16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday,JuIy 21, 1998 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only, The column is available to local com- munity groups to assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of pub- licity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878- 4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesdlay for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday July 21 Free workshops on wniting resumes and cover letters are offered at the MilIton Resource Centre, 3 10 Main St. E. The weekly 'Create a Winning Resume' (9:30 a.m.) and 'Compose a Dynamic Introduction Letter' (1 p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duration. For more information, eall the centre at 876- 9828. Wednesday JuIy 22 Free workshops on interview skills and the hid- den job market are offered at the Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. E. The weekly 'Leamn How to Seil Your Skills' (9:30 arn.) and 'FEnd Out Where Most of the Jobs Are' (I p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duration. For more information, call the centre ai >ý76-982X Revgtrîation it'. eld hlo i te ,îiii 'c..otalkillîride Area Co-operative Pre-school. The pre-sehool offers half-day fun programs Tuesday and Thursday morn- ings and aftemoons for pre-school eidren. For infor- mation, call Hope at 876-4570. Friday July 24 Individual self-employment information is avail- able by appointment at the Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. Special one-hour sessions can bc arranged by calling the centre at 876-9828. Saturday July 25 A garage sale in support of Deborah's Home, a res- idence for disabled aduits, takes place at the home of Christine Austin on No. 5 Sidereal. 'Me white house is located on the north s1,je, juat east of Sixth Line and west of Hwy. 25. Donations can be dropped off any- time. Cail 878-3988. Sunday July 26 - 31 A summer Art Show and Sale takes place at the Visual Arts Academy, 155 Thomas St. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Society of Milton, the show features original works in various media by 12 local artists. For more information, cali 878-7397. Monday July 27 - July 31 The Milton Community Resource Centre hosts a summner day camp for children aged 6 to, 11 years. The camp runs weekly from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This week's camp features a trip to the Farm Museum. To register, eall 876-1244. Give to the charity of your choice 9:00ai - 9:OOpm Sun. 12:Onoon - :0n ALL V LUXURY VELVETTE PAINT (our regular low price $21.99 - $33-99) Podehgierte.t0et attt SO tt.e attea LaeSa, in 27.Lae Ser a os 147. Atkvd tS Oe h 0.it Le ai te 06, L at.eCeig Fat15.LatxHght.aee177.A kdFi#17,A kd SanLus tre# L&tClair 475 Main St. E. the pentani878m2629, An expert maintenance check of your air conditioner and natural gas furnace now could save costly repairs later Save $20 Combo Heating and Cooling Maintenance Check just $139.90& E Ito Ge eaet., ct Oee.A.C., elhies S7 .wta*4fecit cate, i t aC ,yten reanfcq, er lbour o rfli. tCneaed ot aca euaieeoft$7995 leoi, e fthea. c.a Manteance Chie, and CSI.,q Maeae Chek. 1t ,an dpre,fina ay..e,' et $i9.99 eonex. ,.,thi, ttar condtionIply D taisefte nonPoleatoe.Pan T,,.,and Cwto wtt beet t, ye, e, ,oloiefl. toeOa.eeint ceet., on lnsse'.,Io ,oeeta ueete, tet,,. etteý cek t4e "ycaricel thintt30 <ttt. -Pn'atMind Smie,.., oa taket t.Un'.nEerg l.t, ued orw, ftenee St Unione Ga Lidee. A 28-point inspection* including a test for carbon monoxide, and cleaning (as oecessary) the iospect- ed parts for proper operation. Save $70 The Union Protection Plan for $19.96t a month covers you year round Ooiy $23955 annoatly based on 12 ioierest-free payments. tocides both maintenance checks, ptlus the t-eating Protection Ptao and the Cooting Protection Plan which covers costty parts and tabouir charges for one fuit year.'t If you're aiready enrolied in the Heating Protection Plan, you can upgrade tb include your air condi- toner. Cali for details. Sainte ta Seniors program members receive a 10% discount. Cail today! 1800 441-4619 0 uiongas eoetgy tar y.. -L i P P a r P - n f - m i il ri S è? r v i f p M a i il t e il a ri c 0 C Il p r l<