The Canadien Champion. Tuesday, July 21, 199&-13 Qualfty Greens Sbop By Phono & Dellvery Servicel 5% SENIORS DISCOUNT! EVERY DAY!!1 <Icdos Tobacco, SpWclls & InMmos Naures InsideIE RoundRAND Steak Roast . .. 2 9 Rump RoaSt .29lb. lb« Fresh from the hip Sidoin Thp 9 Veal Cutiets or Roast..... 1b. Scalopin........9b. ......... 3 lb. Beef Shiskabobs. 49 Tendedzed §69 .349 Sandwich Steak. 3O- L.(ln ta tfe ~ rudbe pork, seasoned with fresh herbs & Spices)' lbALndon Broul...Od Roast Sirloin Trip Steak Inside Round Steak ...... Finest Product of USA, Canada #1 Finest Product of Ontado, Canada #1 I ff or Pepe ....9 9 lo. Bt;n Lotuce.. 790 Finest Product from the Tropics Mangoos ..... 69le Finest Product of USA, Canada #1 Finest Product of USA, Canada #114 Cello .afo... 5I Finest Product of Ontado FmhZuchii...6 9 a- u . 4 Finest Product of USA, Canada #1 Nectarines ...i l. Sweet PI.M..... . dom IV rREmqs Imr--10 aw ïea.4, PWoducto inest O 2 2 tbsp 2 tsp each green & gold zucohini balsamic or red wine vinegar clopve garlic, minced Dijon mustard 1/2 tsp dried oregano 1/4 tsp each dried thyme, sait and -pepper 3 tsp olve oil -ru IlCut green and gold zucchini in haif iengthwise; cut into chunks. Set aside. In large bowi, whisk together vinegar, gadic, mustard, oregano, thyme, sait and pepper; graduaily whisk in ail. Add zuochini, tossing ta coat; let stand at raam temperature for up toi1 hour. Reserving marinade, thread zucchini calours alternately anta each af 4 long skewrs, heat; caak, turning often and brushing with marinade, for about 8 minutes or until tender crisp. [ Makes 4 servings. - HOURS: MON. - WED. 0:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. THURS. - FR1. 8:00 ^.M. te 98:00 P.M. Sewt . 8:0 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SUN. 10:00 A.M. t. 5:00 M.M. ..d"o0PI w 99sinis 1 cmel 1 0 Made with Top Sirloîn Steak 1 ye of the Round 1 %CW