The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August il, 1998-17 $ ~l7 O* Ilt Iuminum R opan Erl ýý$ 0 +TAXES INCL ______________= e________ .pr uthil1&H-065 SS. 'CUMMINS TURBO TOP 0F THE LUNE LEATHER CD DEE ST l mflm mOWCHANGER 'LOADED .LCmii SERGCOVTUBlxi * 4XGRAUI Desel Y'. v H9LCxfhl sp Manua SokSOn -. ,Everyhng Stock #32166Heav Ut #32166 026 - t cks &Minos «OAUIFM ass.'C VWlLuxurx LeanP,' yAbsxnitelu Qoed vA F a 01Pburc ePoweretae on ntemî FINAL SALE PRICE v AM/FMCo YOLt -ts SAVE,2lePi, $8116 *Le s 36 mxeih terni Due xx deivent, cdown payment as dscxseo e aqn secunt ast, ooxx stpaynmertl us appoxcable taxes & lcense. 20 400 km annual miealloatance Excess mileage che 120 perKM plus taXeS O.A.Soecia nasce rates avattabein leu 01 RDA Oscos. t specal lease prxgam oLeaseis 36 roox h teni Due att devent, Ôc aymefl as don oused, eg5 nfistpaxtiettaxes & iceflsing.24,000 arn annual i iage alowance lxcess vage cnarge is 1ocperKM pus taxes O A.C*Leaseis 36moiti t etm.No clown paymenlt ettxv- Papatent iciades eght, anr tex PST & GST Due on deiver s s paymen pus taxas &S censng. 20400 annual mleage allowance. Excess mleage change m 12e der km olus taxes. O.A.C. tPurcnase once incuoes RDA oiscount Special sance rates axaable in lieu xt RDA 'SOcos' Pus add txr treght and applicable taxes & leesng. Special hinance rte is no aaabeh e0xcwxk spe a Vl S.Dese P Ca an - Altr.tît1.cruse. , i.cwsA tar ceurex , n0,0 ow. cks & . . . . . . . stiln St# 1712013.2St# 858045 1994 lntvqmid 1998 Plymouth Broeze 195VygrS 1997 Intrepid 1997 Pontiac Sunfire, 4 dr * $1&55*.*~6,~* $4,99S s IHOSEFRI NDR 1000 OUs EICE R FUL ECODINED s--O M .,.vialeo elce mdl PS, PB, ABS, 1997 Chev Cavalier 111491 V6. eutx. PS. tar Imm SeC 626812. 1990 Dodge RaM Pick Up 1997 Saturn SU *6V6888ir15tilt. 1997 Ddt. Sbtau$ 1994 BUlCk CenIturY Je la LW 'l' 'Il m -