22-The Canadiain Champion, Friday, Juiy 24, 1998 ~ PREGNANT? Decoona ta - Ip make Call uswerehere to Part Timo Office _________ 75-24. Required ADAPT nsw osters sulpa- F ae nenll a-.pecti. (iff uîiediffnii IAiif mdliinnti rnrlr istration wilI be advantageouS. SUCCeSssîi gambisg. for as appoint- applicant mast be conscientious, work ment caîl 693-4250 or 639- weii with others and independent. Hours 6537. are 8am - lpm. ARE YOU BEI NG atected Apply to:by nomeone aen 'sdrink- Appl (o:ing? Anon Family Group Box. 2288 meeta each Monday night 8 c/o Canadian Champion p.m. ai St. Pauls Unted 191 Main St. E., Church, back door (parking Milto, ONlot enîrance.) 1-800-891- LOT 1 N7 TORONTO AUTO AUCTION requires a ful-time Office Clerk. Dulies: Data entry, filing and other clerica duies. 2 BEDFlOOM Apartmenf Or Please contact Cathy Kudlik or John Pam, 905-875-2915. Townhoase for September 1. Referencea available. Phone 876-1381. LOOIGNG for a 2 bedroom houae or apartmenl or fat DENTL OFICEOPPRTUNTY for 3-4 monts only from We have a fulil ime position avaiiabie for 9o89 pemer7a. 88 an experienced Receptioniat in aur generai family practice. Knowedge of Ael ONE BEDROOM apart- Saftware system an asset. Our ideal candi- ment or houne on oufalifa date would posseas CDA & HARP certfiea- af Milan. Wiling ta help lion, as weii as excellent Inerpersonai wllh rapaira, redecorating, communication aiis. gardenlng Good tenant. Repiy la: Dr. Paula Cansin, Reheka, 1-416-510-6207. 106 Wakefied Rd., SEEKING ta ent sedluded, Milon, Ont. LgT 2L8que,2bdomhs, Fax:878-0557 - Phone:878-0555 qusit oMoxe,- lent references. buai- ~nesHome telephone No. 905-338-8049. A SYSTEM ADMINISTRATR Req.ired for a gowti-orWered. progressive company. The S.A. wiil be responsibie fDr Ie compléle bntemalcorrpur systarns wthin the company, includng planning, purchaslng, mnaintaining and upgradlng existing equipment. Expenience within a Windows Novel Network i8 required. Software exposure should include Accesa, Word, Excel and Powerpaint. Creative thinking wouid be an asaet. Wo offer a competitive saiary, a comprehensive beneflt plan, a casual workpiace. standard worldng hours, and th potentiel for advancemnent. Piesse repiy ln confidence ta: General Manager P.O. Box 217 Georgetown, Ontario L70 4Y5 Please rark the ouflale of the envelope OP*rsonal & Confidentlmi". ihose bebhog anied an itle.vw .111 fe coniaoiad. Excitng career opportunites now avalable with Canadas largest flîness companyf Goodlif e Fitness ln Milton now requires Flînesa Trainers, Membership Co-ordinatora, and Reception, bath full and part ime. Fa:<0~876-0807 I moTHER aiftwo avalabie NEW AGENCY, Cading for chidoare. Feiale houra Places. Seaits Providera for ln a non-amoklng home. lcenaed pivatebome id 693-0678 Milaon. oce pmograma. 876-1514. FOR A BETTER JOB Do your computer skiiis make the grade? Computer training, fiexible hours, ieamning guarantee. Job Assistance programn. For aFREE COURSE CALL GARY 905-702-0352 ABUSED an arakl? For heip oeii 878-8555, a 24 tour cri- is fine for abised women Hataon Womens Place hi an energency sheiker avaliehe for abused woen and thi daidre i Haton Reglon. ail oels ara conNienhai. roora home, gaa heal, lenced yard, garage. No doge pleane. $950. plan. 519-853-4875. GEORGETOWN TOYOTA Ne & Sd dCarSaIaS *New & Used Car Leasing *Parla & Service *Open Salardaya 15 MOUNTAINVIEW RD. N. GEORGETOWN Lotatu mder te »Ier 0w., 1985 MONTE CARLO A-i Condition. Loaded. 100,000 anomnal kmn. $3990. 080. Cali atere6 om. en3-laal. AUTO INSURANCE. Beat raies for moaf drr indluding hgher riak. Cali Warren, 519-853-4284. