22-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 11, t998 m....... - .... - - ---- THE COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE 0F HALTON 1 0 invites sealed Pre-qualîficatïon documents CCAC which muat be received nos later than: IlAL N THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 AT 2:00 R.M. by the CCAC of Haton for the provision of: Homemaking Services Pro-qualification documents will b. available commencing Wednesday, Auguat 19, 1998 at: The Community Care Access Centre of Haton 440 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor BURLINGTON, ON L 7R 2M Business hours for document pick-up are 8:30 ar.. 104:30 p.m. Monday f0 Friday. Any questions regarding this procesa should be directed f0: Elaine Whtmore, Director of Planning and Development (905) 639-5228, Extension 8920, or 1-800-810-0000 PERMANENT PART TIME MATURE RETAIL SALES CLERK wanted at HARRIS STATIONERY LTD. 182 Main St., Milton L9T 1 N8 Deliver resumne in person to Mr. Bonin, Tues. - Sat. ciXhýudleigh 's CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Vour Own Apple Season. Reteil, Tour Guides, Tractor Drivers & Information Booth & BBQ. Fuli out applications et Chudleigh's 9528 Hwy. 25, between 9 & 5. Blue Beacon Truck Wash la now hiring Ful & Part-time 8 am - 4 pm and 5 pm - 12 pm. The succesaful applcants must be able f0 work weekends. Starting wage la $7.0D/hr. wth bonus incentves averaging your wage up f0 $8.50-$9.00 per hour. No phone caîfs please. Please applyyin per- son behind Fifth Wheel. Assistant Equip. Manager required for Rattîesnake Point Golf Course Under the direction of the equipment manager perform duties which include the repair of broken or failing equipment. The incumbent requires a working knowl- edge of general operation of Gasoline and diesel equipment, knowtedge of proper methods of servicing power mowîng equipment, ability 10 understand & fol- low written and oral direction. Ability to work common mechanical foots, abiiity to maintain co-operative working relation- ship with other employees and requires a valid drivers license. The position offers competitive wages. Ail imterested individuals pleese send your resume ta: 5407 Hwy 025 Milton, Ontario L9T 2X5 loin A CHALLENGINO a REWAEDINGCAREER ÈM chuafu Peple îseeded Iramdlataly aI our Mille. location 80 Muket Drive -Un, 25 ui 1w 401- Perablent FuII/ PudtUre WAREHOUSE POSITIONS AVAILABLE *Order Fillers *Shlppor/ Order Assemblers *Warehause Clerk/ Roach truck operatar P/case apply in person wl/h resume fa: WALLACE & CAREY 2226 South Service Rd., W.,Oakvilie, O, L6L 5N1 PART TIME help re- quired for Retail Business, 16 hours per week (some Safur- days). Must have strong people skils. Horticul- tumi oxperience an as- set. Apply f0 Box. 2290, c/othe Cacadian Cham- pion, 191 Main Sf., E., Milton, ON. L9T 4N9. PART TIME weekend help needed et Homse Ferrain Oakvile. Ex- perience requiredOCon- tact Claudia af 905-257- 1819. SUPER A VIDEO now hiring fulfime positions. Please drop onresume ef 550 Ontari o Sftrouf S., Milton or phono 875- 3320. Witether Buying, Seiing, Lookng for empioyment, or wanting to hire, Announcing a SpeCial Event or A Message of Interest Cali The Classifleds Dept. at 875-3300 Thundend owtjugrenersasks. Wmedffe eigfo nepeine * Pv el tarterwk enviromen Peleae ti or forwrourdresume to:b o ueoSteve orean etos o mus te edepeok ndnlr ee Prnesan 211 Arms howtrog ve.,mrustss Geofergeo N 7 X "a te Bnr ase volear etbihdCrse cerner mindeor individual l e urnawrdwinin satec bau.a CIe