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P-q'MgENB«UTY 875-081 1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St) Mlton A betier soludwn' 00, PUBLIC NOTICE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION GUELPH LINE (REGIONAL ROM) 1) AT CHURCILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1479C Notice is bercby gven pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended, that the Council for the Regional Municipality oflHalton proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, Septemnber 16, 1999 ail 9:30) ar.. pass a by-Iaw f'or the road improvemenis and intersection reconstruction ai GuelphLi ne (Regional Road 1), north of No. 15 Side Road Town oU Milion. Plans showing the proposed work rnay be inspectcd aIt the Planning & Public Works Dcpartrncnt, Halton Rcgi<nal Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. On Wednesday, September 9, 1998, a 9:30 arn. in tbe Haltun Regional Centre, 1151 Brunie Road, Oakvillc, Ontario, Council through its Planning and Public Works Coinmiitec will heair, iin persuon, or by is/lier Counsel, any person wbo dlaims that hi/ber lands will be prqjudicially affcted by the said by-law and wbo applies lu tIhe Regional Clcrk no laier than Fridaiy, August 14, 1998 tu be heard. For furiher information, pIeuse contact Mr. J. Choi, P. Eng., Manager of Desigo Services at extension 7610. 825-6030 639-4540 www.oegion.holton.ca.co From Milîon/Oakville From Burlingion JOAN EAGLESHAM RFIIONAL CLERK Councillors agree to start cleaning up pond By BRAD REAUME The Champion Bîsînt wîsids backced by d ie apllaîuseif 35 soppi ii- ers scciîîiiel arinheiîbrs <cfflie ci iiiiinity services coriîmii feu ît iitol ii llme M il l'Pond Mucîday iîîgi. Flliec cîiiîif fecdccided Ioiii îîdiafcly uoilcriakc a decil cul cf*illiiusi oclflic vegctatioîî clcckiîîg Ile ponîd. In additioniswaler will bc dsvericd iti>Ille ppul(] frouîr 101 Mvile ('rc'ck and 'ai iî 'îslsl iossll Ponsvsll begîls planinisg for a di cdgs ig cperat iiîî as a lo ng- terni solution. Jcohn l)cignan, a mucsîber olfliel)uwnlîiws Business Improvenîcult Ares (BIA> puond comimilece, waîs unbaippy wben s municipal staîf reccîmmendaticin calld l'cr only a sliallow cu(l uthIe vcgetatiun about 6(0 ciri. blow the waler's surface. le îcld the commit- lee uf council ibat lie undersiood a deep cul bad been agreed lu and would go fbrward. Doug Thompson, Milîoni's coordinalor utparks and facilities developmeni, explained ihai the ibrusi of is report was purely a staff recommendalion and was nul intended lu represent lIse sub-commitiee. Mr. Duignan said members of bis commitice f'eli tbey bad mnade a substantial concession by allowing a pari of' tbe pond lu remain uncut. Tbey made the change in deterence 10 Hallon Region Conservation Auîborily biologivi David Feallierslone, wbo iv con- cemned tIsai wiîboul Ilie vegelation iliere could be a problem willi algae. Mr. Featbersione defended is cati for a sballow cul, saying a cautious approacb was warranted. He con- ceded tbat there are so many variables it would be dif- ticult lu predicitIshe risk of algae, admitting il miglit nul happen at ail. Mr. Duignan calied tIse HRCA's position on tIse infestation and Iarvesiing "inadequale and erroneous" 1given tIhe situation aItIshe pond. He ealîed the current state of thie pond and the poli- cies wbicli brouglit il lu iliat "an unmitigaled disaster." He added Iliat old ideas, metbods and assumrplions "(The milfoil) is an extremely rapidly growing pestilence, a nightmare corne to life. Only equally aggressive control rnethods wil work." must lie suspect il tbey bave luîled iii produce a clean pond. "Pasi efforts and individuals bave lailed in ibis quest," lie said. "It is time to admit this and move on. Those thai will not do ibis must, and sbould, stand aside." Councillors saw two videos. One sbowed the pond as is, choked witb weeks and dangerously close to being converted into a marsb. The otber sbowed a Canada Day batbtub race frorn nearly 20 years ugo, witb people swimming and splasbing in the pond. Mr. Duignan spoke very litile during the iwo sileni videos, allowing the picture 10 carry bis message. "If a pieture is wortb a tbousand words then ibose piclures spoke volumes," Mill Pond sub-eommillee cbair Pat Duignan told counicillors. She said the Eurasian water milfoil, a weed wbicb is cboking the pond, is capable of growing une centime- ter per day and can develop to a total lengili of three meters. She said thse vegetalion stopped paddle huais from being used on the pond and makes fisbing impossible. "(TMe milfoil) is an extremely rapidly growing pesti- lence, a nigbtmare corne to life," se said. "Only equally aggressive control metbods will work. It grows su fast a surface cut is useless." see DREDGING on page 8 MY SISTER 'S CLOSET IT'S FINALLY Pi> IERf E!m BLOWOUT SALE! ENTIRE NOW ACCEPTING FALL WEAR We have a great demand for designer fashions and good condition clothig, please cail us! ____mYý SISTER'S CLOSET Yourfirst choice for second debutfashions 42 Bronte St. S., Unit 11l, Milton 875-0232 Hours: Tues-Wed 10-5 put, Thurs-1O-8 pin, Fri-1O-6 pin, Sat-11-4 pin 1 __ROOF