Ex-boyfri*end is charged over a'road rage incident A moan tried te, force a 30-ycar-old Guelph woman off the road as she drove througb Milton, police say. The man followed the woman along Hwy. 401 and nortb on Guelph Line, trying to get ber to stop July 28 aI 8:30 p.m., said Det. Sgt. Jackic Gordon of Halton Regional Police. The woman, who bad broken up with her boyfriend, managed to stop at a variety store at Guelph Line and No. 15 Sideroad to caîl police. Her follower fled the area. She wasn't injured. A 36-year-old Oakville man, the woman's ex- boyfriend, is charged witb dangerous operation of a motor vebicle. Car in ditch A 36-year-old Joyce Boulevard woman faces impaired driving-related charges after a car was found in a ditch last Friday. The 1992 Chevrolet pick-up truck went into the ditcb at Tremaine Road and Main Street shortly before 1 a.m., police said. The suspect is charged with having care and control of a vehicle while impaired and having over the legal limit of alcohol in her blood. Hit-and-run driver About $1 2,000 damage was caused 10 a Ford Escort when another vebicle struck it Sunday shortly before 10Op.m. The blue car parked on Mary Street was stmuck in the rear and then the driver fled. A witness describcd the suspect's veicle as a 1990 to 1998 wite pick-up truck with a white cap on the rear. Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 878-5511. The Canadian'ChapnP, Fniday, August 7, 1998 - 7 ESL classes for aduits Thse Halton chapter of the YMCA is noon at E.C. Drury',s Trilliuin School - offering English As A Second Language will run until August 21. classes for adults Ibis summer. To register. caîl Anne Marie at 632-6490 Classes - beld dai ly Iroin 9 ar. [ o or Judy at 875-3~851I Police B/onter School vandalized Vandals went to work poking out 24 windows at W.I. Dick Scbool early Saturday morning. More than $1,000 damage was caused when thieves used a stick-like object at the Highside Drive school at about 4 ar. Police are investigating. Wood taken, again A Mohawk Trail construction site was the second in the area targeted by thieves. Approximately $ 1,500 wortb of plywood - 36 sheets - was stolen sometime between 5 pin. July 31 and 8 arn. Tuesday. It was the second theft of wood froin a construction site in the area after an earlier theft in July. Meat stolen Approximately $100 worth of pork tenderloin waa stolen from a meat truck ovemight Monday. The meat was in a trailer parked on Bronte Street, police said. The culprits cut the padlock off the unit. Car damaged A 1995 Pontiac Grand Arn was the target of vandals overnight July 29. The body of the car parked at a Childs Drive resi- dence was scratched between 9 pm. and 7 arn., caus- ing $1 ,800 damage. Sullivan on probation f or a post game tussie For the second time in under a year, a Milton Merchant player bas wound up in criminal court for hockey related violence.1 Sbane Sollivan, 20, was placed on pro- bation for 18 months and ordered 10 coin-i plete 100 hours of community service and1 anger management counselling for punch- ing Oakville goalie John Lubera in the face after a gaine last December at Oakville Mrena. Thse altercation arose in the dressing room area shortly after a heated showdown between the two teams, wbuse bitter nival- ry bas been well documented. Counterfeits -from WARN on page 5 green wben viewed from different angles. " Look for differences, not similarities. " Compare the quality of thse paper, print and portrait on the notes. e A genuine bill will have a number of smaIl green dises (pdnchettes), whicb can be picked off thse paper, leaving a white round circle. These dises glow under ultra- violet (black) ligIsI. Simulated planchettes are usually printed on. Atteinpts to pick thein off damage the paper of a bogus note. The counterfeit may also have a waxy feel 10 it. - Check for raised printing on the gen- uine bill. The micro pninting on the vanious parts of the bill sbould be crisp and clear. (The miàcro printing is detectable with even an inexpensive magnifying glass. Counterfeit notes normally bave fiat print, blurred micro printing and ofte*n have a shine 10 thens. * On genuine bank notes, the portrait is lifelik with fine detail, inclsiding n-icro- The two players traded insuits and approached eacb other before Sullivan let bis fists fly. The former Merchant defenceman received a stem lecture froin Judge John Robinson in Ontario Court (provincial division jn Oakville) Iast Friday. Juat four days before the incident, former Merchant Dave Aussem, 22, was given an identical sentence for renderîng Bramalea's Chris Heron unconscious with a nasty cross-check during warm-up. His actions took place during the 1995- 96 season. circulating scopic concentnic circles within the eyes that can be seen with a magnifying glass. On the counterfeit, the portrait generally lacks detail. TMe eyes appear lifeless. - Counterfeit bank notes often share the saine serial numbers. - If you are given a counterfeit bill, make note of thse passer's description and, if pos- sible, obtain a licence plate number. CalI police immediately. Handle the counterfeit note as little as possible to avoid obscuning fingerprints on the bill. Fax y<ur sprsreports to Steve > LeBflanc at .4L 16-valve, titt-tp engiae. .4-spendautomaLtosmmtissoa witoverdiveAir coasitioatag-Caise cotrot -Poweratttdows mfoas &WSmart Doots'locks Sittumrnated enLsy system -AM/FM cansette wttfoue speakets 6045 sptt-foid rear seat and ach mote ASK ABOUT NISS4N~S NNNENELEASING 98 SENTRA SPECIAL up to 60 months financing -i- rx