A Metroland Comniunity Newspaper Vol. 139 No. 49 Friday, August 28, 1998 28 Pages 750 (GST included) Appealing apparel. Katie DeCare was one of the real ife modela who helped show off back to school fashions recently et Mlton Mail. Here she sports some wears from Rick'sfBootlegger.1 Woman hurt in car rollover A McNiven Road woman was sent to bospital witb mninor injuries after tbe 1989 Ford Bronco she was dri- ving rolled over at Derry and Twiss roads early Monday morning. At 12:10 a.m. the vebicle, westbound on Derry Road west of Twiss Road, left the roadway and rolied 60 metres into a wooded area, Halton Regional Police said. Nearby residents beard tie impact and rusbed to the scene. Tbey pulled the occupant from the crasb as gas leaked from die vebicle. The 20-year-old driver was taken by ambulance to Milton District Hospital. The accident is under investi- gation, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon. Respected Campbell says goodbye to his force and the public By JILL DAVIS Speci to The Champion In a scant four months or so, Halton police Chief Peter Campbell will wallc out of his second floor office at headquarters and flot look back. He will be closing the door on 36 years of law enforcement and taking on new challenges to fil his days. But while he's obviously content witb his decision flot to continue in bis post, Chef Campbell, 55, makes it known be's leaving behind a rewarding career that started in 1962 after responding to an OPP advertisement. I was only going to do it for a year," he said witb a smile, "and then 1 was going back to achool." Sometime during that ycar, Chief Campbell must have decided a future as a police officer was worth pursuing. t wasn't until 1974 - through an OPP sponsorsbip program - that Chief Campbell went back to school. Ibis time be received is Bachelor of Commerce degree. When Chief Campbell agreed to be interviewed for this story, he wanted to make sure it reflected policing - its rewards, its disappointments - and was not solely about bim. Cbief Campbell, wbile ighly visible in the community, bas managed to keep bis private lîfe private and even though he answers aIl questions openly, one gets a sense be would much rather be discussing his beloved force than bis retirement plans. Yes, be spoke of exciting travel plans witb bis wife of 30Oyears, Liz. And yes, lie will be keeping busy curling, golfing and playing bridge. But you can see bis tbougbts are stilI firmly entrencbed witb the Halton Regional Police Service. Chief Campbell spoke witb pnide wben be reflected on the bours of community work police personnel give SO freely to the various groups and organizations tbrougb- out Halton. "Tbey bave enormous commitment to the community," lie said. 'There are tbou- sands and tbousands of volunteer bours from tbe organization." As an example, be talked of the Ontario Special Olympîcs Spring Gaines beld in Burington and Oakville tbis past spring. (officers) took holidays to be part of the Gamnes," he said. He also spoke of the police offi- cers Who seized the initiative to set up a skateboard PtrCmbl park for PtrCmbl youth in Oakville and are working on doing the samne in Georgetown. He described the 550 members of Halton police (about 415 are uniformed members) as people who go beyond their uine of duty to belp make Halton a better place in wbich to live. *see HALTON on page 10 Tutors noedod The north Halton Aduit Lteracy Guild needs volunteers. Tutors with reading and wniting pro- ficiency are required to teach for three to four hours a week, either in the daytime or evening. Training sessions begin in the fal for those interested. Cali 873-2200 for more details. Dr. Jo-Ann McKinnon IL 875-1322 _01L--UCam 655 Mmli St. E, Mikon875-3673 et 3 F MmCnaaLedriMu Ft~ F"om Canaes ,m&,in butu "' r - - - - - - -I WUýIW Wf&.â .=I Mit .a . ES 1=I tu m&ýto in.w i. " >.. Lmà-rainc .'-' W ATLAS PWg moemmowUBItV $LU[ CN4P TUINKaUB6 ~ Pi....cai for& no obligation appointsnent at 693-1100 -4 '~1 --------- - a . 1 f- MUAMVMLWYN