4- The Canadien Champion, Friday, August 28, 1998 Indian summer festival Crawford Lake presents its Indian video presentations and a barbecued cornI Fire by friction demonstrations, corn Crawford Lake is located at the corner ofI husk dolrnakîng and horse dr'twn wagon Guelph Linc and Stecles Avenue, south of* 1k ridesvwil ig~hli~l t the day long v r t. Larpbellvilit Milton residets caitan ke Also featured wilI be native arts and crafttaHghway 401 wcst to Canipbellville. i HIDDEN C"I rTo help prolong the IERD SOIE life of' hWur IG IELP tires... ELLIfUI slowing down or I!f'DflhII' getting stopped? It - BAAN~E might be time for a $2 4 9%5 INSPECTION"9 Ask about a front wheel alignment GO0OL tfr 4a Mlton's Derron Bain le currently tourlng the country with the 1998 Naval Gun Run, which offers a unique look at part of Canada's milltary history. Bain commands naval show By BRAD REAUME The Champion Milton's Derron Bain is the offi- cer in charge of the 1998 Naval Gun Run, a demnonstration of a unique part of Canada's military history. The Gun Run teamn tours the country displaying the ability of 19th century sailors to tear down a naval artillery piece, move it from ship to shore and put it back in working order for mnilitary action. The cannon and carniage used in the show weigh in at 1,800 kilogramns or nearly 4,000 pounds. The crew of 35 sailors move the piece over obstacles to simulate huIs and ciffs, reassemble it, ire the can- non, then disassemble it and return it to its original location and status. "t's a lot of funa for the teasa. Most of thern are frosa shipa stationed in Halifax. This gives them a break," said Sub-Lieutenant Bain. 'The navy gets interaction with the public. People want to know how much train- -ses PEOPLE on page 7 RAD SERVICE Radiator & Fuel Tank Repairs Aluminum Wlding Silver, Soldering "400 MOROBEL DR., JUNIT 4 MILTON Majo chnge hi><>d ~ ~ t~4~* q~*r o4urs l be eed frmi opendt.sd Sepemer 0,199 ad ctoer30ý19& abç Dy Mndy epmbr,7 19, daily 10:30a- 5e30 p..al ntaa~ Tax ill wil be mail d o or efo e S ptem er 9, 1 98ýAlwtheLohm * C ntr ido Po e nMoida bc tlos e ro Wed 19& Ii changed the way i which proper'ties are assessed and taxed for 1998. These an aiaea's M ol ilr-pno odySpebr1,98 h changes wiil affect ail Miltonp)roperty taxpayers i sooee way. Previousiy. prop oayPr-Oto olanE ru olwi e avial 8fo i946 rin erty taxes payable were caleutated using mifl rates (tmec*idnuLaj th tbimeona 0 te shdule. for more ifrain eeh 7-96 realidential). Under the new systemn, mil rates have been replaced by tax rates. DEPAftME1 OF WESUfl SERICE The tax rate'is multîph'ed by the (ZVA <cuiTent valite assessment> of the prop- li corm.Uy ...kh qudl«is ujplemb fer th erty as of june 30, 1996 as supplied to the property owner by the Regional UfiwM e-tl pd« Assessment Office. qai ntuor-Uéad Weight Rooni *up.rvtaor PItMPRTY CLASS RtURAL RATE UUhSARA T kcuubty*ur 9 Txe&: Ftnnàs IflOutteol Rsdntie/Farm 1,272.454% 1.390797% Muplur CVA by the txra Receptio Cr Mu1ti-residetja1 2.44t5556% 2.7à4775% hltedon the table. Fa..aty Maintenance ommIercial ~ 3290484% 346851% E--uPks' Skate Patv1$lers ~taati15.334928$% 5fl14206% *6115n,,ýthCA of$17.( Lio DbnoIng Instrctoir PIpelI.39797 n'38 2c66fl lffll3lt u4pMSS 2.3*6f*O 25 27% -c OS9of O 1flO Farmlands/Managed Forests 0,318113a% 0.347698% ePl..eas'o*ease foiwardyour applicationi by Friday Septembet llth, 1998, in confidence te: A coteplete tax information brochure wiUl be xnailed toal àlproperty owers with the. tax Stf upr Services Administrator bills ilàcudedin ths wi be afafltablel' t A suelases ofabovroTerclasesaan TheCfrpoateoTof te Ton of ilto *udeubeafu1ltabte1it~tin aiLueass~poIss.x 43 Bown St Miton, 0utario. L9T SH2 w. encourage yen. to reiid this'documnt fu 1 he prort tax bill wilI m. iled to Fax; 9W>-878-f6O95 pro" wners the. flrst week of ileptenibof eidyou av uos reg'ng te emainormatinU oetdurthe uthori' ofte Mtl9aIÂ 'ct, MSC 4bfl tx rte pe..seca heTon fMito wcviioat88-e2 Et, 47 sold 1wcaper45 wllbeusdfo eplyen ae ....... k4 mg 'r' -à%,noLûà Quality Home Child Care Providers in OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON, MILTON & HALTON HILLS FREE MEMBERSHIP FOR ONE YEAR* *FREE $1,000,000O Uability Insurance *FREE Member's Discount Program *FREE Promotion 0f Your Service *FREE Training& Workshops** For Informatien en how yeu can benefit frem hundreds ef montbly child care inquiries cali: