Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Aug 1998, p. 25

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Iuflatots, Rema Dean,, DiII, Sp. Onion, Egglat, Deets, Savoy Calibages, Droccoli, Squash, Zusechial, Peppers & asil Pick your own - Ready pcked (please cal!> "THE FARM" DePaoli 873-2050 - 877-7976icau for. ave iabiil, Mon-Fri 8-8, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 8-2, Ho!, 8-2. 15 Sdes'a4 1 ka& aesl of »uiaga R , fit fam e n north ide, Stawartewa S.M.B. TRANSPORTATION wants AZ & DZ OPERATORS Full Urne commitment, travel a must. 1-800-486-9091 Blue Beacon Truck Wash la now hining Full & Part-Urne 8 arn - 4 pmn and 4 pm - 12 pmn. The zuccessfuI applicants muet be able ta work weekends. Startng wage is $7.00/hr. with bonua incentivea averaging your wage up ta $8.50-$900 per hour. No phone calis please. Please apply in per- son behind Flfth Wheel. PERMANENT PART TIME MATURE RETAIL SALES CLERK Part ime 24-32 hrs. wanted at HARRIS STATIONERY LTD. 182 Main St., Miltan L9T 1N8 Deliver reaumne in person ta Mr. Banin, Tues. - Sat. RECRUITING NOW FOR HEAVY & LIGHT GENERAL LABOUR POSITIONS Must have steel tae safety shoes. Apply ID pOrsofl Mon.-Thurs., 1-3pm: SACTION FORCE 3425 Harvostor Road Suite 100, Burlington PO 68-7744 Must have S.I.N card & pcture .D Food Retail Sales Large Brampton Food Company requires a mature, outgoing, ener- getic, people oriented, self starter to work in their retail outlet. This ful-time position requires the individual to work flexible hours, days, weekends and some evenings. Cash, computer and food retail experience an asset. Please apply in confidence to: P.O. Box #3667 c/o The Mississauga News 3145 Wlfedale Road Miaisauga, ON L5C 3A9 AXIS LOGISTICS INC. Permanent Full Time Positions Available Axis Logistis s c. in Milon (Hwy. 401 and 25N) is baving a JOB FAIR from September 8,1998 Ilrougis 50 Septemtser 14, 1998. MwseJob Fir sii! rua for two three- hour sessions comssesscisg as 9 arn. or 1 p.ns. on select- md dys. Al dusse interested muai attend one session. Anyone inteesed in a permaunent ful-fi=n position, as seleciors in a refrigerated warehouse are welconse. Ise searebouse operuses 24 bours a day. 7 days a week. Rate of puy is $12.38 per hoar. Duties inclade: assembling. operatiag nacinesy, computer input, accurase uoring assd selecion of orders. Requiremens are as follows: .40 bours pe week (five sifts) 'Masbc avilable to work un afsernoon se nigisi shift inclading n Saturdny or Sunday - Mass be plysically fis sud able to lift 20to 40 lb. onua continuon basis soua maximum of 80 Ibs. - Self nsoivated, masure dinker. responsible assd capa- ble of woring wids misimsal napervision in a sale assd efficient Isanuer. Al those interested sud feel dsai sbey cun osule a posi- cive contribution so Teans Axis pIeus fax your resassse ta 905-876-2020 s soon un possible. Selected applicansi will lui coatacted sud scbeduled toattIensd ove session. No phsone catis please. Trhose applicans who have already been dsrougb dse interviewe procsa need nos apply. No ageucies pleane. We are also acceping resusses for Pars Tisse posiions. Wet'e nar ca/de. Were nec satellite. Were Look and were new!We-e giving people whac theyre been was i. ng ce get in TV Ciboire in the 'c/sanne/r tlsey ,say for Thse higsesc possi/ble-picture and susd qua/ity. And no need te ma/se a /feime ins'esiment jast rager it. Ta/se e/scchance ce premete e/s new TValternacietos our breed range frusoemers. 0u INITIAL SECURITY requsres Pull TrnseiFast Tne Secsssay Officers for dher Mslsen Ace& Dunes mnclsde prop- eriy protection, arcessuroran sd od s rit dunes. Candidatsamast have oses tanspostation, sud h wssig se work eveasngs sud weekeuds and be on an on cufl basiss Faxm sunme 9557-69 or cull 905-578-6955 WORK FROM HOME! Interested in making extra money? Would you like to work part or full time from your home? We employ people in yasr arca to do work front home. YOU cisoose your asen hours! YOU are thse boss! Par free detuils, senri a self-addressed-ntassped-envelope la: NORTH IMPERIAL PROMOTIONS 599-B Yoage Sreet, Suite 