8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 24, 1998 Mrve u (905) 69.3-O:e 3rd Line Driving Range >Saturday, July 25th, 1998 BBQ 12 - 2 pm Corne out and join the fun! 303 6621 - 3rd Line (South of Derry) Individual Raymond & Margaret Boone Larry & Barb Ferriman Frank Hamilton Fenwick & Movita Nanton Priority Courier Data Cont. Kenric & Zandrena Carter Michael & Jenny Rankine Daphne Mullings Loy & John Bradtey Cheryl & Geoffry Allen Eart & Dulcie Johnson Friday & Saturday Nightly 9645 Pm & 9:15 Pm Sunday- Thursday Nightiy at 700 PM [;1A MASOF ZOM Friday & Saturday Nightly a! 6:45 Pm & 9:15 Pm Sunday - Thursday Nightiy a917:00 PM [PG, SMALL SOLDIEU Friday & Saturday Nghtiy ai 7:00 Pm & 9:15 Pm Sunday - Thursday Nghtly at 7:00 Pm Sunday Matineeata 2:00 Pm ie and Crystal Johnston say nks to the Businesses and ýviduals listed below for rsponsorship and support ards Team Ontario Soccer. Businesses Milton Youth Soccer Club Knuckles Sport Shop Spokes 'N' Siopes Bruce Hood Travel Charley Fitzwhiskeys The Chartes Dickens Rest. Wattzing Weaset Apple Auto Glass Lumbervitte Co. Ltd. Toronto Dominion Bank S U Software Applications Milton Dodge Jeep M & M Meat Shop Colin Best Appraisals Halton Beauty Supply & Hair Studio Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Open for business The Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) of Haton opened its new office at Martin Street Wednesday. Helping christen the new facility are <ram Ieft) case manager Brenda Foster, past chairman John Burkus, Milton Mayor Gord Krantz and case manager Kim Gillies. Reverend's battie to lift injunction not over yet from CAMPBELL on page 1 cer, effectively throwing tbe chances of fighting the injunction out the window. However, a judge made tbe injunction an issue at Rev. Campbell's trial in Ontario Court (provincial division) in Toronto July 15. "Wbat be wanted to do was to face tbe injunction square on," said Judge Milton Cadsby. "Tbat's what was in bis mi, not to obstruct the peace officer. Tbis charge is dismissed. "I'd just like to add that tbis charge was not laid until almost two montbs after tbe arrest. 1 don't sec why it sbould take a police officer two months to fig- ure out whether be's been obstructed or not." The judge also questioned why tbe injunction, whicb was deemed temporary when ordered by then Attomney-General Marion Boyd in 1994, hasn't been settled by the Province. About 35 anti-abortionists on band at the trial were "elated" witb the judge's response," Rcv. Campbell said. Now tbe reverend said be believes bc bas the back- ing he needs to lift the injunction witbout getting arrested again, and will lobby Attorney-Gencral Charles Harnick and other members of the provincial govemment. prompt the govemment to take action without having to go further," he toid The Champion Tuesday. Rev. Campbell was arrested outside tbe Scott Clinic September 2. Earlier in the day he left the area imme- diately on a police officer's wamning to avoid being charged with obstructing a police officer. However, he returned about 30 minutes later. He was knceling and praying wben a police officer returned and asked him wbat his objective was. Rev. Campbell said be wanted to be cbarged witb disobeying a court order and walked on bis own accord to an awaiting cruiser to bc arrested. The Milton man, wbo ran for public school trustee in the last municipal election, said be was also pur- posely arrested to support Oakville abortion protester Linda Gibbons, wbo bas spent most of tbe last four years in jail. Ms Gibbons, who Rev. Campbell said oflcrs "sensi- tive and compassionate sidewalk counsclling" to women about to bave abortions, bas been arrested repeatedly outside tbe Scott Clinic. Rev. Campbell said he's also calling f'or Ms 1Gibbons and otbers wbo mineb er qualilications 10 be liccnced to provide the service. Dredging could take most of the summer, according to Town Joan & Tim Walter Digital Renaissance- from COUNCILLORS on page 4 ty. Snc sal idm i i uie ii uipt' 'îu'tt.'.. Sandy Kinsale Executive Fitness During questioning by Councillor John Challinor, bccn lincd up. olpafr Ms Duignan said none of the experts she consulted Mayor Gord Kranii said tbe Town sbol a o Audtey & Mary Long Pan Project Ltd. had been on site. Mr. Challinor asked for verification barvcsting operations sincc it alrcady bas moncy set St. tpesCuc eraoftenxosooran lee ae ult rb aside for the task. It is cxpectcd to cost about $3000. Stephen Churc Penrel of em nxosoos.adalgdwie ult rb Howevcr, bc conccdcd the drcdging îask would bc *Special Thanks to our Soccer Coaches Dad, Dave & leo aeapt fsmecnevts, adbcyond the mceans of Town Hall. Bert Zonneveld, Drew Murray and Paut Nelson "esol aeapt fsm osraim"si According to Mr. Tbompson, tîhe drcdging operation Mr. Challinor. I don't tbink that a deep cut ai ibis would bc, usata nctkn.Tepn ol *Won Mexico tournament in May 98 point in time is prudent." ha e a bedai andrtng Thcd od oumk' *Won Michigan University tournamnent in June 98 H-owever, Councillor Cindy Lunau called for a more could movc on it. Givcn that tbcrc is an estinmatcd iso SNational tournamnent in Aberta Juty 24 aggressive appro acb.. She said that wben she takes haîf metres of sult iin thc pond, drying could take somne National em EatvWetAg2 measures on îrimming ber garden, weeds always time. Mr. Thompson cstiimatcd thc projeci could takc Teas Est estAug28come bock stronger. mucb of a summer scason. *W.A.G.S. in October (Washington Area Girls Soccer) Ms Duignan said mucb of the cosi of barvcsting tbe Ih is bopcd ibat a drcdging operation could bc orga- 1 weeds and dredging could be homne by the communi- nized in the nexi few years. i- -. 4i.-~ .s..b~ ~41i '-" 1is'~ V ssatr at s',V o'~ 'î'i~n .na .-.a '~ar.~I~0,~",.S UN JOTEENIS CLOTHING FOR WONIEN PIATIT, RI:Gt LAR & PLUS -1-14 Main ýlý 1 . Milloil S -1 ts- () 5 0 (1 - ci-, ,f' thiç viiiiiiiicer hein had alreadv , 1 , ý l - - - A. ý