10 -TfieCanadian Champion, Tuesday, July 21,1998 i Canadian Tire Milton Jeif Dolby takes the top marks By STEVE LSBLANC The Champion JcIT [olhy is ail te Ladiîng deý lp le()t- noluex and hes got the national titie to prove at. A remarkable aptitude for elecironics eamned the 22-year-old Miltonian top marks ai the Canadian Skills Olympics, held recenily in Vancouver, BC. With his victory - over 16 other finalists from across the country - went a portable oscil- loscope meter, a highly expensive instrument. "To place first was pretty surprising," explained Mr. Dolby, who' s siudying engineer- ing technology ai Hamiltnn' s Mohawk College. "I had only taken third at the provincials s0 I certainly wasn't expecting to move up ai a high- er level of competition. -1 was very happy to win." The E.C. Drury High graduate was iechnically proficief i n Al aroas of the da\ long conipeti- tion. tle and his nationss dc Opponent \ls SC judged on engineering theory, deciphering dia- grams, circuitry design, transmitier assernbly and trouble shooting. Said Mr. Dolby, "The assigniments were quite challenging and when you're tested over an eight-hour period it can be tiring. "However, 1 was very pleased with the way ii A worked oui. The competition was stiff and îo corne out on top was great." Mr. Dolby will finish up his last semester at Mohawk this fail. He's currently compleiing a summer intemship at Stelco, with hopes of land- ing a permanent position there.