 PLYMOUTH Voyager, mini van. Gooti condition, new transmission with war- ranty. Certified. Asking $5,000. 905-875-3526. 1997 CUTLASS Supreme. 4 door, power windows, bocks, stear- ing, ABS. 69,000 km. Priceti to saoi$16,900. 875-3760. AUTO INSURANCE. Beat rates for moat dri- vers including highor riaks. Cali Warren, 519- 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. low-,

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