6 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Aug. il 1998 SCOMMENT Flox X IIN Milton, Ont. L91 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax: 878-4943 Cîassified: 875-3300 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver As.nenuiale Publisher Bill Begin Genereoi Manager Rob Kelly Editor Karen Cross Circ'ulationn Manager Teri Casas Office Manaîger Tim Cotes Proiductuon Manager The Canadiran Champion îîTrî,ftii, Yep.kl~,y ua i )IMmn 0fý l, MMoî1, M-LJI I4N9 l(Box.248) on )1lie M0îfflifldf Pinting. Publisiiu5& Disirîuting Ltd, 000ut ofsuubar compa- nies wich includes: Ajax / Pickering News Silvertser. Sliston Heraldçourier. Barrie Adance. Barry's Bay This Weelo. Bolton Entertotîse. Brampton Guardial. uligton Shopping News, Burigton Poo. Cily Parent. Colingwood / Wasaga Connectio.hEast Yok Mirror. rin Advocate/Countrti Routes. Etolucoke Guardian, Flamiorough Pos, Geogetown f ndpendenti Scop Free Press, Knston This Weelo. Lndsay Tis Week, Markham Economist & Sun, Mîtlad / Peneanguishene Mrror, Mississauga News, Newmnariet 1 Aurora Era Banner. Northumberland News. Nots York Mrror. Sakoîlie Braver. Sakoîlle Soppig News, Orîllija Today, Osawa / Whitby / Clarnglon Tis Wrek, Peterborough This Week. Richmond Hllii/IThornhrifi 1 Vaughar Literai, Scrborouglt Mrron, Veonilge / Stouttuii Toriure, Tday's Seniors, City of Yorie Guadiar Adeeising is ccepnd un e condition rai, is e ruent ot e typographical moo, tsar portion oi ton adurrtising space ccu- ied su tie erruneous item, tugethet silO a resunatie aflowance for signature. wîiI nul br charged for tut thn baance ofthen aderise- mnuf iii se paiS fr luthte appicable raon.The pulisher reserunS thn rîst ru categorize adertisements or ieclinr Dogs' barks flot always worse than their bites The unpredictability of domesticated dogs was demonstrat- cd late last month in the unfortunate biting of a six-year-old girl. The dog, which was reportedly part pit bull, was tied to a fence on the owners' Comm-ercial Street property July 27 when littie neighbour Nikki Champoux leaned over to pet it. The canine lunged forward at thc girl and bit her face, rip- ping part of her right eye socket, nose and mouth. She was horrified and so was her mother. Whiùle we have heard of few dog-biting incidents as serious as this in Milton over the years, it's important to note that this was far from an isolated occurrence. Forty dog and cat bites in Milton were reported to the Halton Regional Health Department last year. Across the region, more than 250 cases were investigated. Many of the victims were trusting, unsuspecting children like Nikki. The fact that she had played with the dog before without any sign of its aggression may have created a false sense of security. Luckily, Nikki didn't lose an eye or won't be permanently disfigured. Others haven't been so fortuate. Another. sad part of this is the dog that bit Nikki - a loy- ing six-year-old family pet that has reportedly neyer bitten before - faces consequences that could go as far as being destroyed. Please remember that pet dogs are domesticated animais - tamed so to speak - but can be prone to unprovoked aggres- sive and violent behavio Ur. This is true in ail breeds, as Oakville Humane Society man- ager Bronwyn Darnley points out in a story elsewhere in this newspaper. The canine in this case was part pit bull, however the most reported dog bites in the region, accordmng to Ms Darnley, are by German Shepherds. This statistic may be skewed due to the fact that more peo- ple probably own German Shepherds than pit buils, but her point is still clear. Neyer leave your dog unattended where the public, espe- cially children, have access. Don't mistakenly believe that your dog would neyer hurt anyone. Remember that it is a dog, not a funry child. Adults need to understand this and explain it to their chul- dren. If flot, thc outcome could be devastating. Karen Smith 0A p GerTOur YOUR 3 CRAYONS OCvPARIO LEAER PALTON Mr-GUWIT( NEAN ___AN IrIrrrmr~/ -- U,"I AX a N <ITý EAeY! / jueILRAW M YOUR OCAL N -MEYb P ROBAL< LilKI « I..OK$IHE, *OUR READERS WRITE Looks can be deceiving Dear Editor: This letter is regarding the article on violators who hog disabled parking spots, which was published in your Tuesday, July 28 edition. Cliff Bignell says in the article that he thinks some of us who are capable of walking without canes or walkers and though we have a legitimate reason and have a stieker in our car that we are abusing our privîlege. 1 will be 80 years old this year and 1 have been through two major operations since last October. 1 ams able 10 walk without assistance but flot for long distances. 1 suggest that Mr. Bignell review his commuents before putting down the senior citizens in Ibis community. Basil McKnight Milton Soccer rules, admit it Dear Editor: I would like 10 îhank The Canadian Champion's colum- nists for their extensive commentaries on soccer in recent issues. First, we had Murray Townsend's article that was quite an entertaining endorsement of soccer. Now we have Brad Reaume's attempt 10 slam the sport, but in fact once again pointing out 10 ail sports fans the joys of soccer. 1 wish 10 comrnend both writers for their clever writing skills. But, 1 also sente that perhaps they are having diffi- culty openly adrnitting that lhey are in actual fact closet soccer aficionados'. Maybe in their next articles they can just corne out and write it: 'T îoo, love soccer." 1 do agree with Mr. Reaume's final point, however, that we should ail support our local tearns. Corne on out to a soc- cer pitch here in town and catch sorne of the more than 1,200 local kids having fun. YouIl he in great cornpany! Chris Horbasz, president Milton Youth Soccer Club It's so sad to see you go Dear Editor: I arn wnting you this letter because I would likc to tell you about a very special rnan in Milton. His name is Mr. Robert Newman. He is the owner of Newman Shoes. As we ail know, he will be closing his store soon and 1 would just like to share sorne of my special memories of Mr. Newman wilh you. 1 have a very large narrow foot. One summer my rnom brought me in to get sandals. We picked out a pair of san- daIs and Mr. Newman measured my foot. Then Mr. Newman went int the back to get my size. Lt ended up that he didn't have my size in stock. So on Saturday, he got up early and drove to Kitchener to the place where he gels ail his shoes and picked up a pair of the sandals in my size. How many people would do that juat for a pair of sandals? Another memory I have is when 1 broke the strap on my dolî's party shoe. I took il to Mr. Newman and he took the lime te, lix il for me. These are just a few of my mernories of Mr. Newman, I have rnany more. To Mr Newman t would just like 10 say îhank you for being the kind, caring and loving person you are and I wish you rnany happy years 10 corne! Katelynn Johnston, 11 Pud ____ by Steve Nease - - I 400* 400>