Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Aug 1998, p. 20

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'20 --rhe Canadiàt1 Charfipion, Fredafy, Agbt'2g, 1998 Rookie Bal Mosquito Pee Wee Bantam Midget Juvenile MILTON MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Rep. Basebail Coaching Selections: Applications to be submitted no later than September 12, 1998 for the folowing levels: (Junior and Senior) (Minor and Major) (Minor and Major) (Minor and Major) (Minor and Major) Ether mail to PO. Box 221, Milton L9T 4N9 or drop off at Paul Perrofl, 582 Sunnyvale Ores., or Steve Magemann, 181 Harvest Dr. Interviews wiii be held by a Selection Committee, week of September 14 - 16. Applicants wiIi be informed of imes. Ployer MyoutI To be heid Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20, and Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27. The schedule is as foiiows: Times Park Born by Dec. 31 1991 Rookie Bail Junior 8-10 arn Bronte Meadows 1990 Senior 10-12 pm Bronte Meadows 1989 Mosquito Minor 10-12 pm E.W. Foster 1988 Major 12-2 pm Bronte Meadows 1987 Pee Wee Minor 2-4 pm Bronte Meadows 1986 Major 4-6 pm Bronte Meadows 1985 Bantam Minor 9-11 arn September l9th at F-W. Foster 1984 Major 11-1 Pm Sept. 20, 26&27 at Rôt ery Ughted 1983 Midget Minor 9-12 pm Bnian Best Hardball 1982 Major 12-3 pm Bnian Best Hardbali: 1~1or Juvenile 3 pmn Brian Best Hrbl 1980 ceBan0¶ s gt Teams wiii possibiy be Minor-Major combined. 'OeDasfrorn House League Championshîp Days: inner f50/50 Draw ticket #50'7399: Winner of Easton Bat ticket #73014 hoýino: MMBA Hot Line 876-2288 and leave mesage to daàim Division Select under il girls win consolation prize sfrom MAGIC on page 18 Success continues The under- il girls select squad contin- ued to shine in tournament play recently, winning the consolation crown in Etobicoke. After a 2-0 semnifinal loss t0 North London snapped their string of eight straight tournament victories, Milton rebounded to edge Brantford 4-3 in a title match shootout. T'here was no score after regulation tirne, with local cagers Cassandra Berghanimer and Sara Mancini combining for the goose egg. Berghammer would also register one of the shootout goals while Elalne Robinson, Teia Clement and Tammny Merritt fired in the others. Milton's goaltending tandem were per- fect thuough round-robin play, which saw the locals edge both North Bay (1-0) and York (2-0) and battle to a scoreless stale- mate with North Mississauga. Merritt potted lla three goals. Fierce attack Long since past a midseason rough patch, the under-l15 rep boys are now run- ning roughshod over their South Region Soccer League competition. Last week they annihilated two more opponents 10 move into sole possession of third place. "Now that we've got a fuît lineup we're destroying everyone," said Magic coach Adrian Wnod, whose team suffered through a rush of injuries this summer. "It' s a shame we were so shorthanded through June and July, otherwise we might have been atop the standings now." Milton's latest victims were the Guelph Royals, who were exploited early and often in a 9-2 shellacking last Thbursday. After holding opposing strikers in check for thse first haîf, Robyn Hoît came out of his net and buried two goals down thse stretch. Replacing him between thse pipes was Carlos Samaniego. Eric Wood also tallied twice while Quinn Young, George Raynard, Justin Tingley, Ryan Sanson and Greg van Es chîpped in singles. Two nights earlier at home the Magic dumped second-place Owen Sound 6-1 on the strength of two-goal outputs by John Little and Ivan D'Ascanio. Scoring one a piece were Wood and Young while Hoît guarded the cage. The 9-6-2 Magic close out tiese eason Tuesday ut Thompson Norths against East Hamilton. Game time is 8:30 p.m. Pair of losses A shortened bencis cost tise under- 10 rep boys back-to-back losses recently, which dropped them to 7-5-3 on tise year. Monday night tisey were humbled 5-1 at home by top seated Cambridge while last Wednesday second-place Hamilton outdis- tanced them 3-1. Scoring for Milton over this stretch were Jacob Demarsis and Matthew Price while Joisnny Gazzola guarded the cage. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. é 878-2022 10:00 ar.m.