e h cndpdae ffeers GeoargetowrsnObudLgetX D e ncroamentoue u sabihdCrse SAle sper oer25hiar 0f customer atsfactinaned c ormpeheinsive pr o ofes ol aarinin fles ea reilrsedi lii u em Mîxc llen Crysplan Bie hle " 8Comany tarlStNnh "Mîih ru elplanOt "Lag avriin ut22 AZ-BZ-DZ DRIVERS REQUIRED BURLINGTON BASED COMPANY RE- QUIRES DRIVERS FOR DELIVERY 0F VEHI- CLES IN CANADA AND U.S. CALL 905-639-4422 STEEL HAULERS Oualified AZ Drivers required for a CAN-US op- eration, 500 mile radius, Fair Dspatch/n- oentive Plars/Good Wages/Benef is Package. Cali 888-659-5555 MAINTENANCE PERSON Full Time position for person with expenience and knowledge of HVAC's, plumbing, electri- cal and misceilaneous repairs. The right person for the position must be a self starter, able 10 be a leader, work with the public and staff, and looking 10 grow within the company. Fax Reaumne 10: (905) 878-8792 MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL. Maictenance perses part-lime position te perfora maintenance functians us eqipaet, preperty and buildings. Willi clade electrical, plumbing, HVAC and groundakeeping. Graduate of standard rade appren- ticeship program and/ocr cent relateri experience. 2-3 yrs. rucent esperiecce in maintenance of equipmett, alilities, HVAC, building & grounds, crpentry & paint- icg. Ability te participate effectively in a team environ- ment. Energetic, assertive with a good ecerali mechan- cal backroand. Must be able te read, write, speak & understand Engiiah. Applications shoaid te cubmitted se later thac Aag. 20, 1998 la: Jehn Tarnawaky, Plant Manager recevaber d .,hilteron muaSt bever orAnized, have experckienceswith twindcows 95at & fExceibeMalto ecor mmiate-l paythl other, wrk acurtelyunr res sure, and have a sense of humor. Please send comptete resume with previous employment duties listed to Box 2291, c/0 the Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 by Aug. 20. Only suit- able candidates will be contacted. FULL Tf ME Office Clerk 1 equired for Milton Office. Duties indude Data Ectry, Fiiîcg, Showroomn Sales & other clerical dulies. Fax resumne 10 (905) 878-5361, Terry Rowley Mechanical. COMMUNITY CARE SRVICES Home Support WorkersI Health Care Aides Experenced HSWs/HCAs required immediately to service clients in the Brampton, Mississauga & Etobicoke areas. Indlividuals wth a car & who are wiling f0 travel 10 Bolton/Caiedon areas woufd also be an asset. Pi ease fax resume tri: Attn: Mary-Anne (905) 275-1449 (An Equal Qpportunity Employer) ARE os a teacher looletng for chîldeare in your home boginning Sept. 98? 1 am an ener- gefie grandmother avail- able f ulI dayn. Reterences available. 878-4733. BABYSITrER required n my home for 3 cttild- roi, ages 9, 7 & 3, start- iîg September 8. Oel 876-3743. MOTIIER of two avail- 3 BEDROOM home, 2 abe for childeare. Feie storey $$975 includes ble houra nn e ion- utlities, fîrsf & lest. Cal smoking home. 693- Nancy 875-0873 or 878- 0678 Milton 3188. NEW AI3ENCY Carlfl Places. Seeks Provid- ers for icensed pri- vate/homo childeare progrras. 876-1514. m n ow, RAINBOW VILLAGE house. pur-ficshed DAYCARE offericg basement, central air, 1 - quality progrras for 1/2 baths. $950 + utili- eilîdrun 18 mocths f0 5 fies. 1sf & iast/month. years. Craffa, music & Available September fied tripu. 878-7552. 