The Canadien Champion, Tuesday. JUIY 14, 1998-15 Quallty Creens Sbop By Phone & Delivery Service! 5% SENIORS DISCOUNT! EVERY DAY!! (Excludos Tobacco, Speclals & lnMtoe Featum) ----- - --- iK Ma Boneless Bull Roasi s4? rat on theosQa.2 b Centre Cut, Boneless Pork Pork Picnic Loin Chops ......399? ShoulderRoast Duo 8Oet on the 8BBeQ f lb. Rib End, Boneless Pou'k Loin Roast .38 9 Sweet, Hot, Garic Centre Cut Pealmel BaIcon . Ail our Beef cornes tram The Local Mennonite Community, Certikfied Red Brand, Canada Triple A stammus lu.. . I Boneless Blade9 Buti Chops ...... ?99Roasi or steaks . 26?b Quabys best Ontaio 1 Green Yellow, Rat product of Calomia #1 Large1 4 iimomm .129 Black ion Pm... lb. Beans ....... lb. Canadian (B.C.) or USA f9 ttmi l 20 Suai Cber ... ..2 99b. Rog. Sicingc cu is 9 Onfanio Il, Sweet Loase0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..a......... 591b Otaio#l, Large A L M . .- .---- .dmk M -à 1 reen Cabbago 99 0a USA Ilxtra alcy o ea Granny SMithAppte.8..9U b. Otane Il USA #1 Extoa Large Sweet, Size (9) Celery Stalks ...990 a179ips 4 Park loin chops 2 tbsp say sauce (about 3/4 inich thick) 1 tbsp peanut butter 2 tbsp hoisin sauce 1 tsp sesamne 011 2 tbsp vinegar 2 claves garlic, minced 2 tbsp arange juice concentrate 1 tbsp minced gingerroat Trim excess fat tram the chops; arrange in shallow dish. Combine hoisin sauce, vinegar, orange juice concentrate, soy sauce, peacut butter, sesame il, garlic and gin- ger; pour over chops, turning ta coat. caver and maricate cn refrigerator for at least 1 hour or up to 24 hours. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Reserving marinade, place chops on greased grill over medium heat; cook, basting occasionally wth mari- nade, for about 5 minutes on each side or just until no longer pick inside. ,ýMakes 4 servings ________________ NEW 1 l b.1i jo #1 !ô 4Grade N ORRI< % Wes HOURS: MON. - WED. 8:00 ^.M. to 8:00 P. THUR$. - FRI. 8:00 A.LM. to 0:00 P.M. Set. 8:00 ^.M. to 6:00 P.M. SUN. 10:-00 A.M. te 5:00 P.M. Centre Cut Pork Chops 1 Cream rn pvlj6,,ý 1 UnIl e UlOP)i, q D«.dîoom 1