2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 24, 1998 Rlot tub FRIDAY, JUY 24 TO MONDAY, JUY 27/98 WHIE QUANTITIES LAST! Energy efficient - Protec 3000 Construction Package worth $399 Easy to use - Cover lift and store system worth $199 Have piece of mind - 5 year extended equipment guarantee worth $299 Extra energy saving - massive 4" thick heatshield upgrade worth $199 Convenient - automatic chemical dispenser option worth $49 Make no payments and have no interest charges for 6 ,nonths!! 350 SEATING UAPAC1TY 6 TO 7 ADULTS Dimensions: 80r85o6» 203z224x9l cm Wter Capscity: 360 US Gallons 1363 Lters Drylfflled Weiglo 650 lia. 295 kgU355 lice 1658 kg 'lerspeutic Jets: Il Jets, te massage yor neck ican d feet Mlirofilter Filteation: Higit performioog, efficietotater leanimg oystem Atemair Conteois: Easy programmiog for heating and flteriog te rave monet Heteieid Caver: Tight lermor iotti ealo srave eoergy and mooey Electrical Hookup: 240 Vot/40lsrrp service Mssssging Pamp: Poerful 2 bp pomps aoth steintes teel hoter Ssfety Approval: But te tire igist staond"o aslsile Underwater Liglting: Mml rettiog and sfety for etry and eit Cstemer Protection: Aono fine pint, stesoglt forward rostemner gorrntee 55()X SEATING CAPACITY 6 TO 7 ADULTS Dimosors 80r85o38203z224x9l an Wter Crpacity: 360 US Gallons 1363 Uàterr IryMPIIs Weiglrk 650 Ibo. 296 kg/36655IS. 1668 kg floerrpestitJets: 20 Jets, ta, marrage yor neck bicck and fet Microfiler Pitrton: Higlo perfiorming, efficintwaster cleaog rytea autematir Contenir: Easy programming for heatisg and fiterieg te rave mney Heâsslield Caver Tigt ltheres botile "alte rare eneeffirand money Electical Hsskap: 240 Vo/40 Amp service Mmaagiog Parnp: Powefai 3 hp pompe atis tainien stseel heter firfety Apprnvai Sailt te thre liglosat standards svrilslole Underatar Ligltio. Mmd etiig amd rafety for entey and erit Custamer Proecio: A ns fine print, striglt forwrrd catemer parentee S-cive Over $1,9100100OQ, Len and Tracy invite you to take advantage of these valuable savings. There's neyer been a better ime to buy ahot tub! 720X SEATJNG CAPACITY 6 TO 7 ADULTS Dmeosions: 00n80o36'203224c9tcm Wter Crprcity: 350 US Gallons 1325 Lters DryISitted Weiglt: 675 is 307 kg13596 its 1632 kg Tierapeoir Jete: 28 Jets, te masge y aur nec k bacir ccd feet Moocrofilter Filtration: Iiglo performicg, efficient aster cleonicg ytem Auotoic Conteols: Easy progrsomoicg for ketiog aod fitevofg te save mooey Sleateteeld Coer: Tiglt thermos hotIe rsi te save energy and money Eectrical Hookop: 240 Volt/t Amp service MasaVgo Pump: Poaerfot 1.5 and 3kp pompe aith toaunteas steel ieater Safety Ocprocal: Bumt te thre higicest standards avaitaicte Underwater Làgitiof. Mood rttmngand ccfety for etry ccd exit Contemer Protection:Anoc fine pnint, straiglot troard cstomer goarotee SEATING CAPACITY 6 TO 7 ADULTS Water Capacity: Dry/Fitted Wegt Th¶ercpectic Jets: Microfitter Fltration: Actemotio Controîn: Heashietd Cover Etectricot Hmicup: c Massacg nPrump p £ * p Safety Appronat: Underceter 14h Hot Tubs & Spas cutomer Protec S 1 N C E 1597 8 ctog. 398 US Gallons 1507 Ltera 800 tes 363 kg41t23 tes 1870 kg 38 Jete, te omage yocr neck bock ccd fot Higic pertrmiof, efficient acter cecocof oytem Easy progrsmcmg for heatmng and fiterncg te cave mocey Tgt thermon otersea te nove ecergy and money 240 VotV50 Amp service Poaerftcl tain 3 hp pcmps aith tle ctss steel boter Buit te the highest standards avaitobto Mood settiof and safety for etry and enit Anoc fine point, straogit forsard cutemer guarontor OAKVULLE 0F1 Lw TM1 SHOWROOM IIi 2379 Lakeshore Rd. W. III~.R SHOWROOM 847-8551i Ext. 24 a Slo esHRin frree Frree frree f:ree f:ree ?lus OPEN MON. TO WED. 9 AM-6 PM THURS. & FR1. 9 AM-8 PM SAT. 9AM-6 PM SUN. 11AM-5PM '~1 y' -- -------- Fm-qLm-w ai Imm ---------- r