1/98. No dogs. 875- mm 0046. ABUSED and et raid? For heip caîl 878-8555, a 24 hour crisis lice for abused womec. Halton MMILLSIDE TOIWERS - Womec's Place is an 82 MILLSIDE OR., emergency shelter MILTON available for abused NOW LEASING womec and fheir child- 1 & 2 Bedrooras dren in Halon Region. available on bus ail cals are confidentiel. route, freshly deco- ADAPT now offers out- rtd2 pplianoes, patient treafment for on-site launclry, problem gambllng. for iccludes ail uflties an appointmecf caîl (except phono & 693-4250 or 639-6537. cabie.) Free parking, AE YU BEING no peta. Reterences affected by someone tises driciking? Anon 905-876-1249 Family Group motta By uppoictmunf eeîy each Moniday ight 8L..... p.m. at St. Pauls United Church, back door SPACIGUS immaculato (parking lof otrance) 2 bedroom apartmoct in 1-800-891-4862. country home, close f0 401, ail utilities, very pri- P R E G N A N T ? vate. References. No Decisions to make? OeIl pets. Available October us were hure 10 listen. 1. $800. 519-856-9259. Car.) $3.900 firra. Please oel 875-2807. 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Ltd., V6, aufomafie, leether infonior, 4 door, 126 K, oertifiod. $4000 0.B3.. 876-1203. 1990 CHEV Cavalier, 4 door, automatie, 135,000 klms., $2.500 oertified. Oeil Cliff, 876- 3359. 1991 HYUNDIA Excel CX, automatie, sunroof, AM/FM cassette, good condition, 3 door. $2,000. 905-854-3675. ZGeRRUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITPf FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGESI SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILON 875-2277__ Make it RICHARDSON CNIVROLETOL8UOI To loaso or purchae yocr car or truck Hwy 25 S. t Dorty Rd. 878-.2393 n Campbeliviffe. Prefer my homo or Nenny shae IocaIly, 4 or 5 deys e wook, boginîng Soptomber 7. 854- 0463. ______ 17 FT, Houso Trailor, DAYCARE eveifeblo in sloops 6, combinetion my home for Septom- fridgo, heaer, toilof, ber, Dorset Park area, greal condition. Asking bofore/affor sehool, RA. $1,500. 878-9888. days and sick deys. Re -_________ ceo'ptu & refrencas prience. Plase Cail Brande, 876-4135. CAL 873-3300 Tro US? votim OFFICE FOR RENT, 600 sq. f + bath roora & kifehen ic Campbellville. Available 1sf August, 1998. Oeil 905-854- 3376, Joif. STORE for renf, 1,800 sq. f. Main Sftreet, Mii- ton. 878-3643. COUNTRY Estate. Over 6000 sq. ht. executive home on 9 acres! For recorded message oel (41 6)499-INFO, enter ID#4030, Chetyl Smith, Royal LePage R.E. TOWNHOUSE $117.000. 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, finished basement, 5 applianc- es, Tool shed. 876- 3460. LCOME* AGON OwGdtng mawrd ln 3 monlhs or more? *Having a baby? *Establiahiflg a new business? PLEASE CALL US: Cnmmunnly Welceme Linda ..154-1563 Marilyn .... 875-0519 BridaI Jackie... 878-1907 Baby Gail ...78-6540 *nninennlpratmsslellal Paf ...76-40401 There's Stili Time TO Advertlse Y.ur GARAGE SALE ln Tihe Champion e Great Exposure e Tuesday& Frîday paper e Generate extra $$$ 0 Receive a Free GARAGE SALE KIT sAbove ail - have tun! Place your Ad wifh Sheena at Tht Champion Phone 875-3300 Today! 14!'lan and Metrolaîd Prinfing, Publishicg and Distributicg in Milton has an immediate opeiing for ai experienced Telemarketer/ Sales Represectative tf0 oin 0cr sales tears. As a motivated self-starter with a proven sales background, yoc wilI be respoîsible for the co-ordinatîng and selling of numerous features and sec- fions. You must be able f0 work uoder deadlines, and cnderstand how f0 juggle numerous tasks. We offer: - a base salary - lucrative commission package - stable work environmeit Please forward your resume f0: Bill Begin, General Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main Si. East, Mlton, ON 19T 4N9 Fax: (905) 876-2364 -7-: