The Canadien Champion, Friday, August 28, 1998-27 what you get what you pay features & t service plans 9) 1l- z Lam w) z Iwhat you get How can one small phone hotd so much? Once you turn your phone on, you'll be surprised to discover how much you get. With Clearnet, ail of the following great features and benefits are included in your 10ow monthly fee: No long-term contracts to sign Caller ID - always know who's calling 30-day money-back guarantee on your Cali waiting - neyer miss important calîs while phone talking to someone else National coverage - our service covers more Enhanced privacy. that 90% of Canada's population Longer battery life - you'll spend less time re- Included minutes con be used anywhere in charging Canada No activation fees Voice Mail - youlre neyer out of touch 24-hour client care - we're always ready to O ne-second billlng - save money by paylng take your cail only for what you use Free local calîs on your birttcday Lwhat you pay ieds100 mkutew/monlh (anyime) ieis300 ninutea/month (nmnday to tiday) z.$2O $60 lmt w..ns TrALK-A-Lor ( WORK-A-LO'r hkds100 mnutes/monttl (rnndaY ta fidaY) WI rClud8S 6 ýo tesJmontth (morday to friday) $ 3 urdflt.we*efdgb+nlVe w..IndeV VoiCe Mail a Cailer ID eCail Waiting* Billing by the second e Free local calling on your birthday WW2%r Monthly system llCenslng Charge on ail plans $4.50 Additional taek time Long distance from Canada Wth Clearnet, 'lncluded' minutes cen be used anywhere ln "' 'our Canadien coverage area. Some compelsrsio 204:mnte oanwer and/U nctuded" minutes to their digital zone, and apply addltional 1 54/minute with WORK-A-LOT Additionai 20is/minute charges to calls made outslde their digital zone. _ Taxes are extra. *Friday et midnêght to Sunday et micighL siuiw) UMMIR BL@W@UTI Prpi o 1 ots $0O$civto e Pronto Numerie Pagers for only $6.95 per month, 7 Offèbr Avoulable Whlle Quantifies Last 393 Main St. E (Beside Subway) (905) 875-2352__ clearNET- "The Future Is Friendl i