22-The Canadien Champion, Friday, July 31, 1998 - - INUM-- NO MONEY DOWN SEAT Sale! Freshen up RASPBERRIES - Freshly picked, dleaned and Pentim 166, 233 MMX your dinetteldiriginroom indMvdually flash frozen. 2.5 KG, $1795, 5 KG Computer ram.. $1 ./wk chairs. Roll ends..trom $3295 (Less than $1.95 par pint) MacMillans Hwy. 25 0 TVs fririi $5,25/wk $18.95/es seat, Fabri #7, 1 mie mest of Actas (519)853-0311 Fsher Stereo .... $4iwk & labour iluded. Appliances..$6.25wk Fields Ouality Customt TOMMTES CAULIFLOWER cd. in Onh. $625wk Upfolstering. 875- SE. ONIONS, CUMBERS, PoTAoES, Un.t tante, 1h 46.$25/aM 4427,19-9. BEETS DILL, CABRAGES, BROCCOIL. Rding Lawnmower, SIT ON IT - Dont Sit n Lt!(~. e it us apere 125 HP ... $1375/ah If! Replacement foarn Pick your own - Ready picked (please cal) Caii 1-8»0267-9466 for cuahiona. "711 FARI" DePaoli Reidential/commer- 873-2050 - 877-7976 CéIf for aeîiiabiiii Rdre»Iyodi. Fields Upholsteiy, Mon-Fni 8-8, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 8-2, Hol. 8-2. enq 9-9. 7 days/week! 875- 15 Sderoad, 1 im v. t otf Tl.falgarRi, deln ww 4427. 1 fini fa on north si, SemWatown. lucuCORN, PICKLING CUCU.B .R 1 FEN P-uP NEW POTATOES available PICK YOUR OWN AT CHAS. GREIG FARM Bais & Mabel Devolin 15 sideroad, 1 mile teest af Trafalgar Rd., 3rd driveway west of RR tracks. Open 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m. Mon. - Fni.; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. & Sun. Free recipes! Weather & conditions permittingl 877-7484 Mmn-u tALE Lhasa-Paa mantha aid 877-1819. A DRERS wanted. Be part of the teara. Top rates, benetits, new sale equipment, sched- uled tinte off. U.S. expe- rienoe, gaad abstract, Milton baaed. Fax resume ta 905-693- 0025. DAYCARE CENTRE requirea full ar part tinte help. Please bning re- sume ta Goadlif e Fit- neas Club, 855 Steelea Ave. E., Milton, or fax resumne ta 905-876- 0807. Attn: Leigis Anne. When iooking for woikloo10k towards 19becamblian champion IsIey'e Mitea is currently accepbing applications for thse followng positions: Liane Cok§ *0Uutsflesteaee No experience is necessary. We are looking for excep- ional people whe are focused on "No Problent' guett service and love tow work in a fun almnosphere. Pickup your application at 45 ChishoînsDrive between 2pntand 4pm Mon ta FM. 25 Line Hatal AZ Drivers for cour GM Contract Needed Now! JOB FAIR ON MONDAY! As the GM Strike nears thre end, we need ta have 25 drivers ready ta voie! Our ruas are Automioive Unehaul (No-Touch) usat run 9-13 hours pet day, Monday to Friday. Tise tans originale in Milton and are paud Fiai Raie ietween $160 and $176 per rus. Ail positions are Contraceta Pensaanent. To quali. fy you must have 6 usanthsu veiiabte AZ experi- ence, nto more tisa 3 points on yeur abstract, a car- rent ICC medical and Crimiànal Record Seurch or 1- 94. tf you are interested in Apptying, corne teo ou JOB PAIR on Maaday, Aagast 3 betwcea tOam aad 3puu ai tie IFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOP t Hligbway 25 and tise 401 in Milton. If you are unabte to attend aur JOB PAIR, but wnutd like toauppty. please cat. Yar Advantage Staffing Consultants tnt. "Thse Transpotaion Speciaaltt" Phneai1-888-213-3375 *CanddatesNEYER pa àafée et IYur Advantfget MAINTENANCE PERSON Fu Tint position for person with experience and knowledge of HVAC's, pluntbing, electri- cal and tiseellaneous repaira. Tise right person for thse position muse be a self starter, able toise a leader, woek with tise publie and staff, and looking to grow within the companty. Fax Resame ta: (90) 878-8792 875.3300 t.i ns, Yom' No students please! Cali GakvilIe 827-5661 ciChudleigh 's CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Vour Own Apple Season. Retail, Tour Guides, Tractor Drivera & Information Booth & BBO. FuI out applications at Chudleigh's 9528 Hwy. 25, between 9 & 5. L MILLSIDE RESTAURANT requtes Applyn personta 43 M in Street . Mnt ano UL& PART TIMEasitnfo DO YOU Uike Children and are you familiar with warling with ponies? We have a great job for you 5 days a week (1 on tise weekend) 4 ta 8 hauts a day until tise end of October. Please caîl 878- 2725. EXPERIENCED Fultime, Counter Help required. Apply in persan ta: Caf- teetime