-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August il, If you have any quesions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E.I Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-49431 B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., 0.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Individuels, Couples, Children & Familles 11084, 1h Lins Elyne M. Tanner Milton, Ontarlo (905) 854-0801 Do 1 aeIosr or 'sucker' stamped on my fore- head Wih eeryreltioshi, n materhow goo t starts, 1 get treated like garbage, in the end. A: This pattern la nol usual. Pain experienceti in the pasl, is fre- quenly the roadblock 10 creating lasling change. Il cao sel like an anchor, tying us 10 the pasl and makng il impossible 10 move forwarti. tn ortier to0 move forward, therefore, we sometimes must firsl go backwartis. This means that we often have 10 exama- ine painful past memores anti experiences, in ortier 10 gain new underslandings, anti unlie ourselves from the past. We tievelopeti our beliefs frorn a chllt's perspective and a child believea, for example. 'Dati hit mie, therefore, 1 arn bat'. Il neyer occurs 10 them tIsaI il might be 'Dati hit me because he la drunk'. If we idenify ourselves by our pain, anti see ourselves le the victini role, il la unlkely that we will become much more tIsse tIsaI. 0, for our own sake we muat le go of the pain, ant i fld a way 10 forgive those thal hurt us. 1 do not wanl you to accept what lhey titi, but 10 realize thal tIsey possibly tiit l ecause lIsey tiitn't know beller, didn'l think, were ill, or hati been so hatily hurt by othera that their own abiliîy tb care was damageti. Whalever their reason, lhey tilt fot treal you hadly hecause you deserveti il but hecause of their own defcits. tn other words, you doeflot have t0 bc asharet of your past hecause yLinL5le1 Yet, if we give up our olti failiar pain, we have 10 change our patterns and face te unknown. This las sary as miany of us stay anehoreto10tIse past. Il takes a treinendous ainount of energy 10 holti onto these painful heliefs anti when we leste 10 le go of Use past, we frec up new energy wilIs whch bo tale Use future anti hegin tonsake real lasting changes. Athough simplifled here, these aleps can rarely be taken alone, but wiUs Ue guidance of a trusteti. qualifled psychoUserapiss, who has thsa perspective, you will quickly begin bo make the deiret changea. Elayne Tanner s a Certified Social Worker in pravate practice in north Milton. If you have further questions or if you would lake Io arrange an appointmnent, please cail (905) 854-0801. CaintLialit! ± Dr. Tong Wan.9 A ToothT i k Towne Dental Group Milton,, Mail -565 Ontario St. Tony Hl. Wan 0 6 1 8 fiSc., D.D.S. (905) 8 61 8 Almost evcrybody han hadt 1 wrestle with pesky bad habits such as fingernail bitang and foot tappissg. They cao be hartot break. When il comes te your teth, you may have some bad habita you don't even know about. They're just as important te curb if you don't want your teeth to take Ue consequences. Here's a Dat of worst dental habits anti why you should try te change themn: Toothpicks - tIey're great for impaling and rernoving food stuck in. But we're flot al Uat good at target practice in Use mouUs and we often end up poking sensitive gum or shoving debris even further out of rmach. If you musI brandish a toUspick a your defenseless mouth, try using ite crape Ue tooth surface, from the gums towards chewing surfaces. For material stuck under your gums, tsy dental flosa insteaL. Sucksg lemeon - an excellent way te top off iced tes or a Gin and Tonic, but terrons are a case of sour grapes as far as your teeth are concerned. Thse ai acid in Use lemon cao erode Use surface of your teetl. Over Urne your teeth wifl soften or develop tiny groves that invite chipping. Chewing ces cubes - a seeringly harmidesa habit thaI cao speli disaster for your teelli Ise sutiden cold makes Use e oai in Ue flling expand and contract rapidly so UaI you end up with a cracked tooth orsa broken filling. Brushing tee bard - sorne of us take brushing a littie too far. Soft circular strokes wil do wonders for your teeth. But up andi down brushing wilh Ue force of a santi blaster wil actually do a lot mor haies Udm gooti. Your IeUsh may get a gooti scrub but you'll also put yourself at high risk for gise recession. Take il easy, starI helow Use gseshuec, keep your bnussh on an angle andi bnîsh soft cistula strolces. fMONEY ,1CONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRES Fnancial PIano ng - Relremnesl Planning *Mutual Funds .RRSP s- .tC's- .RRI.F's -LaMulgsi,CFP,RHU -Lite and Disability InsuranCe * Tas Shelters Toi: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 Are there different types of disphtity insurance? A:Disabdity inssrance pays yos an incomne whilc yos are disahîcti anti anable 10 perform yosr normal job duties. Policies are ither company- provitiet grosp pans or personal policies. Grosp plans are ussally caneellable anti restrictive in Ueir benefits. For exaraple, the insistance eompany cao cancel Ue policy or change Ue ternis and premiso rate; andthUe "total tisabilty" tiefinition changea front "yosr ablîty t0 do your own job'to "your ability te do any job afler two years. Personal insornore is sually "non-cancdlable and gaaranteeti renew- able."