Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1998, p. 10

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10 - - Trhe 'Cânadran ChahWplon Prdaélà êtember 4,1b98 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The columrn is available to local cammunity groups to assist in promnoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occur- rence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the offtoe of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Friday Sept. 4 The Milton Resource Centre offers business con- sulting - 'Get Individuel Seif-Empioyment Informnation' - in one-hour appointments. For more information or to book or cencel, caîl 876-9828. Saturday Sept. 5 The Milton Tsuruoka Karate Schooi holds e ciass/registretion cession et 10 a.m. in Milton Mall's centre square. The public is invited ta watch the cless. For information, contact the non-profit school t 876- 1470. Sunday Sept. 6 The Fourth Annual Wome's Triathlon/Duathlon tekes place t 8 a.m. sharp. The rein or shine event is open toalal women aged 10 yeers and over. Al proceeds go ta Big Sisters of North Halton. To register, caîl Sue Leeder t 878-7329. For information, caîl Marg Teskey t 878-2691. Tuesday Sept. 8 Free workshops on writing resumes and cover letters are offered et the Milton Resource Centre, 3 10 Main St. E. The weekly 'Create a Winning Resume' (9:30 a.m.) and 'Compose e Dynamic Introduction Letter' (l p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duration. For more information, caIl the centre t 876- 9828. Parent support group Help for Parents meets et Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St- in Burlington at 7:30 p.m. [lhe non-denominational, self- support group with trained leaders helps parents of children who are in trouble t home, at school or with the law, or abusive or teking drugs. Cal) 1-800-488- 5666 for more information. Love to sing? The Milton Choristers and new direc- tor Glenda Crawford invite Miltonians ta the group's first reheersel of its 3th enniversary season. The event takes place et Grace Anglican Church on Main Street fram 7:45 ta 10 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For mare information, contact Andrea et 878-2422. Milton Toastmeslerm meets et the Royal Canadien Legion, 21 Chartes St., et 7:30 p.m. The group la dedi- ceted ta improving communication skills in a fun leamning environment. Refreshments are served. For mare information, contact Joyce Scott et 878-1526. The senior ciizens' Lunch Bunch meets et 11:30 a.m. for its monthly get-together t a local eatery. Cal the centre t 875-1681 for the September location. The Trillium Photographic Club holds an open house et Eest Pleins United Church, 375 Plains Rd. E., in Burlington et 8 p.m. Welcome are visitors and new and current members. The topic is types of pho- togrephs suitable for submidssion ta club dinics and competitions. For more information, caîl Marilyn Cheyke t 634-7755. Wednesday Sept. 9 Free workshops on interview skifls and the hid- den job market are offered et thse Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. E. The weekly 'Leamn How ta Seil Your Skills' (9:30 arn.) and 'Find Out W here Most of the Jobs Are' (1 p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duretion. For more information, cali thse centre t 876-9828. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds the Evening Euchre Party et 7:30 p.m. Lively competition and fellowship are feetured. Prizes are ewerded. The cost is $2. Everyone is welcome. Milton Seniors Club 88 holds a pot luck lunch at the Royal Canadien Legion, 21 Charles St., et 12:30 p.m. Ail participants help provide lunch. é see more DATELINE on page 16 Support for abused people Help is available for survivors of sexual Abuse offers group therapy for ail victims, abuse. both young and aid. To register, or for The Halton Centre for Childhood Sexual more information, eall Jolene at 825-3242. Public Notice CRTC 1998-88. The CRTC has received applications trom the tollowing cable licensees to be relieved, by condition ot licence, ot the requirement to distribute the new television station licensed lu Crossroads Television System, on the basic band pursuant to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. The applicants have advised that tis station witl be distributed on a cable channel that is no higher than channel 36. 10. GEORGETOWN, ACTON AND MILTON; AND ROCKWOOD, Ont. Applications by HALTON CABLE SYSTEMS INO. EXAMINATION 0F APPLICATIONS: 21 Main St. N., Acton, Ont. This application is available through the CRTC in Hu, (819) 997-2429; or our office in Toronto: 55 St. Clair Av. East, Suite 624. The notice s available in altemnative format, on request. Il you wish 10 support or oppose the application, write to the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ont., KtiA 0N2 by 21 Septênber 1998, with proot thet you sentea copy lu the applicant. For fli information, contact the aboya or CRTC Communications aI (819) 997-0313, fax (819) 994-0218, TDD (819) 994-0423, httpJIvMw.crtc.gc.ca., or Toit Free at 1-877-249-CRTC. H Canadien Radia-Television and Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des Tetecommunications Commission télécommunications canadiennes DR. DEMDIE HAWKINS Announcus tbe opsnlng oet bai New Animal Hospital Opsning In Milion in lais Sspismbsî Waicb loi exact opsning dats In The Champion MILTON MINOR BASEBALL ASOCIATION Coaching Selection: Rep. Basebali Applications to be submitted no later than September 12, 1998 for the following levels: Rookie Bail (Junior and Senior) Mosquito (Minor, Major - Combined)* Pee Wee (Minor, Major - Combined)* Bantamn (Minor, Major - Combined)* Midget <Minor, Major - Combined)* Juvenile (Minor, Major - Combined)* *There vWll be an A & B tean for each comnbtned evet Either mail to R.O. Box 221, Milton L9T 4N9 or drop off at Paul Perrott, 582 Sunnyvale Cres., or Steve Wagemann, 181 Harvest Dr. interviews will be held by a Selection Committee, week of September 14 - 16. Applicanîs will be informed of imes. Player cuts: To be held Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20, and Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27. The sohedule is as follows: *PI.as.NoesTime Changes" Times Park Bom by Dec. 31 1991 1990 1988-89 1986-87 1984-85 1982-83 1980-81 "B" tryouts will be held aller "A" tryouts are complete. Plaers muat fry ouI for 'A" 10 be eligible for "B" Iryouts MMBA:AINUm DANCE MMBA ANNUAL SEPTEMBit ý /S J$N ALGENERAL MEETING SATURDAY'4 OÇCTOBER 3/98 9mAM )JI9M BuFPAdéIDGHTBOYNE :COt,ÜWurWrCENTRE, TiceTscotIf4lNeL, $5-COUPLE ALL MEMBERS *:WELCOME AND PHOKNE MIMBA HOILINE - 876-2288 ENCOUIRAGED TO ATTEND Division Rookie Bail Junior 8-10 Pm Bronte Meadows Senior 10-12 pm Bronfe Meadows Mosquito 12-2 pm Bronfe Meadows Pee Wee" 2-Spm Bronle Meadows Bantam 1 2-3pm Bnan Besi Hardball Midget 9-l2pm Bnan Basf Herdball Juvenile 3pm Brian BesI Hardball PUBLIC NOTICE Canadâ

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