339 Toronto, Ontario M4Y 17,4 We've Bot great thi n store for youl STOUUO'JT STF-AI M 5 jf~- tâltins, put dm PMu Trlag - evcsyisig yoe secri sdoa gsa jeb. Val uaN Emla - evesylsng you seed foraà gseas us5as Sai hasie - sessMakea sur asunera li a aat nus- vnssaOur essslye. Hosuiy,cuiing, usda nwnslspm dut feela ie basse Apply Today: 7502 Trafalgar Rd., Olornby An o u e a ucna at ýn. PAfr-TllMPPORTUNrry CUSTOMER SERVICE REPIRECUPflONIST We are seeking a part-ime/back-up recepUionst to support aur busy sales office. You are an ener- getec and fniendly person with experlence in recepUion/customer service. You are able ta han- die a varlety of ta"s, you possess excellent tele- phone and customer service skilîs, and yau are p roficient in Microsoft Office and Database Management. Approx. 15-20 houra per week, shifts are evenings, Thursday and Saturdays.. Submt resumne by fax to Kim OKeefe, 875-2279j Springridge Farm bas opemangu for SCHOOL TOUR GUIDES ta wosic weekdays Sept. 21 ta Oct. 31 SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF ta wark every weekend in Octaber durissg aur Harvest Festival. Applicasions available astishe farm 7256 BELL SCHOOL LINE Daily 9-5 Bilingual Customer Service Representatives (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Ptinjabi, French) As a previaus Custamer Service Representative. yos've sisown tisai yas cao educate. persuade and nerwark wish cussamers and cossariers. Yas taise speciai cure an makiag sare yoslirsten carehslly ta people, sud get the righr message ucross. Yu challenge yourself ta make warking la a bostlia5 envrommeor loois easy. And you answer chose questions your cossamers need ta understund beore yas iselp risen siga up. Pamiliarisy uitis consumer/elecrronic producis and an awareness of tise systcms ad operasional processes tisai support custamer service are defonite assets. Due b rishe nature of risis position. you mont bc fluent la Englisis and one af tise aisose lisied languages would Ise an asses. You are flexible ta perform shisft and weeisend work on a par i-tisseisasis. Channel pour energies la aur direction. Parurard pour résumé ta: Human Resurce Departnent, Look Commsunicatinslac., 8250 Lawaon Road. Mileon, Ontario L9T 5C6. Fans 1.905.693.0674. Taire a lacis se Laok ae www.laokca We7 appsetae>ur iuner,.hmawcre osem re rdforanintervriew wnu &r mauisactLook Cmmuniacations lacs a equiapporaosi apirv For i rai. utime counte he .his 852 1 Hwy. 25Notho490&l. SCO UDRIERWTD For MILTON Are& Laidlaw Transit is loaking for school bus drivers. Are you retired laaking ta supplement yaur incarne, hornemakeri raising ciltdren, laoking for part time employment, if sa, jain the Laidlaw Team. Train now for September,,.if in- terested cati: 877-2251 for infa. Laide. Trainst 18m ua faaoppordasuig .ai/uter. MR. SUB requies counler help for night slilft Apply n persan 10 amn - 2 pm or 7 pm - 12 pm aIt 429 Main St., East. TRAFALGAR GOLF & C.C, requires grounds main- tenance staff. Three positons available. Fax (905- 878-1699) or send resume ta John Parker, Box 56, Mon, Ont. L9T MY. No oeils please. TWO creatve, energetie, ECE. positons available and a part Urne assistant. Please forward your resume ta 258 Commercial Street, or fax ta 878- 7552. WEEKEND TOW TRUCK driver required. No expe- rience necessary. Wsll train. Clean driving record a must. Current abstract required. Cal! 878-7200 or drop off resume plus abstract ta, Durantes Auto Service & Towing lnc., 8473, Hwy. 25, nortis of 401, Mon. ELECTRICIAN TECH. Electrician Toch. required for a large food processing plant. Must have a valid construction mainte- nance license. Experience with controls and instrumentation with a minimum 5 years experience. Please reply in confidence to: P.O. Box 3666 c/o The Mssîssauga News 3145 Wolfedale Road Mssissauga, ON L5C 3A9 I Wheri lookln@ for work, j t Canabian Chamnpion. The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Auguat 28, 1998-25 DZ DRIVERS WANTED Blue Circle CBM is a leading manu- facturer of ready rixed concrete. We are naw in the pracesaf hiring dri-i vers for our Miltori ope'ra.tion. AIl