The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 4, 1998 -19 SPORTSI Amy helps power Canada to a silver Amy DiPalma rose to the occasion. In hier biggest challenge to date, the 14-year-old rhytbmiùc gymnast tumned in top calibre performances throughout the recent Jr. Pan-American Championships in Houston, Texas. Over the course of the four-day showcase, which featured 33 gymnasta representing 10 countries, she shone in both team and individual competition - and collected a total of three medals for bier efforts. In the team event, decided by totaling the top 10 scores from each country, Amy contributed three superb routines towards Canada's second-place finish. Gold went to the United States while Brazil took the bronze. "t was very exciting to compete in such a presti- gious competition and Pim glad that I was able to make a contribution towards the team medal," said Amy, a national bronze medalist this past spning. "t was an honour to represent Canada." Based on bier teain event showing, the Milton gym- nast advanced to both the all-around competition and event finals. Consistency was hier strong suit in the ali-around competition, where she gave exceptional perfor- mances in ail four disciplines - bail, hoop, ribbon and rope. She arnassed 34.183 points and fourth-piace overali. Stili, hier best efforts were yet to corne. "I knew 1 had to mun even cleaner routines in the event finals in order to succeed," she explained. Determined to finish the international showcase in style, Amy and coach Nadia Milhaylova made sorne minor routine adjustments just before the final round of competition. The last-miùnute retooling paid off in spades as the local gymnast captured silver in hoop - eclipsed only by Etobicoke clubmate Roxaliana Prus - and bronze in ribbon. She also scored fourth-place honours in rope. Recalled Amy, "Lt was a very emnotional moment for me, standing on the podium looking up at the raised Canadian flag during the presentation ceremony. "L'il neyer forget it." junior hce Merchants begin task of rebuilding top notch team Photo by GRAH4AM PAINE Rhythmlc gymnast Amy DiPalma dîspimys th lu duaswSn rec.nly ut the Jr. Pan-Amerlcan Gamea. This game's political A sandlot showdown between north Halton's mnicipal politicians is slated for tonsorrow (Wednesday) evening at Hornby Bail Park. Milton Mayor Gord Kranlz and bis town council mates bave accepted the challenge of Halton Hilis' Marilyn Seijeantson and conspany for a 6:30 p.m. slo-pitch gaine. Flying Use other coninunity's flag at town bail for one week is the pumisbment for losing Uhc softball bsttle. In perhaps tbe toughest role of tbeir political careers, Halton Chair Joyce Savoline and predecessor Peter Pomeroy wiil act as Use garne's umpîres. A 50-50 raffle will be held during the contest while donations will also be accepted in support of seniors' prograins in boUs cominunities. By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion The Jr. A Merchants have started building for anoth- er championship season and have brought two bud- ding stars on board to help with the construction. Bonafide sniper Chris Rowan and multi-talented defencemnan Carter Trevisani are the newest recruits in the fight to keep Milton on top. Both opted out of this spring's Ontario Hockey Association (OHL> draft, wbere despite being under- age prospects they were rated in the first round. Rowan - a 6'Y', 200 lbs. left Winger with vast scoring talents - bad been romanced by the Merchants since the mfidway mark of last season. Visits to Memiorial Arena during Uhe late stages of the piayoffs seemn to be what sold ie Toronto native on the club, one of several wbo were in the running for is services. 'l carne to a few of the gaines. mncluding two agamnst Rayside-Balfour. The atinosphere was just ainazing," said Rowan, wbo netted 50 goals and 35 pointa with the Don Mills bantains last season. *1l ike ie ides of coining to a place wbere tse tearn and community are real tight" Merchanta skipper Marty Williainson describes Uhc MTHL graduate as "a big, physical forward with extremnely soft bands around the net." Ln Trevisani, the club geta a minor midget age rear- guard who already bas a full year of junior experience under bis belt. Last year he earned a regular shift plus some special teains play with Uic Kitchener Jr. B Dutchinen. A native of Carlisle, home to former Merchanta star and current NHL prospect Jeff Daw, Trevisani coines in with Use saine attributes as inarquee defenceman Matt Bannan - namely, superb skating skills and Uhc ability to contibute at boUs ends of the ice. "Carter (Trevisani) bas a ton of ability," said .Williamson. Trevisani, looking towards earning a university scbolarsbip down the road, said be's very excited about joined Uic Merchant ranks. Said thse 6-foot, 175-pounder, "Froin wbat L hear Uiey've got great coacbing and their commitinent to winning is pretty evident. "'m looking forward to a long, successful season." Tbe Meithants' quest for anotber cbampionship ses- son officially begins August 19 when training camp opens at Memonial Mrena. ota's rharper-t deah mean qreat viq * du A Cndibig 'AÉomtl "'CMDmseCtr ase for3 4 .per monlh for 48 monlhs freghl »AWW OWPY & P.D.E. included$0 43 OnIly $3500 down $'500 $372L -1 tax Nicely equlpped for $28,1368 $ $312 e eWY LAE P mmmmuw_