~ With Iis type of a poicy, Use insistance company cannot change the ternis, conditions or premiste rates wiUsout your pelor agreement. Al you have te do te keep Ue policy in place l a py Ue monthly pre- miium (as long as you are 001 disableti) andthUe prernsm cannol bc inereaseti withot your permission. Personal disaiity insurance may have an "own occupation" defloiition. Thsis means tIsat shoulti you nos bc able 10 perforn yosr own occupation anti yos are not working aI another job, Ue tisability insurance policy wIl pay yos a hanefit suntl sgt 65! Personal tisaility insurance policies are baseti tither on Ue titgree of physical tisability (partial or total) or Ue level of bass of incorne. TIsey may alto inclutie partial anti resiual benefits te ktep tht income bene- fit coring while s ditahîtti policy owner is recovering from Ueir disabiily. For further assistance with your disability insurance neetis, please calI Monty Concepts in Milton, S76-0940. "M5Afîied wi Moncy Comopu OGrop capital Crp. aud Naionol Finanial Mrkting services Inannon Agncylc. GREC J. LAWRENCE B. sc., De CH@ FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIRODOPIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 11P6 1A PrIncesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 702-1611 GrogJ. awrnce Member of the Ontario Soclety' of B. S., D Ch.Chiropodists and The Ontario Collage of Chiropodiste Q: 1 have a callous that continuously grows on my feet. Ta there anything 1 can do? A:Callous is a thickening of skin that builda up over areas that receive pressure and/or friction. That is why they are found over joints or a bony prominence. Pressure causes an mncrease of circulation and in turn develops skin more rapidly to the point where we are unable to shed the outer layers. In some cases calous is asympto- matic, however, in most cases it can be very painful. In today's society many of us live a very hectic lifestyle and overail neglect our health. On a weekly basis I lis- ten to individuals stating, "My feet constantly hurt"., "My activities are dictated by my foot problems", or "If your feet hurt, you hurt ail over". The feet are in most cases an ignored part of the body. Treatmnent of a calous consista of reduction of the thick- ened skin and elinination of its cause. This can be very simple. Causes of callous formation include - (1) a pronated foot, where the foot leans inward around the anide. When this occurs, weight distribution is uneven. (2) Toe deformities such as hanunertoes. (3) Poor fitting footwear. (4) Structural deformities in the foot or leg. Treatments vary from individual to individual, SO if you are having this type of problem give us a cail, and set up an appointmsent. nie cîu.w eoffets extemid hours.Ne refmi asoessary. lie isse allaar aseavail able. [~I HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE e 5 & , Ji LV Centr e orgetown 106 Guelph Street, Georgetown, Ontario, LiC 3Z5 Tel: (905) 873-8400 Fax: (905) 873-8158 My wife was recently diagnesed i wth Parkinson's disease. We were told that speech difficullies may occur. Can you tell us whalto look for and what we can do? A: Chans ina prson 1s speaking ability often occur in people whoavei-aKinon' dieas. Smetimes these changes are the flrst syrn< toms of the disease. In other individuals, these chagesgralualyappear as Parkinson's disease progrcss. Changes ine the ability 10 conununicate are caused mainly by changes in thse performance of the muscles which sre usedt 1 produce speech. Changes may make the muscle movements slower, less accurate, weaker or difficuit 10 coordinste wiîh another movement. The muscles of the lips. longue, throat, lar- ynx (voice box) and lungs may aIl be affecteti. Thse primary results of these changes in muscle performance are thse following: *low voice volume *imprecise speech sounds *speech rate too fast or too slow *monotone pitch *hoarse voice quality These changes are calleti dysarrhria and the specific type of dysarthra characterstic of Parkinsot5's disease is calledhypo- krnetic dysarthria. As stated above, the changes are related 10 a muscle probtemt andi does flot typically reflect decline in intelligence, rnemory, or personality. Addilloeally, il shoulti be note t hal the muscles involveti wilh speaking are also involveti wiîh ealing and swallowing. Problems ie this ares may arise as well and require intervention from a Speech Ptologiat. The medications which are prescribed 10 treal Parkinson's dis- case may be of some help in improving communication skills. Usually, however, a supplemental program of speciflc speech exercise and praclicing compensatory techniques are neeieti. You can hclp assure a favorable response 10 speech therapy by seeking tIe help of a Speech Paîhologist as soo n as anyofthe aforernentionei changes are noliced, no malter ho w sublle they may he. Early intervention is key in the realment of motor speech disortiers. Please feel free 10 contact the Centre for atitional information ant/or tu borrow videolapes on speech difficullies associateti wîlh Parkinson's disease. ¶0 advertie your servce in "Ask The Professionats", cale@@ at 878#2341 TIODAife