Donuts, Marin & Steeles Ave., Mion. EXPERIENCED WAIT STAFF wanted for a very busy Restaurant. Breezy Corners Restaurant, 1480 Hwy. 6 Narths. Apply n persan or caîl 1-905- 659-1556, ask for Nicte or Mari. FIRST Choice Haircutters requires hair- stylista immediately for a busy salon. Excellent wages + benef ifs. Advanced traning. No clientele necesay. Cal Rlobert et (905)815-3216 or (905)69.447. UNE COOK expenienced n Italian Cuisine, part- U me, breakfast & Bnanch Cook for weekends. Cal 905-875-3305, Brunella Ristorante, Miln. shampooing. Required for Satutdays and some eveninga. Cal 878-9533 and as for Martin. PERSON for assembly work witis mechanical ability. Experienced with hand toals. Shipping experience an asset. Fax resume ta: (905)875- 4729, Miln. TORONTO AUTO AUC- TIONS. position avail- abfe. Drivers and Out- door vehicle inspectors. You must have tise follow- ing qualifications. Abilhty to effectively cammuni- cate bth written and oral, good watt etis, be seff-motivated, capabilty of worldng within a teant environment. Pease calI John Pan or Cathy Ku- dlik (905) 875-2915. Fax #905-875-3219. WANTED - Part-tinte for fieldlyard watt, flexi- ble hauts, chain-sate exparience preferable. Cal Anne 854-9833. IGo Green. This Wee. veryWe SALES PERSON We are interested in a Sales Persan witis excel- lent work etiis and ionesty. You must be of a positive nature and attitude and be abe 10 work witis a minimum amount of supervision. We are retailers of hsorse trailers, cargo trailers and auto iaulers and require a person ta enisance aur professional teant. A portfolio would be an asset but fuît training would be provided for tise riglst persan. Apply ta Box 2409 C/O Tise tndepetsdent/Pree Pres 211 Armistrossg Avenue, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X5 MANAGER & SALES ASSOCIATES Mature, experîenced profession- ais required for ladies' ciothing store. Cali Shanea ut 905-876-3774_ INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE motivated, energete. mndivîdual w th supertor communica- tion and organizattonal sklls, to joîn our inside sales team. Experience in steel sales/purchasing will bc an asset. Interested applicants should submit their resumne to the attention of the: Branch Manager 8055 Esquesing Line, Milton, Ontario L9T 5C8 PERMANENT PART TIME MATURE RETAIL SALES CLERK wanted at HARRIS STATIONERY LTD. 182 Main St., Milton L9T 1N8 Deliver resumne in person to Mr. Bonin, Tues. Sat. EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTITIVE mequired for the Niagara Region. Canadas leading publiction for mature consumera requires an expenienced pnint advertising Reperesentative for the Niagara region. This is a full time position, compensation includes competive salary, commission and mileage allowance. The ideal candidate for this position has a solid track record n print sales, an enthusiastie approach and la a self starter. Please toward resume in confience to: Advertlsing Manager @ Forever Young 467 Speers Road, OakviIle ON., L6ÏK 3S4 or fax (905)337-5571 Experienced Account Executive Required Canadas leading parenting ýublîcation requires a professional Account Executive to represent the reater Toronto edition. This is a full tinte position that includes competitive salary, commission and mileage expenses. Thse ideal candidate is an enthusiastie self-starter with a proven track record in print advertising sales. Please forward resume in confidence to: Advertlslng Manager City parent 467 Speers Road, OakvillIe, ON L6K 3S4 Fax (905) 337-5571 Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing in Milton has an immediate opening for an experienced Teemarketer to join our sales team. As a motivated self-starter with a proven teiemarketing background, you will be responsible for the co-ordinating and selling of numerous features and sections. You must be able to work under deadiines, and understand how to juggle numerous tasks. We offer: - a base salary - lucrative commission package - stable work environment Please forward your resume to: Bill Begin, General Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main St. East, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Fax: (905) 876-2364 -i )pies for sale. 3 -- - .- .- 1