The Canadian Champion, Fniday, July 31, 1998 - 7 McKichan is named to the Order of Canada The Dance Shoppe By KAREN SMITH 878-1488 The Champion A Campbellville man 'as been named to the Order of Canada for is contributions to tbe business world and years of volunteer service. Now semi-retired, Alasdair McKichan of Guelph Line was notified by mail in May that he had received the bonour, but was asked to keep it quiet until an offi- ciai announicement was made esîlier tis montb.4 "I was amazed," be said, recalling is reaction to tbe news. 1I wondered wbat 1 bad done to deserve it." Nominated by a colleague, Mr. McKicban, 67, bas a long biograpby of positions beld in law and consumer affairs. Lindsay Lafleche Nadine Villa Bom in Surrey, England, be eamed is bacbelor of A special Tbank you to Lindsay and Nadine for 2 wonderful law at Glasgow University and began is career witb McGrigor, Donald and Co. of Scotland. Dance camps. The 2 weeks were action packed witb somethîng In 1957, be moved to Winnipeg where be practiced f or everyone. Tbank you again for your bard work. law witb Aikins, Macaulay and Co. Two years later be was asked to come on board as Senior Dance Camp August 4, 5 and 6 general counsel for the North West Line Elevators - Space stili available, cali 878-1488 Association, for wicb be exercised is reportedly Campbellvllle resident Alasdalr McKlchaf lai CPR Training, Fitness, Highland, Vocal, superb negotiation skills in the grain trade. now a member of the Order of Canada. During this time, he also contributed to the Royal board member and honourary secretary for the Royal Audition Training, Self-Defense Commission on Transportation, which examined Wnnipeg Ballet. $85.00 for all 3 days or $40,00 per day. Canada' s rail systemn and made recommendtttiofls for Witb a daugbter suffering Down' s syndrome, be improvemient. was also chair of the Mississauga Association for tbe 'r' OOOD NEWS: W l ARE MOVINO G However, tbe McKicban family decided to move Mentally Retarded, now the Canadian Associationi for -lo o sa 7 anS,(cosfo h oSain east, so in 1963, te fater of two daugters became Community Living. lo o sa 7 anS,(cosfo h oSain tbe general manager of tbe Toronto-based Retail He was chair of the Canadian Society of *2 large "State of the Art" dance floors Council of Canada - sometbing be said be came Association Executives and beaded the Sectoral - change roomn - air conditioning upon purely by accident. Advisory Group on Internationial Trade, Consumer eplenty of washrooms - viewing windows After seven years, Mr. McKicban ieft the council for and Housebold Products, which reported to the federal the position of vice-presidettt of consumer and corpo- minister of the environment. and much, mucb more! rate affairs for the T. E-aton Co. Ltd. of Toronto. He was a member of the Waste Reduction Advisory But after four years, in 1975, be retumned to the Commîttee for the Ontario Ministry of Environmerit Tap, jazz, Ballet, Higbland, and Acro jazz Retail Council of Canada, tis time as president and and on the board of directors for the Canadian Centre competition, Examt Work, Rectal chief executive officer before retiring in 1994. for Pblantbropy.A e 3 ar olan up F nfo.r vr Over tbe years, be also made time to serve as a * se HONOURED on page 10 Ags3yasodadU!Fnfreeyone! 0% A S LflAAV £AIN- tCASHWAY p3O-S un lOom-5pmn iMI0 U m 1;Uiii~r - LmonEFO mmeemlun II oUw T' MJOU ashay esevâsthe ih ta limit quantities ta the amrount re anble tor g r4u o aoiractor cuVoromersis Our pIicy t j crm uiSXgte a veiig. ln tme avent a t ony errar,, e wvitî make qvery reasoaole e trttç accQmmadote our customers on a y r uct warranties ovai îbie at th store. Quantities LmtdNoaRainchecks. v BUIL