- Breaking Bread 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading lu issa faimhfl saying lhat Christ iesusamne into the worid to Save simrs:" 1 Yna.15 Mistae n. Bt oisHde My.tin sHunI Dinelse of MuaicJudyutIe SUNDAY, AUOUSTr 30, 1998 10:30 AMd WORSHIP Sermon TttIe: "WELCOMETHE STRANGER" a Osao dnd cUnsannsy e., bwmnin "Lana 58-iSo KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Sreet E., Milton Ministers - The Rev R Lewis - Colleen Smih 10:30 a.rn. Sunday Worship Nuraery & Sunday School Vacation Bible School August 17-21, 9:00-11:30 amn To preregister cati Amy, 878-9873 For inforsauion eall 878-6066 9Parking on Mary Sreet ElWlethur aset Mary aiMes entrasse. -m BAHAI i<oethough thot ali mes hase boas rreoted n the sature by God. Colo eoch ose hath boers presrribed a pre-ordised meosure...Al that sehich ye potentiolly passes ras, hoteever. be manitested only as o resus aof your owrl voli- tian. our oses arts testty ta ffis tuth.« From the Baihai MWitisgs ILOCAU ...................87800 11 IREGIONA#Ls ........1.800-4333284 NATIONAL .........1-905-889-8168 G.LOBAL ............wwwiaaha.Org IIOLY ROSARY PARISH httpJ/wwwgolden.neti-wst/hailtorJp-houlyrsay-m.html HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pra Saturday 9:00 anm, 10:30 arn OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Mlton Heights No Mass ST. PETE MISSION 9th Line & Britannia Nu Mass RmvEarl Talbot, P.P. Celebretng our 601h Mini veraeuy SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1998 1045 arn.: TH1E APPOINTUENT WITM GOD Pasior Rigge wll be coetnuigq the Leadershlp Sere entiled .. MTE SECRETS 0Fr SUPER-ACHIEVERS' -Nurxery Cre i(Agît 0-2) - Jr. Chiltrents Church (Agis 3-6) Sr. Chilrns Church (Ages t-10) 6:30 Pm EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLV Peetîr RoiggewIlb eotnuieg the LêdnM ernhldi th Ie message HIOW I.EDEES MENTEZ THEIR SUCCESS" Nurxery Cari (Agix 0-2) - Kii' Club (Agis 3-6) Sammer titis' Cuaxîclian (Gradin 1-8) GRAND RIVER BOAT CRUISE Hotd by.. Saturday, October 3 New Ufe's Young-At-Heart Seniors Join us for this tour hour Dinger Cruise, Cost is $3300 per persan which inludes transportation, 3 course niai, gratuity, aid much more! Money must be in by September 18Iss cal! 90w andl reserve your spot! HOWTO FIND US! a-RLE Alpha Answers ru the Question ofife new) course begiris Mîmay,ý Septersber 14, 1998 fromrs79.30p.pn ALPHA is a 10wecoruse desigsed leteuris tie basirs of tise Chisianîrtu int a Slaxed and "user- frtradly" eay. Itris desigoed pnimaeily ior tliser sntina te invstitiie Chrstianity, New Christians. Non Chu rhgeers snd tliser ho cust to ismsh tp on tise baies. Ilits us aexceet refmshereor e]auvea course fer long-lame Chistnse. Eery weeiswe sturlcuidissuer. lhe so chlarefor tise cours, heser donationsst cuser the csleof di- ne ours ceeS uarreqttested. Coae oeat, cone t sîiialiie, contie ol er, corne te siare..ALPHA is SifsryesMe. O(jeisuiouldi ike moe inf[ormaston pL-a ctusacl SGRACE ANGICNCHIICIICAT878 -41 - Wisrelebur aceu roupr kingltdtxirs VIOTeuRBIBELA HURON Are you bored with church and Christianity? Ha churcis attendance made littie difference in your life? la Suaday moeing service just a routine or tradition? If your answer is yes 50 tisese questions, and you maxi more out of church, thes I encourage you ta check out our services that will excite, challenge, and equip you ranis week. 10:00 -11:15 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for children 9 years and under) Minutries of Vltorv Bile -PlaieauMiniuy fueusing un songu centred roand tise word uf Gnd and relatiunship citit Christ. -sEmadsiisgtisas equips tise eliever ta hase a deeper relatiunship witi tise Lard and faiili God's plan in your lite. -A bhldeen's Maiaaun tsat wilI train childeen antise Bible su tisey ra learn mare about Jeans Christ and apply Hin ward in tieir lises. BRillLSidicsa ta are utrd as a merans ut aatreach ta tise cossssnity as weil au grawth for tise heliever. (i4alton police stndy, Satnrday moening study, Syl Appt stady, Suaday evening stady) -Comuniiay Outsteach siseungi weekly Bihle teaehing segment un Caisie 14 weeldy teen taiksthow. "Living A icrorioas Lfe By Tihe Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyceeOnteehap.net Frîday & Satnrday Nightly t 700 pmr & 9t5 Pm Sunday - Thuraday Nighlly ai 7:0 )Pm Ngt ttya 7:00 pm only BLADE M~ Fritiay & Saturtiay NiUrIly ai 7:00 par & 9:15 Pm Sunday - Thursday Nightly aI 7:00 Pma mkw_ý 1

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