cari- dicdates must have a clean abstract and also good English communica- tion skilîs, bath oral and written. lnterested applicants should fax resume ta: BLUE CIRCLE CBM MILTON YARD 805 Nipisaing Rond Mlton L9T 4Z4 Fax: 905-875-4151 Att'n: Jim Borst No Phone cails please. TECHNICIAN required for Automotive Repair Sbop and Emiasion Testlig Facflty. Ability ta diagnoase ansd repair electronic systemas an asset. Competitive wages, benefits available. Drap in ussumne to: DURANTE'S AUTO SERVICE 8473 Hwy 25 Narth of 401 Muliton HELP WANTED Fast growing Structural Plate Fabrication Shop in Milton requirea motivated people for the fallowing permanent positions: Welders (mnig) Welder Fitters (mig) Inspector Shipping, General labourer (able ta operate overhead crane) To start immediately. Benefit package, competîUve rates plus praductivity incen- tive. Please cuill: DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS LTD. at 1-8004663-7538 Contact: Rab or Brian LIFT TRUCK MECHANIC Rapidly growing Brampton Company has a fuil-timne position available. Potential candidate must have electrical experience, propane knowledge and BT experience would be an asset. Please send resumne in confidence to: P.O. Box 43668 c/o The Mîussouga News 3145 Wolfedale Road Messssauga, ON LM 3A9I RAGLAN INDUSTRIES, Miton Division, s cirrent- ly seeldng experienced M..G. welders. Alumninun weidling experience is an asset. Apply in persan ut dse address below or mail/fax your resumne ta: 140 Maurket Drive, Milton, Ont. L9T 3H5 Fax #(905)875- 3226. Miltan Hydro-Electric Commission bus an opening for a Senior Clerk in their Oillisg & Collection Deparossent. Responsibilisies include tise diiy biiiing sud mais- tenance of cussomer accours ansd dse operuian cof tise mailing eqaiposens as requird. The saccesafal applicant musbave srong analysicul aklis, atten- tion 50 detasl, ha able ta wark with minimal supervi- sion sud uccep dhat dsey may ha requsred ta luke on nes sbos tise work changea. Froficiency in word proceasing, apreudsbors applications sud a commu- oisy college dipiamna in business or equivulent expe- rience is aso reqsired. Applicanta for tiis posision sbosld sesd tiseir ressises by Septembor 4, 1998 to: Attention: Ms. Ruth Tisomas, Billing Sapervisor Milton Hydro-Elecsric Commission Box 189, 55 Thompson Roud South Milton, Ontaria L9T 4N9 We uppreciate tise interest sisosn by ail appli- cants. isosever, anly those candidates ta be inter- viewai seilI be contacsed. AVAILABLE in Robert Baldwin & St. Peter's Sehool ansa. Please oel 878-3758. BABYSITIR 3 chied ren, our home, flexible houra. Please oeil 878- 0676 & leave message. BEFORE and after scisool oere in my home. Experienced and oering Mcm, Sue, 875-1444. BEFORE/AFTER Schaal cars available in My home. st. Peter's/Robert Bafdwin ansa. Referenees avait- able. 87-3534. DAYCARE required be- fore and ater sehool, for daughter attending Ro- bert Baldwin Sehool, beginning Seplember 8. Cal! 875-3291. EXPERIENCED quality daycare availabte for one chiid 12 months or aider. Room for 1 child before and after school (girl) Robert Baldwin area. Carol, 876-0620. UCENCED home day- care. Spaces available. Providers needed. Appiy tb Caring Places. Agency Office 876- 1514. MOTIIER of two aval- able for cfildcare. Flexi- ble hours in a non- smoking home. 693- 0678 Miton RELIABLE experi- enced provider. In- door/outdoor pay Club- house, swings, large piayroom. BeliNanier area. Receipts. 878- 65M. GO GREEN THIS WEEK, RECYCLEI 1 1 » 1 RECEPTONISI REQU IRED FOR ORTHODONTIC PRAC TIC E Ihis position is tot a malernily leave possibly leading la a perma- nen! placement. Dental or orlhodonlic esperiesce required. Please send resumne 10; Dr. B. Hurd 720 Guelph Lins, Suite 203 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E3 No phone ca/fs p/ease! Bookkeeper/ Receptionist for local accousting pructice Muss bc fumiliar seitis: 'Windows 95 " AccPac Accountissg - Excel -Microsoft Word -'Tax Prep Plesa apply ta Box 2297 c/o Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9

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