The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 4, 1988 -7 _O UR READERS WRITE lve been there and done that atheist thîng already Dear Editor: Reading Richard Bramnwell's letter, 'We're not just chunks of meat -- we have ife', was a déjà vu experience for me. In fact the popular expres- lion "been there, done that" definitely applied. 1 think I even designed an atheist t-shirt. 1, too, was raised in a traditional religious background (Roman Catholic) and like Richard, when I was in my late teens, 1 decided that the "God thing" was stupid, and the evolution theory was a logical one. With this newfound logic, my religious beliefs were discarded like garbage. Why then, after many years of living the good life, with aIl the trimmings that make life good -- a happy marriage, a good career, great friends, no money worries andi a good golf handicap, was there an emptiness, a feeling of "is this it?" Then seven years ago my conversion, as I like to refer 10 il, happened. The story behind Ibis conversion is too long 10 include in this letter, buith ehc \crieti c cwàis St xx c atut indrioi cbanging, I would descrîbe it as equivalent to being whacked in the head with a two-by-four. 0f course 1 had read about people being bom again, saved and finding religion, etc., but no way did I buy into any of these theories and when one is so flrm in their belief, il is really an incredible shock to have something this irra- tional happen. My very logical mind tried to ignore what was occurring in my life and at first 1 refused to believe that anything this ridiculous could possi- bly happen to me. However, after a few months of denial I finally realized that there was absolutely no doubt in my mmùd about the exis- tence of God. Has my life changed? -- completely, in ways too numerous to list here. Have I tumned into a pious boly-roller? - absolutely not! Do I preach on street corners? - no way! Do I still drop into the Dickens? -- deflnitely! Has my golf handicap impmoved? -- no! One of the greatest changes is that there is now a deep spiritual fullness in my lifc whicrc hefoitc thert searching, andjTny faith in God Richard, you're right. We're meat. We have life -- both the know today and the spiritual Hfi etemnity with our God. Debate has advi Dear Editor: This letter is in respoi Bramwell's 'We're not just from Vol. 139, No. 4 1. What began as a debate abx classroom has developed int( more far-reaching. Ken Cam Canada is founded on Christia Christian educations shoulc schoolroom. Perhaps this is t! take Mr. Bramwell's testimon3 Mr. Bramwell, despite being boy andi also having evolution Thanks a lot for ail your support Dear Editor: On behaîf of Visual Insanity and guesta I'd like to say thank you for the help The Champion has given us over the past two years. As you are aware, Visual Insanity is a local art group and is very appreciafive of any sup- port it can get. This year at our outdoor show we held an art auction with proceeds being sent to the Milton District Hospital Foundation. It is with great news that we were able to send off cheques in total of $850 10 the founda- tion office. Work by local artist Maureen Casteller and Gail Mowat was given to the highest hidder along with a donation by a company with interest in the Milton area. Again, I wish t0 say thanks. Russell Jodway Visual lnsanity Evry a minutes anothu Canadien la diagnosei wihdiabetes. WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN OUR CURRENT "LONG WEEKEND SALE" FLYER PAGE 6 -0.6 CU FI' MICROWAVE OVEN, 43-1760-2 COPY BEADSa 5 POWER LEVELS SHQI1LD EEAil: 2 POWER LEVELS THE ILLUSTRATION IS ALSO INCORRECT. PAGES8- PLUNGE ROUTER, 54-920-6 CO" EEADSa 1)2"COLLET SHOULkBEAD: 114" COLLET PAGE 9 - ITEM #10,112- AIR IMPACT WRENCH, 58-7901-8 ILLUSTRATION IS INCORRECT. FLYER SHOULD SHOW IMPACT WRENCH. 1PAG.E 15 - ITEM #4 116L STORAGE CONTAINER, 424236-6 li e 011 0e- PAGE 18 -10" CAR POLtSHERIWAXER, 39-9003-O COPY READS: 2 AMP SHOULD READ: 75 AMP WE WISH TO DRAW VOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN OUR CURBENT "MORE WAYS TO SAVE" FLYE. PAGE 20OF tNSERT - TRIMMER LINES, 60-2106X COPY READS: 160' X.095" SHOQLID.READI 130' X.095" PAGE 4 - ITEM #6, WIRELESS DOOR CHIME, 52-3946-8 £Q1PX.8EADS: 1000' RANGE SHQI2LD READ: 100' RANGE PAGE 10 - ITEMS #9 & 10, CD PLAYERS, 44-1808-0144-1576-0 SHOUlLD STAE:CD'S NOT INCLUDED. SIiOULD B.EAfl: 105 LITRES 1 We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. enote d330 - Ail Zones shopping spree this month for subscribing to the Champion. Congratulations to the Appletons. THE PA TIO IS No W OPEN AND 15 FULL YLICENSED" 55 Onuado Et. Ne ilton 818-6691 ani ciiptinîcs, iorhîn in (irai' 13, bas been ,îble to corne up xxith is absolute. his own, personalized beliel's. fis diction con- fnot just chunks of notes that he feels very strongly about these ephysical one we ideas. Also, they have given him peace of mmnd fe we will share in and morality in a world that can often be highly immoral. Anne Co&rtney Education is flot dictation. Education is culti- Bell Street vation. Education should enrich one' s mind and allow independent thinking. anced Mr. Bramwcll is a prime example of the resuit of a diverse education -- a confident, moral, nse to Richard member of society. 1 myseif have had the benefit chunks of meat' of an open-minded education (taught in Halton, I might add). My personal beliefs -- which are out religion in the Christian -- enrich my every day. ,o something a lot However, neither of our beliefs were taught, îpbell alleges that they were grown. I think that ail students should an principles, thus, be allowed to reason out their own beliefs radier d be found in the than have them decided for them. This would he case. However, better reflect the purpose of education, as well as ýy as an example. the foundations Canada is built on. gan Anglican aItar Michael Pallett iar idestrnrht to Milton iaiy iuçab taurpit tv