Thtt4bdrm ae t Maktchn, omb Beauifuly rnovtedGREAT LOCATION Beaaitaly raoatedThis faar bedraam backsoili atferiag a main home shaws wett. laar tamity raam and a Featuren upgraded taerth bedraam ar oatice braadtaam ihard- an the name leael. Thia waad, targe fenced wfeIl-ade arat arghae yard with treated yard, 800 teestadaara, denk and tani shed.] receny mnaat~ba~ ear aid raaf and ach a re. Pte aaeelectronic air cdean- cJan mare e.'. Make il yaur own. cal ams fo mreCatI Jack for mare 1 nree Degrooms. eai in KUCIlen, 5pacquus living Compare caffying wsts VAth a townhouse. Build yotff wampm- room, ment siding, windows and shingles. AJI equity in several ways. 2 Bedroom home with large on large lot. Asking $165,900. Call Bill Currie iller deck. Part finished basement. Call Audrey or 0 878-4944. E E 1 Clins. $156,500. Check out Chris'web site at for all the latest listings and sales information. Halton's only complete source for online information.