Free calling to Guelph, maybe even beyond By BRAD REAUME The Champion Long distance telephane calîs to Guelph can naw be made for free. 'he catch is, after calling 853-1314 peo- ple must listen ta a short ad message, and then call the number af their choice. The duratian af each caîl is unlimited. John Stix, vice-president of Ad-Tel Communications, has set up 50 simitar long distance calling censers which utilize rules allowing calîs ta be passed through a single long distance boundary. Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulations do not allaw calîs ta hop across mare than anc long distance barder. Mr. Stix arranges a sponsor far the calîs, allows that spansor ta include a short com- mercial message, and then arganizes the calîs tbraugb a central telephane number. In the case ai calîs between Milton and Guelph the number is in Actan. Thus any number which is a lacal cal fram Actan becames a lacal cal fram Miltan if the caller lirst cannects w&ith the Acton line. Mr. Stix said that he first began the busi- ness witb partner Jody Scbnarr about four years aga. Currently the sponsorship of the Miltan- Guelphb une is locked up for six manths by a paging cnmpany. "The next stage is ta try ta link il all tagether," said Mr. Stix. "We have developed a way ta channel calîs tbrougb the internet an a phone-to- phone basis." He said bis company can avoid paying long distance charges through such a sys- tem. He expects ta launch the new service in about a month and make it available locally in the faîl. Currently Mr. Stix said be pays Bell for a certain number af telephone cails. If demand increases beyond that number be usually renegotiates with bis sponsor ta caver the costs. In the event a sponsor ceaves. Mr. Stix said he keeps the service open long enough ta get a new sponsor. Sa far, he dlaims, he bas not bad difficulty getting theru. Average caul 10 minutes Mr. Stix said Bell Canada statistics indi- cate the average long distance caîl lasts 10 minutes. Take those 10 minute calîs, at 15 cents a minute multiplied by the 6,000 phone calîs per day many of bis long distance uines bandle, and cammunities are saving as mucb as $9,000 per day or $270,000 a month. Accarding ta Mr. Stix, this is spending money that stays in communities. "Most people cant believe it's free," Mr. Stix said, thougb he admits there is a non- monetary cost. "TMe real cost is a few seconds ai your tinte." Mr. Stix explained that bis company is still expanding in Ontario, trying ta, get ail the local calling zones lied together. He said he would investigate the Milton ta Hamilton zone ncxt. He said his company is also well along the pracess necessary ta enter the same market in Floridia. 2.4L, 16-valve, 150-hp englue. .4-speed automatlc transmission with overdrive -Air conditioning - ruise controt Power w ttdows, mirrors and Smart Doorsru tecks - Ittunsinated entry system - AIFM cassette wit four sCakers -60/40splt-tfotd rear seat and mach more ABOT I&MY'N «NEE AING e e 98 SENTRA 1.6L, 16-valve, 115-hp englue- Automattc transmission with overdrive - Second Generation dual airhags - 60/4 splt-fold meac seat. Tilt steering cotnmn- Chitd'safety meac door tcks - Air conditiontng - AM/FM cassette - Power steering, Power brakes and mach more Life is a joumney. Enjoy the ride. aFrt, PDI, Lie, Taxes Extra. Sec Dealer for Details hop LoceL Loc i5eJ~ NOW AVAILABLE AT R L à v 1