i 4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, July 17,1998 *Contact lens fitting available e Lab on premises e Eye examinations arranged Convenient Downtown Location *Fast Efficient Service *10% seniors Discount *Vision Plans Accepted *Large Selection of Frames MatiItre unt# An Alternaive to Mutual Funds Somothing you're going to hear a lot about in the coming months are segregated funds. These muuluid. uih a guaranIee" look, smell and act lke mutual funds:but they are insurance products and therefore appeal to many conservators investors. Traditionally offered by life insurance companies (e.g. Manulife, Canada Life,G-W Lfe). the segregated fund field is now being opened up by fund companies like C.I., BPI and Trimark. Be. what arsogvogatiquas They really are insurance policies, so at the end of the term (usually 10 years) you get your money back - even if the assets held by the fund are worth less than when you bought them. There are other benefits. Because it's an insurance policy you get to name a beneficiary - without probate fees. Also, if you name an immediate family Tiember as beneficiary, creditors cannot gain access to the segregated fund should a business fail or even in the case of bankruptcy. The downside to these products is the cost of insurance. After ail, somebody has to pay for that "guarantee". The cost of insurance is bult into the Management Expenses of the fund and costs are in the range of 0.5% to 2.0% per year. Boiue lns - Segregated funds can be useful as part of an estate plan to pre- serve capital and avoid probate fees. Or for a business owner who is interested in preserving their personal assets. Used wisely, they can enhance your financial future. For many people, the cost of the guarantee may well outweigh the benefits. Are you concerned about expert projections that you may outlive your retirement savings9 Confused by ail the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Canada Pension Plan and Seniors Benefits" You already know how important your retirement savings will be. Perhaps it's time to get some informed guidance on the value of your present savings and learn how you can maximize the future value of your investments. This is flot about the future I would like to offer my help in your search for financial security. Although banks and trust companies offer aIl sorts of savings accounts, OF M IOR I À I GICs, mutual funds etc., there are relatively few people in the industry who can give you unbiased advice. Frankly most service people do not J L 7 -18 1 11 9 have the time to spend with you to nail down exactly what your needs SRIGO IPR are and to tailor investments and retiremelit plans just for you. w sy ghol n.O It's About Improving Your Future As an independent financial planner. I study aIl types of investmentM products and assess their suitability for my clients - people from al ____ L URI'_________NKES walks of life, each with very different circumstances Initial consultation SA. 6:OOamn - 1 :OOpm 6:3Oom & 6:3opmy at no charge; and of course any discussions wîll be completely cnf-SU. 6:OOom - 1 :OOpm -6:3Oom & 6:3Opm dential. ATATOS W.R. (Bob) ]Reid aTtee olo ie L ) Donaldson Bourgon e Muical terTno t Financial Services e Unique Crofters' Market Inveetrneflt Centre ( 0 )8 5 3 3