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY HOGENHOUT & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED, a Canadian company thal combines personal/corporale tax praparalion wilh inancialinvastmenl planning seeks a qualified applicant to servie Milon by way of a protecled Franchise. Enjoy the banal ils of salf-employment within North Americas lastasl growing induslry. Applicanîn must have a minimum amount of lax preparalion experience and a willingness 10 bacoma a licensed iandiaI consultant. Invasîment required. For more information contact HOGENHOUT & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED, 76 Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario L9W 1A .Tai: (519) 942-0220. Fax (519) 942-1845. BY THE OAKS. 3 Bedroom TOWNHOUSE, Four be- room, Ottawa. Waldng is fownhouae,cioae 10 tance Careton University achoola, stops, parka. Avalabie Sept. 1198. Availabie Auguat. $1,025. Twelve mnonth eaae. 905 876-2997. 878-4667. y. 98. 35- 2 BEOROOM apartment, main loor, Mlton, avaîl- able Auguaf 1lst. $775 + hydro. Cal! 875-1856 BRIGHT clean, f reshly painied, 1, 2 & 3 bed- roora apartmenla frora $595lmonth, mail main- taineit. Burington high- nase. 333-9846, noon - 8 P.m. MWIL5DE TOUERS - 82 MRIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 2 Bedrooras availabie on han rute, frmohiy decoraied, 2 appli- ances, on-ie iaandry, incision alilaiioea (eacepi phone & cabie.> Free pafiang, no pets. References required. 905876-1249 By appointmenf oniy LARGE lumished room wvith fnidge, stove & sink, $75 & $85 weekiy. Gen- tlemen praferreol. 878- 0l225. OFFICE SPACE fo ranI, 50-52 Stelas Ave, W. Call 905-272-0648. COUNTRY Esiata. Over 6000 sq. Il. execulive home on 9 acres! For recorded message cal (416)499-INFO, enter ID#4030, Cheryl Smith, Royal LePage RE6 CaiI 875-3300 t. Iist y@urs your child's birth in and your child will be featured with photo in our Baby Edition in January. AIR CeNITIOsN M.A.R.C.H. " Water Fumace Syslema Gan Propane and " Hat Pmpa - Air. Ground ElectiloFamacea & Water Sources - 419h Efficiency Air Filera " Central & Foora Air & Humidifiera 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service> 875-2700 (Sles) AI aCNiT ef" cwiél Ju C«d «I" Naturel cas & Propane Saesud evie BBQ PARTIS Gas Propane & Electnîc Fumace AIl makes and modela LeNNOX TER OWEY d u TERRY ROWLEY anam ea Man iR iO . Main St E Urat # Vs# Our Showroom at Vs arShowroom uat 8 8- 31878-1979 _-1 ____-_878_1979 DELREX ALUMINUM UMITED *Alumlnam Awninga -Canoplen .Eaveslrougha -Sorm Doora .Rooflng -Wndows *Sidlng -Fascia *5o88i in living Coloara AIno a full lina af replacement indowa 877-5383 MASTER GLOSS LTD. Vinyl & Aluminum ' IRoyalCff estal Sidîng & Wndowa 5" Seamiena Gutters ERROL MACPHEE 32 eais expenience (905) 878-5337;M M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR Washers -Ciyers - Rangs - Freezers -Reîrieralors -Dishwashera 785 Main Street Easat 876-1138 Across rora the GO Station RF (Fran) McLoughlin The Computer Doctor ý 104i R.exy Oite.GsreteetOateL7G 1tRe 0neS aeiat.for eeins e me i m aM e ý Systm -T- - i5tu g teeete Oso tlsg. M a-*sOtae auis Étude.. .do aeseu nUgiMt.. sseSpeent & ilh I. *mete Rb» deR P«ouOig SeasugStves pettwf51M93-2711 Fm MlCal8737M20 EnIWI:iougttOietoratp.net s-ete ne n re cenflict reseistien * prebiena sivlng - persenai gremals y Censeailgproviddfor Womee, Men, Adoiescents and Children Donna L. Wýhilr Miton/Guelph (905) 878-6358 111111s- T i eFIï 1C 1Zm ATTENTION WOODLOT OWNERS !! UNDER THE MANAGED FOREST TAX INCENTIVE PROGRAM IMFrItP YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A 75% REDUCTION IN LAND TAXES. CALL Dii. CONSULTING FOR YOUR FOREST PLAN PREPARATION ANDIOR APPROVAL Derck LUppers @ 519-742-59n7 sprlng/mm.r hipeotions -Rd Pef M& Mugn Otftpownq-tW àwal Wxlm 0@ w 875447 or I-O8MI7-1157 SEPTUC TANK PRUMPINO Robert Noble Led. - 180 il. ai ose for crossing lawns, 3 radio dinpatched trucks to serve you. non '0W.k f. 9"r »" - PMW 6006M.. lf» f.. (Should pumy ai l"st every 3 yearsl Nover use coioared or double piy toiler paper. (519) 853-0500 A9ea Anaweng Service 878-6869 OVER 25 VEARS EXPERIENCEI -Y' JÉLCOME% "WVAGON SINCi. 1930 " New in town? " Getting married in 3 montha or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: COMMaiy Bridai Baby Busness/ Wlceme Jackie. 878-1907 Gail .... 878-6540 Proienalonal Lindu 854-1563 Pal .... 876-4040 Marilyn .875-0519 1 BARBECUES F,-